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RAMBLERS AND PARLIAMENT How to win friends and influence people.

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Presentation on theme: "RAMBLERS AND PARLIAMENT How to win friends and influence people."— Presentation transcript:

1 RAMBLERS AND PARLIAMENT How to win friends and influence people

2 Why? Rights of walkers = parliamentary acts –Enclosure Acts –Prescription Act 1832 –Railway Clauses and Consolation Act 1845 =

3 National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949 National Parks Long Distance Paths Definitive Maps Penalties for displaying illegal signs Created what is now Natural England

4 1980s

5 Rights of Way Act 1990

6 Forbidden Britain Campaign Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000

7 Coast For Most Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009

8 Local Level

9 Exercise What would you want to discuss with a candidate? Groups of 5 15 minute discussion

10 Importance of walking Economic value of walkers Enjoyment Health benefits of walking Anything else?

11 The Ramblers 120,000 members – X number in MP’s constituency Key Achievements – right to roam, national parks, Welsh Coast Path, Land Reform Act Scotland etc... Local achievements (e.g. Pathwork teams, fp openings etc...) Walking for Health, Let‘s Walk Cymru and Take 30

12 Issues affecting walkers State of footpaths and their budgets National Trails Protecting the countryside Opening up more of the countryside Local campaigns

13 What we need you to do 1. Prepare 1.Find out the parliamentary boundaries You can use: You may want to work with neighbouring Groups if it’s a large rural constituency 2.Find out more information about your MP You can use 3.Speak to staff and other groups who have made good contact

14 2. Invite your MP out on a walk

15 3. Follow it up Tell people! –Public –Members –Staff Write to the MP

16 What not to do Leave it too late Let one person harass the MP Organise a hustings Send candidates a questionnaire close to an election

17 Thank you! Go and make contact! Any questions?

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