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Kyle Reed Alison Olney Dillon Perini Jake Andrews.

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Presentation on theme: "Kyle Reed Alison Olney Dillon Perini Jake Andrews."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kyle Reed Alison Olney Dillon Perini Jake Andrews

2 Started by Benjamin Disraeli Conservative Wanted to keep “Old Order” Similar to modern day Republicans

3 Started by William Gladstone Liberal Open to change in government Similar to modern day Democrats

4 Both parties gave some men voting rights Tories backed by Disraeli pushed for Reform Bill of 1867 to give working men suffrage Gladstone and Whigs pushed to give farmworkers rights to vote Combined they created almost universal manhood suffrage

5 Following the formation of the two main parties, Britain becomes a Parliamentary Democracy The Parliament swung between Whig and Tories from 1868- 1880 Britain still controlled by a Parliament today

6 In 1900’s the House of Commons rose up and overtook the House of Lords and became the supreme house Lords resisted at first Government threatened the lords and they eventually signed off on laws to give House of Commons power


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