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CORDINATION OF POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION Developing a Green Growth Framework for Fiji - “Restoring the Balance in Development that is Sustainable.

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1 CORDINATION OF POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION Developing a Green Growth Framework for Fiji - “Restoring the Balance in Development that is Sustainable for Our Future” 0 4th Commonwealth Pacific Forum of Central Agencies 12th May, 2015

2 PRESENTATION OUTLINE Part 1: Background & Process  Background – International, Regional & National  Process to formulate draft Green Growth Framework for Fiji Part 2: Implementation & Monitoring Arrangements  Implementation and Monitoring Part 3: Concluding Remarks

3 Part 1: Background & Process

4 International commitments… to sustainable development  Fiji party to international commitments since 1992.  Fiji is party to other related international commitments such as the Millennium Summit and MDGs. Rio, 1992 Barbados Programme of Action, 1994 Rio +10, 2002 Mauritius Strategy, 2005 Rio +20, 2012

5 Regional commitments…to developing Green Growth tool MSG 2012, Melanesia Spearhead Group Leaders Meeting PSIDS 2013 Pacific Small Islands Developing States Regional Preparatory Meeting for Samoa 2014 PIDF 2013, Inaugural Pacific Islands Development Forum

6 National commitments…to frame high level development policies, over past 8 years President’s Mandate, 2007 State of the Nation and Economy Report, 2008 Peoples Charter for Change, Peace & Progress, 2009 Roadmap for Democracy and Sustainable Socio-Economic Development, 2010  Major findings from SNE:  Low savings and investment  Sharp rise in unemployment and poverty  Lack of access to land for productive and social purpose  Weakening export base  Loss of skilled labour to migration  Declining standard of public service delivery  Increasing public debt; and  Poor state of infrastructure

7 National commitments…to frame development policies President’s Mandate, 2007 State of Nation and Economy Report, 2008 Peoples Charter for Change, Peace & Progress, 2008 Roadmap for Democracy and Sustainable Socio-Economic Development, 2010-2014 Key Pillars to Rebuilding Fiji: 1.Good and Just Governance 2.Common National Identity and Building Social Cohesion 3.Leadership 4.Enhancing Public Sector Efficiency 5.Achieving Higher Economic Growth 6.Making More Land Available for Productive and Social Purposes 7.Developing an Integrated Development Structure at the Divisional Level 8.Reducing Poverty to a Negligible Level by 2015 9.Making Fiji a Knowledge based Society 10.Improving Health Service Delivery 11.Enhancing Global Integration and International Relations.

8 In summary, Fiji’s prerequisites for the future that have been identified to support sustainable development are: IIntegration IInclusiveness PPartnership OOwnership RRelevance IInnovation

9 Consultative process…to develop the Green Growth Framework Level of consultation: Internal SPO process with inputs received from Ministries Key stakeholders (public sector, private sector, civil society) involved. Up to 30 people per Working Group 400 stakeholders (public sector, private sector, civil society, academia & development partners) involved. Objective: 10 working groups, each convened twice, to discuss Baseline Papers and draft Thematic Area sections. Refinement and seek broad consensus on draft Framework Seek community perspective on draft Framework Involve all key agencies within Government in process DESKTOP REVEIW THEMATIC WORKING GROUPS NATIONAL SUMMIT PROVINCIAL LEVEL CONSULTATION CORE COMMITTEE

10 Summary Awareness Advocacy Translation Implementation Monitoring & Evaluation Ongoing updating and review Process initiated by PM Nov, 2013 Formulation & Consultation Process Dec 2013 – June 2014 Seek Cabinet Approval July-Aug, 2014


12 Implementation and Monitoring Arrangements  Advocacy and Awareness  High Level Multi-Stakeholder Panel on Sustainable Development Chaired by PM Cross-Stakeholder Representation  Time-bound targets Short-term, Medium-term, Long-term Support Roadmap and its successor

13 Concluding Remarks  C Continuity of Vision of the Peoples Charter  N Notable prerequisites to success: -- Political Will -- Inclusiveness WWhy Fiji needs to act now – ‘hot spots’. AAvailability of timely, quality data IImplementation & Monitoring SSharing of Fiji’s Experience


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