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Physics at UT Arlington: Approaching Tier 1 Stature Physics at UT Arlington: Approaching Tier 1 Stature Presented to President and Provost- February 16,

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1 Physics at UT Arlington: Approaching Tier 1 Stature Physics at UT Arlington: Approaching Tier 1 Stature Presented to President and Provost- February 16, 2006

2 UT Arlington Physics Directions   Build Premier, Tier-1 level Physics Department   Create World-Class Planetarium—Science Education, Public Outreach, Major DFW Attraction   New Nano-Bio Physics Initiative   Internationally-Recognized Stature in Four Focus Areas   Establish Endowed Chair in Physics   Acquire Emerging Technologies Fund Group

3 $2.1 M research expenditures FY05 $9 M in multi-year awards CY 2005 $9 M in multi-year awards CY 2005 $2.2M operating budget $2.2M operating budget 18 regular faculty, one lecturer 18 regular faculty, one lecturer Numerous laboratories Numerous laboratories and computational facilities, and computational facilities, plus machine shop plus machine shop I. Overview of Physics Department

4 Expenditures and Indirect Generated 2. Tier I Research Growth Plan  Current Focus Areas - High-Energy Physics - High-Energy Physics - Nanomaterials - Nanomaterials - Astrophysics/Space Physics - Astrophysics/Space Physics  Funding -NSF, DOE, NASA, DARPA, ONR, Air Force, Welch ONR, Air Force, Welch - 31 % of COS FY05 Indirect  5-year goals –Double external funding level –50% increase in Ph.D. production –New Initiative in Nano-bio Physics –Endowed Chair, ETF Group In Millions

5 Faculty Hiring Plan   5-year plan Seven new hires in four focus areas, particularly Nano- biophysics   10-year plan Tier 1 Physics TT faculty numbers (e.g., NC State U Physics has 37 TT faculty) through seven further hires as dictated by developments   Complement throughout with soft money PIs Add several self-sufficient principal investigators/ research faculty

6 Focus Area 1 – High-Energy Physics   Extensive international collaboration and recognition, high external funding, Tier-1 quality faculty --cf. WAG report   New international supercomputing analysis center for CERN Large Hadron Collider ATLAS experiment – only such center in Southwest Region

7 Focus Area 2 – Nanomaterials   Develop Tier-1 Nanomaterials Research Groups and Facilities – –Internationally recognized in nano- magnetism, positron physics, structure of actinides, fullerenes, photonic materials – –Extensive funding, including multi- million dollar, multi-year DARPA and (2005 ) MURI grant awards for nano- structured magnetic materials – –Prominently featured in WAG report, Presidential State of the Union address – –Industrial applications – –UTD/UNT investing heavily – –New facilities, such as TEM, needed to attain Tier-1 stature

8 Focus Area 3 –Astrophysics and Space Physics   Build Tier 1 astrophysics and space physics program – –Internationally-recognized astrophysics and space physics research programs – –Support of new Planetarium activities, including NASA-funded outreach initiatives – –Highly popular courses in Introductory Astronomy, Astrobiology, etc., serving wide variety of UT Arlington students – –Extensive funding from NASA and NSF

9 New Focus Area 4 –Nano-Bio Physics  Develop high-quality thrust in nano-bio physics –Link to UT Arlington bio-science/ engineering –Search participation by Advisory Committee comprised of UTSWMC, UT Arlington bio-related faculty –NIH funding opportunities –High student interest in biophysics and medical physics. physics. –Collaboration with UT Southwestern

10 3. Recent Accomplishments  5-year $3 Million NSF/DOE grant for Southwest Grid Farm analysis center for 2007 CERN ATLAS Large Hadron Collider Experiment  5-year, $5 Million MURI grant on Synthesis of Nanocomposite Magnets  R. Bonadurer from Minnesota Planetarium becomes Director of Planetarium at UT Arlington  Assistant Professor Dr. Yi-Jiun Su, Space Physics, joins with new $ 366,000 NASA grant on Jovian aurora, wins $440,000 NSF CAREER Grant on Earth’s aurora

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