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The Compare/Contrast Essay

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1 The Compare/Contrast Essay

2 Definition Comparison or Contrast Essay-is an essay in which you either compare (show similarities) something or contrast (show differences) something. Comparison and contrast can be used in both fiction and nonfiction.

3 There are TWO classic organizational patterns used in a comparison or contrast essay:
1. Block Arrangement-the author describes the first idea, event, situation, or character completely. He then describes the second and compares or contrasts it with the first. 2. Point-by-Point-the author takes one point from each idea, event, situation, or character and compares or contrasts them directly. He then compares or contrasts a second point, then a third, and so on.

4 Lets Compare/Contrast Apples to Oranges
Apples Oranges

5 Sentence Structure: Block Arrangement
Paragraph 1= Intro Paragraph 2= Apples (sentence Structure is , , ) Paragraph 3= Oranges (sentence Structure is , , ) Paragraph 4= Conclusion

6 Sentence Structure: Point-by Point Arrangement
Paragraph 1= Intro Paragraph 2= Appearance Paragraph 3= Origin Paragraph 4= Taste Paragraph 5= Conclusion

7 Essay Topic: Compare and Contrast the life situations of Patsy Barnes and Joby using character traits that they display (i.e. bravery). Be sure to include that certain situations have cut short their childhood.

8 Patsy Barnes 14 Years Old

9 Joby 14 Years old

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