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A Picture Book of Jesse Owens 1. Vocabulary 2A Picture Book of Jesse Owens.

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1 A Picture Book of Jesse Owens 1

2 Vocabulary 2A Picture Book of Jesse Owens

3 exhibition A) A car B) A court room C) A public display; demonstration D) A game with friends 3A Picture Book of Jesse Owens

4 pneumonia A) A cleaning agent B) A serious lung disease caused by an infection with water on the lungs C) Something used to lift a car or truck D) A fight 4A Picture Book of Jesse Owens

5 prejudice A) Unfounded fear or suspicion of a particular group, race, or religion; discrimination B) To sit before a judge C) A way to show that you care about everyone D) To go undercover 5A Picture Book of Jesse Owens

6 Share croppers A) Tenant farmers who pay rent by sharing their crops with landlords/owners B) People who own their own land C) Those who sell land to others D) Those who sit at the table with friends and share their food 6A Picture Book of Jesse Owens

7 spectacle A) A famous person B) An idea that is shared with your friends C) Glasses to be worn to read D) a grand public display or performance; scene 7A Picture Book of Jesse Owens

8 Vocab Answers 1C) A public display; demonstration 2B) A serious lung disease caused by an infection with water on the lungs 3A) unfounded fear or suspicion of a particular group, race, or religion; discrimination 4A) Tenant farmers who pay rent by sharing their crops with landlords/owners 5D) a grand public display or performance; scene A Picture Book of Jesse Owens8

9 Comprehension 9A Picture Book of Jesse Owens

10 1) Why was JC sick a lot as a child? A) His house was often too cold or too hot B) Family was too poor to pay for doctors or medicines C) His family just didn’t care and only wanted to make money D) A and B 10A Picture Book of Jesse Owens

11 2) How did JC learn about pain? A) His mother beat him often B) JC’s mom cut a lump out with a hot kitchen knife without medicine C) He never had any money D) He saw his dog get run over by a tractor 11A Picture Book of Jesse Owens

12 3)Why did JC and his family move from Alabama to Ohio? A) He was suspended from school because he yelled at his teacher for saying his name wrong B) They were sick of the prejudice C) JC’s family were able to get better jobs to help their family D) They were scared of the whites 12A Picture Book of Jesse Owens

13 4)Why did Coach Riley want JC to train for the track team? A) He needed more sprinters and fielders B) Coach recognized the talent, as good coaches do, and wanted Jesse to get better C) He saw that Jesse ran really fast and wanted to get rich off of Jesse D) He wanted to get Jesse off the streets 13A Picture Book of Jesse Owens

14 5) What advice did Coach Riley give to Jesse while training? A) We will train every day so that you will never be beaten B) We will train every day before school and run for the future: college and maybe the Olympics C) You should always have the best equipment D) You should always stretch before you do your warm- ups and sprints. 14A Picture Book of Jesse Owens

15 6) Why was Jesse called: ‘a floating wonder’? A) People wondered how he really ran on air B) People wondered how he got the name Jesse from JC C) He was so good at home that he surprised many people D) He ran so unbelievably fast that it looked like he was floating on air 15A Picture Book of Jesse Owens

16 7) Why did Jesse have the ‘greatest day in track-and-field history’ on May 25, 1935? A) His children were born B) Jesse set 3 world records and tied for a 4th C) He married Minnie Ruth Solomon D) He met Lutz Long and took a famous picture 16A Picture Book of Jesse Owens

17 8) How did Jesse prove Hitler wrong? A) He won all the track and field events at the Olympics B) He was a black man and won 4 gold medals at the Olympics; he was not inferior, but superior C) He beat Hitler in a race D) He didn’t show good sportsmanship to the other racers 17A Picture Book of Jesse Owens

18 9)Why was the picture of Lutz Long and Jesse Owens so important? A) It shows that two people of different racial backgrounds can get along without prejudice and hatred; hopefully this can happen all around the world B) It shows that Jesse is not a poor sport C) It shows that Lutz Long will become an American and not be with Hitler’s nation anymore D) It shows that Jesse and Lutz Long posed for a picture 18A Picture Book of Jesse Owens

19 10) Why did Jesse get a ticker-tape parade when he got home to America? A) He got discrimination outlawed in America B) He won so many medals at the Olympics C) He beat Hitler in a race D) He took a picture with Lutz Long 19A Picture Book of Jesse Owens

20 11)What was Jesse’s opinion of discrimination at the time he wrote his first book? A) He didn’t want to tell anyone what to do B) He thought that the blacks had to work hard to fight prejudice C) He thought discrimination was really bad and people need to get along D) He didn’t really experience discrimination and didn’t understand why blacks didn’t work harder to succeed in life 20A Picture Book of Jesse Owens

21 12) Even with Jesse’s popularity, why couldn’t he ride in the front of a bus or eat at certain restaurants? A) He didn’t really want to sit up front and never at out at restaurants B) People didn’t care about his 4 gold medals C) In America, there were laws that stated blacks couldn’t sit in the front of a bus or eat at certain restaurants D) In America, the Civil Rights Bill was already signed at that time. 21A Picture Book of Jesse Owens

22 13) What jobs did Jesse have? A) He didn’t have to work because he won 4 gold medals at the Olympics B) He had many jobs including: owning an athletic shops, coaching kids, writing a book C) He had many jobs including: a playground director, making speeches and radio appearances, led a band, started a company, ran exhibition races D) He was a coach for Michael Phelps 22A Picture Book of Jesse Owens

23 14) Why did Jesse have so many jobs? A) He wanted more money B) He didn’t get along with others C) He was black and people were discriminatory and prejudice D) He moved a lot 23A Picture Book of Jesse Owens

24 15) What was Jesse’s opinion about discrimination after his second book? A) He realized that black Americans had to fight against prejudice in order to succeed B) He didn’t really experience discrimination and didn’t understand why blacks didn’t work harder to succeed in life C) He wanted to work with Martin Luther King, Jr. to end discrimination D) He didn’t want to tell people what to do 24A Picture Book of Jesse Owens

25 16) Which people and events in Jesse’s life helped shape him into a person with courage and dedication to important goals. A) People: Hitler, Lutz Long. Events: being really fast, winning 4 gold medals B) People: his parents, Coach Riley. Events: being poor, hard work, experiencing prejudice to overcome obstacles C) People: President Ford, Lutz Long. Events: racing exhibition races for money, receiving recognition from others D) People: his wife and kids. Events: working hard, being a share cropper, a ticker tape parade 25A Picture Book of Jesse Owens

26 17) Did Jesse help with the movement to end discrimination in America? A) Yes because he wanted to get rich B) No because he thought others were doing fine without his help C) Yes because he experienced it and didn’t think it was right in America: The Land of the Free D) No because he never experienced it and thought it was a waste of time 26A Picture Book of Jesse Owens

27 Comprehension Answers 1D) A and B 2B) JC’s mom cut a lump out with a hot kitchen knife without medicine 3C) JC’s family were able to get better jobs to help their family 4B) Coach recognized the talent, as good coaches do, and wanted Jesse to get better 5B) We will train every day before school and run for the future: college and maybe the Olympics 6D) He ran so unbelievably fast that it looked like he was floating on air 7B) Jesse set 3 world records and tied for a 4 th 8B) He was a black man and won 4 gold medals at the Olympics; he was not inferior, but superior A Picture Book of Jesse Owens27

28 Comprehension Answers 9A) It shows that two people of different racial backgrounds can get along without prejudice and hatred; hopefully this can happen all around the world 10B) He won so many medals at the Olympics 11D) He didn’t really experience discrimination and didn’t understand why blacks didn’t work harder to succeed in life 12C) In America, there were laws that stated blacks couldn’t sit in the front of a bus or eat at certain restaurants 13C) He had many jobs including: a playground director, making speeches and radio appearances, led a band, started a company, ran exhibition races 14C) He was black and people were discriminatory and prejudice 15A) He realized that black Americans had to fight against prejudice in order to succeed 16B) People: his parents, Coach Riley. Events: being poor, hard work, experiencing prejudice to overcome obstacles 17C) Yes because he experienced it and didn’t think it was right in America: The Land of the Free A Picture Book of Jesse Owens28

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