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An Overview of the California Climate Adaptation Strategy Tony Brunello Deputy Secretary for Climate & Energy CA Resources Agency.

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Presentation on theme: "An Overview of the California Climate Adaptation Strategy Tony Brunello Deputy Secretary for Climate & Energy CA Resources Agency."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Overview of the California Climate Adaptation Strategy Tony Brunello Deputy Secretary for Climate & Energy CA Resources Agency

2 KEY POINTS  Describe CAS process  Explain key reasons for CAS  Request CEC assistance in understanding key climate change risks to California’s “Infrastructure” sector 2

3 Mitigation Million Metric Tons (CO 2 Equivalent) ~169 MMT CO 2 e Reduction 1990 Emission Baseline 80% Reduction ~341 MMT CO 2 e 3


5 RISING SEA LEVELS - San Francisco Bay - 5

6 SEA LEVELS - Continue to Rise - 6

7 DECREASING SNOWPACK 7 California Snowpack Will Decrease Results - Earlier Snow Runoff


9 INFRASTRUCTURE IMPACTS Airports, Roads, Levies… 9 S.F. Airport



12 Why we need a CAS  California’s population, environment, and infrastructure are at risk from known future climate change impacts  Planning and funding do not link with known climate change impacts  Better assessment of funds needed to reduce state vulnerability and risk (Lieberman-Warner - $20-278 Billion) 12

13 CLIMATE ADAPTATION STRATEGY  Goals ― Initiate Action and Dialogue ― Develop Climate Vulnerability & Risk Assessments by Sector ― Develop Coordinated Policy Guidance & Direction ― Coordinate with Mitigation Efforts 13

14 CLIMATE ADAPTATION STRATEGY 14 Strategy ActionScience

15 A WORK IN PROGRESS  Known State Efforts Underway ― CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION - Climate Change Impacts Assessment ― WATER - Dept. Water Resources - State Water Plan Update ― INFRASTRUCTURE - California Dep. of Transportation - Bay Area Infrastructure Assessment ― FORESTS - CA Department of Forestry and Fire Protection - Forest & Rangeland Assessment Update ― BIODIVERSITY Department of Fish & Game - California Wildlife Action Plan Department of Parks and Recreation ― OCEANS & COASTAL RESOURCES Coastal Commission Ocean Protection Council Resources AgencyCoastal Conservancy Bay Conservation & Development Commission 15

16 CLIMATE ADAPTATION Working Groups 16 Climate Adaptation Strategy WaterInfrastructure Oceans & Coastal Resources Forestry & Agriculture Biodiversity & Habitat Public Health

17 CLIMATE ADAPTATION STRATEGY The Nuts & Bolts  When ― Sector Strategies Completed by 12/08 ― Draft CAS Released 1/09 ― Final CAS Released 4/09  Who ― State Agency Focused ― Unless Coordinated Action Identified (i.e., USFS, USEPA, ICLEI) ― Bottom -up Examples From Cities, Countries, Etc. 17

18 THE NUTS & BOLTS  What To Expect ― Report Chapters Will Include: 1.Sector Outline 2.Impacts & Vulnerabilities 3.Risks from Impacts (Risk = Consequence X Probability) 4.Sector Preparedness Action Plan 5.Next Steps (2 Year Plan) 18

19 WHAT’S NEXT?  October Workshops – Oceans, Public Health, and Infrastructure  November Workshops – Cross-Sector Discussions  Sector Working Groups  Tool Refinement – Google/SEI, Adaptation Protocol  Early Actions 19

20 Adapting to Climate Change A California Strategy Questions & Answers

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