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Introducing the First Southern African Cyber Security Awareness Workshop (SACSAW) IST-Africa, 12 May 2011 Gaborone, Botswana Dr Jackie Phahlamohlaka CSIR.

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Presentation on theme: "Introducing the First Southern African Cyber Security Awareness Workshop (SACSAW) IST-Africa, 12 May 2011 Gaborone, Botswana Dr Jackie Phahlamohlaka CSIR."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introducing the First Southern African Cyber Security Awareness Workshop (SACSAW) IST-Africa, 12 May 2011 Gaborone, Botswana Dr Jackie Phahlamohlaka CSIR DPSS, South Africa

2 Introducing the First Southern African Cyber Security Awareness Workshop (SACSAW) Brief background about this Workshop Giving it the context: the previous Workshop and aims Acknowledgements © CSIR 2011 2

3 © CSIR 2011 3 This first Workshop has a South African focus with an emphasis on policy recommendations following the analyses from various papers of Cyber related threats: it is a national initiative that is leveraging a regional platform in IST-Africa. Thanks to IST Africa! It follows from the success of the ‘Warfare’ Workshop in Bela- Bela. Invited papers that would stimulate discussion with the aim of identifying cyber security policy recommendations and possible actions from an African point of view This Workshop will serve as stepping stone to a future international workshop at IFIP HCC 2012, now being organised alongside the World Computer Congress (WCC2012), after which a possible Working Group within IFIP TC9/TC11. The First Southern African Cyber Security Awareness Workshop (SACSAW)

4 © CSIR 2011 4 Workshop on ICT Uses in Warfare and the Safeguarding of Peace – 11 October 2010

5 © CSIR 2011 5 Aim: To focus the efforts of academia, military, industry and government to promote creative thinking in this field and the promotion of viable solutions to unanswered questions. Organisers: CCIW (DPSS), held in conjunction with SAICSIT 2010. Formed part of International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP)’s 50 th year celebrations. History: Follows on first workshop in London (2007) and second in Pretoria (2008). Format: Presentation of peer-reviewed papers on related research, lessons learnt, or case studies. Venue: Forever Resort, Bela Bela. Workshop on ICT Uses in Warfare and the Safeguarding of Peace – 11 October 2010

6 © CSIR 2011 6 Welcome: Dr. Jackie Phahlamohlaka, CAM of CCIW Opening Address: Prof. Basie von Solms, University of Johannesburg and President of IFIP. Keynote Speaker: Brig Gen A.J. Coetzee – Directorate: Joint Information Warfare, SANDF Session Chairs: Brig Gen A.J. Coetzee and Ms. Minah Sindane- Bloem (Communications Specialist and Life Coach). Delegates: 36 delegates from the SANDF, CSIR, Universities, and the Defence Attaché from France and the Deputy Defence Attaché of Germany. Workshop Programme

7 © CSIR 2011 7 The Digital Divide: A National Security Argumentative Analysis Within a South African Context Web 2.0 and its Implications for the Military Strategic Information Security: Facing the Cyber Impact Countermeasures to Consider in the Combat Against Cyberterrorism The Supporting Role of Ontology in a Simulation System for Countermeasure Evaluation An Initial Investigation of Concepts of Command and Control Using an Agent Based Approach Rootkits, Trojans, Backdoors and New Developments Workshop Programme - Presentations

8 © CSIR 2011 8 This first Workshop has a South African focus with an emphasis on policy recommendations following the analyses from various papers of Cyber related threats: it is a national initiative that is leveraging a regional platform in IST-Africa. Thanks to IST Africa It follows from the success of the ‘Warfare’ Workshop in Bela- Bela. Invited papers that would stimulate discussion with the aim of identifying cyber security policy recommendations and possible actions from an African point of view This Workshop will serve as stepping stone to a future international workshop at IFIP HCC 2012, now being organised alongside the World Computer Congress (WCC2012), after which a possible Working Group within IFIP TC9/TC11. The First Southern African Cyber Security Awareness Workshop (SACSAW)

9 Acknowledgements IST-Africa CSIR and IFIP Programme Committee Organizing Committee, in particular Dr Louise Leenen Authors and Presenters Session Chairs People in attendance Enjoy the Workshop! © CSIR 2011 9

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