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The complexity of narrative (or how a painting tells a story) Lene Yding Pedersen Aalborg University.

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Presentation on theme: "The complexity of narrative (or how a painting tells a story) Lene Yding Pedersen Aalborg University."— Presentation transcript:

1 The complexity of narrative (or how a painting tells a story) Lene Yding Pedersen Aalborg University

2 NARRATIVE THEORY MEETS COMPLEXITY THEORY – some advantages Complexity theory allows narrative as a dynamic concept Complexity theory allows narrative as a dynamic concept Complexity theory is a way of theorizing post- classical narratology Complexity theory is a way of theorizing post- classical narratology Complexity theory may solve the paradox of ’postmodern/poststructural narratology’ Complexity theory may solve the paradox of ’postmodern/poststructural narratology’ Complexity theory may lead towards a ’cultural narratology’. Complexity theory may lead towards a ’cultural narratology’.

3 PART 1 What is complex about narrative? What is complex about narrative? What is narrative about painting? What is narrative about painting?

4 PART 2 How are narratives constructed in paintings? How are narratives constructed in paintings?

5 NARRATIVES ARE COMPLEX Narratives are unstable, irreducible, contradictory, incoherent, and contextualized constructs. Narratives are unstable, irreducible, contradictory, incoherent, and contextualized constructs. Narratives evoke stories Stories have 1. a spatial dimension, 2. a temporal dimension, 3. a logical, mental and formal dimension. (Ryan)

6 NARRATIVE PAINTINGS – basic assumptions Painting is a narrative medium without a language channel Painting is a narrative medium without a language channel Painting specializes in retelling known narratives Painting specializes in retelling known narratives Narrative painting has a temporal dimension. Narrative painting has a temporal dimension.

7 NARRATIVE PAINTING – further assumptions Narratives constructed from narrative paintings are emergent narratives Narratives constructed from narrative paintings are emergent narratives Narratives constructed from narrative paintings are contextualized constructs Narratives constructed from narrative paintings are contextualized constructs Narratives constructed from narrative paintings project themselves historically. Narratives constructed from narrative paintings project themselves historically.

8 EMERGENT NARRATIVES Context Context Time Time Self-reflexivity Self-reflexivity screens screens






14 NARRATIVES ARE COMPLEX SYSTEMS Narrative is a dynamic concept Narrative is a dynamic concept Narratives emerge as different elements interact Narratives emerge as different elements interact Narratives are open systems interacting with the world around it Narratives are open systems interacting with the world around it Narratives evolve through time. Narratives evolve through time.


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