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Integumentary System Skin and Glands Hair Nails.

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Presentation on theme: "Integumentary System Skin and Glands Hair Nails."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integumentary System Skin and Glands Hair Nails

2 History Integumentary System
Previous skin history Changes in pigmentation Moles, any changes Excessive dryness or moisture Itching (pruritus) Excessive bruising Rash or lesions Medications Hair loss Nail changes

3 Skin Color General pigmentation (skin tone) Freckles Mole Birthmarks
Vitiligo-absence of pigment Freckles Small, flat macules, brown Mole Proliferation of melanocytes, macular or papular Tan to brown Birthmarks Tan to brown in color

4 Widespread color changes
Pallor (white) Unnatural paleness d/t constriction of cutaneous vessels Anemia, Shock Erythema (redness) Excess blood in superficial capillaries d/t vasodilatation Fever or localized inflammation

5 Cyanosis (blue) Decreased perfusion Shock, heart failure, bronchitis, congenital ht dx Jaundice (yellow) Excess bilirubin in the blood Cirrhosis, sickle-cell anemia, transfusion reactions

6 Temperature and Moisture
Use back of hand Hypothermia Coolness Surgery, immobilized extremity, shock Hyperthermia Increased metabolic rate Hyperthyroidism, fever, heavy exercise, trauma, infection, sunburn

7 Moisture Diaphoresis- excessive perspiration Dehydration-dry, parched and cracked lips

8 Texture and Thickness Texture Thickness
Character of the skin’s surface. It is not normally uniform throughout. Elbow vs. cheek Hyperthyroidism-velvet Hypothyroidism-rough,dry, and flaky Thickness Thin over body Thick over palms & soles

9 Mobility & Turgor Mobility = rise of skin
Turgor = return of skin, the elasticity of skin. It may be diminished by edema or dehydration. The skin normally loses elasticity with age Elderly – chest Infants – abdomen Adult/teen - arms

10 Vascularity or Bruising
Petechiae Tiny purple or redspots d/t minute hemorrhages in the dermis Cherry angiomas Small, smooth, raised red dots on trunk in adults over 30 Bruising (ecchymosis) Tattoos

11 Hair 2 Types Color Texture Distribution Condition of scalp
Terminal Hair Long, coarse, thick. Found on scalp, axilla and pubic areas. Vellus Hair Small, soft, tiny hairs. Covering entire body except hands, soles of feet and penis Color Texture Distribution Condition of scalp

12 Common Hair Abnormalities
Hirsutism Male pattern growth in women, especially the face Alopecia - Balding Excessively oily hair Associated with androgen hormone stimulation

13 Dry brittle hair Associated with aging and excessive use of shampoo, etc Dry coarse discolored hair Suspect poor nutrition Decreased hair on the extremities Arterial insufficiency

14 Nails Shape & contour Strength/Thickness
Normally transparent, smooth, convex with white tips Strength/Thickness Can be a nutritional indicator Color – determined by vascularity of nailbed Linear pigmentation Pigment bands normal in dark skinned individuals Leukonychia striata Markings from trauma, picking at cuticles Capillary refill Clubbing

15 Note if bite their nails
If nails are dirty, clean Well trimmed or groomed

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