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The Word Within the Word Stem Lesson 7 Part 2 (stems 166-175)

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Presentation on theme: "The Word Within the Word Stem Lesson 7 Part 2 (stems 166-175)"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Word Within the Word Stem Lesson 7 Part 2 (stems 166-175)

2 166. numer meaning: number Sentence example: Please enumerate your reasons.

3 Clue Words: enumerate, numeral, numerous, supernumeraries, numerology

4 Numerous Many

5 167. fort meaning: strong Sentence example: Her character is one of great personal fortitude.

6 Clue Words: fortitude, fort, fortify, fortification, fortress, comfort, forte, fortissimo, pianoforte Doune Castle

7 Clue Words: fortitude, fort, fortify, fortification, fortress, comfort, forte, fortissimo, pianoforte

8 Fortissimo Loudly

9 168. osteo meaning: bone Sentence example: The osteologist was called in for consultation on his bone condition.

10 Clue Words: osteopath, osteology, osteopathy, osteoblast, osteocyte, osteotomy, osteoporosis

11 Osteoporosis Disease that weakens the bones

12 169. ornith meaning: bird Sentence example: Ornithology is a science for the bird lovers of the world.

13 Clue Words: ornithology, ornithologist, ornithopter, ornithomancy, ornithosis

14 Ornithologist A scientist who studies birds (a bird scientist)

15 170. polis meaning: city Sentence example: Metropolitan policy called for the police to be friendly.

16 Clue Words: metropolis, megalopolis, police, policy, acropolis, necropolis

17 Metropolis City or urban area

18 171. fus meaning: pour Sentence example: The stubborn old man refused to have the blood transfusion.

19 Clue Words: transfusion, infusion, refuse, fusillade, fusion, infuse, confusion

20 Infuse Saturate/ soak

21 172. ego meaning: I Sentence example: Vic is not egocentric; he is an egomaniac.

22 Clue Words: egomaniac, egocentric, egotistical, egotist, egoism, alter ego

23 Egocentric self-centered

24 173. spir meaning: breathe Sentence example: The ancient poet was inspired by the Muse of poetry.

25 Clue Words: inspire, respiration, perspiration, expire, spirit, aspire, conspire

26 Perspiration sweat

27 174. dia meaning: across Sentence example: Ralph expected a pleasant dialogue but received a scathing diatribe.

28 Clue Words: diagonal, diameter, dialogue, dialect, diatribe, diaphanous, dialectic

29 Dialect A form of a main language

30 175. acr meaning: sharp Sentence example: The acrimonious dispute was disturbing to everyone.

31 Clue Words: acrimonious, acerbity, acrid, acrimony, acerate

32 Acrid Sharp or bitter taste/smell

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