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MASI-R Oral Reading Fluency Measures. Screening options have been selected from this resource for our adolescent learners.

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Presentation on theme: "MASI-R Oral Reading Fluency Measures. Screening options have been selected from this resource for our adolescent learners."— Presentation transcript:

1 MASI-R Oral Reading Fluency Measures

2 Screening options have been selected from this resource for our adolescent learners

3 This is a companion to Assessing Reading: Multiple Measures

4 Linking Assessments to the WCPSS Reading Model MASI-R Oral Reading Fluency Measures

5 MASI-R Oral Reading Fluency Measures RATIONALE -Bridge to comprehension -Accurate & automatic reading (p. 77)

6 MASI-R Oral Reading Fluency Measures ADMINISTERING -Make sufficient copies of Teacher Passage & Directions: 6A, 6B, & 6C -Open manual to appropriate Student Passage. -Get other needed materials. (H 4) -Preset timer for one minute. (pp. 98-100) (pp. 117-119) ( pp. 77-78)

7 MASI-R Oral Reading Fluency Measures ADMINISTERING -Place Student Passage in front of student. -Hold Teacher Passage and timer out of student’s view. -Read directions to student. - Do NOT say Ready, Get Set, Go! or Stop! (pp. 77-78) (p. 78)

8 MASI-R Oral Reading Fluency Measures ADMINISTERING - Put a slash (/) on Teacher Passage through any words read incorrectly. -Provide word if not read within 3 sec. & mark incorrect. - At end of one minute, say Thank You & place bracket (]) on Teacher Passage after last word read. -Remove Student Passage. -Continue with remaining passages. (p. 78)

9 MASI-R Oral Reading Fluency Measures Marked as Error NOT Marked as Error Omission Hesitation > 3 sec. (Examiner supplies word.) Mispronunciation (Each instance; Includes transposition) Self-correction within 3 sec. Dialect variation Word insertion (Includes repetition) (p. 79)

10 MASI-R Oral Reading Fluency Measures PRACTICE 1.Get copy of Teacher Passage & Directions: 6-C. (H 7) 2.As you listen to the student read aloud, mark errors with a slash (/). 3.Compare with examiner’s marks.

11 Teacher Passage & Directions: 6-C (H 18 ) There are three basic types of snowflakes. The first 9 type is called “stellar,” and is the one most people 19 remember. Stellar flakes are feathery with small centers. 27 They form when it’s not extremely cold and when the clouds are 39 low and wet. Because they cling together when falling, it 49 sometimes appears as if they are descending in great, downy 59 clumps. The second variety of snowflake is called a “plate” 69 snowflake and this formation appears almost rock-solid in compact 79 configurations with six clearly seen outer edges. They form 88 when it’s exceptionally cold and when clouds are elevated and 98 almost dry. ▲ The final type of snowflake is a combination of the 110 other two. It has a plate-like center with feathering arms. 121 SC ^^ s s s pause the ^ mostof the varity

12 Scoring Example Passage 6-C Student Read Why Marked as Error Why NOT Marked as Error its for is Mispronun- ciation the most Insertion of the most Insertion the Insertion (pause) downy Hesitation < 3 sec. varity for variety Mispronun- ciation snowflakes for snowflake Dialect

13 Scoring Example Passage 6-C (continued) Student Read Why Marked as Error Why NOT Marked as Error snowflakes for snowflake Dialect configuration for configurations Mispronun- ciation sense for seen Self-correction within 3 sec. snowflakes for snowflake Dialect TOTAL3 Errors

14 MASI-R Oral Reading Fluency Measures SCORING each passage - Calculate Rate Correct by subtracting # of errors from total # of words read in 1 min. Rate Correct is Words Correct Per Minute (WCPM). - Write this in Rate Correct box at top of Teacher Passage. (pp. 78-79)

15 Teacher Passage & Directions:6-C There are three basic types of snowflakes. The first 9 type is called “stellar,” and is the one most people 19 remember. Stellar flakes are feathery with small centers. 27 They form when it’s not extremely cold and when the clouds are 39 low and wet. Because they cling together when falling, it 49 sometimes appears as if they are descending in great, downy 59 clumps. The second variety of snowflake is called a “plate” 69 snowflake and this formation appears almost rock-solid in compact 79 configurations with six clearly seen outer edges. They form 88 when it’s exceptionally cold and when clouds are elevated and 98 almost dry. ▲ The final type of snowflake is a combination of the 110 other two. It has a plate-like center with feathering arms. 121 SC ^^ s s s pause the ^ mostof the varity 110 Cumulative Words at End of Line - 2 Words Not Read in that Line 108 Total Words that Student Read - 3 Errors (# of slash marks) 105 Rate Correct (WCPM) Rate Correct: 105

16 MASI-R Oral Reading Fluency Measures SCORING (continued) Determine median (middle) score for Rate Correct. Put scores in numerical order from smallest to largest; circle the middle score.EXAMPLE: Student’s 3 Scores: 96 95 105 In numerical order: 95 96 105 (p. 80)

17 MASI-R Oral Reading Fluency Measure SCORING INTERPRETATION -Use Norms Table. -Find row for student’s grade. Use Grade 8 for HS. -Locate appropriate column: FALL, WINTER, or SPRING. (H 6) -Determine PERCENTILE based on Median Score (WCPM). (p. 80)

18 MASI-R Oral Reading Fluency Measures SCORING INTERPRETATION IEXAMPLE: 9 th grader Traditional calendar school Median Score: 96 WCPM < 10 th Percentile < 10 th Percentile (p. 80) Look in row for Grade 8. Look in column for SPRING.

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