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Teaching Council Recommendations to the Faculty Senate DRAFT 2/9/09 & 3rd DRAFT Feb 13, 2009 for use by the FS Exec Committee, March 4, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching Council Recommendations to the Faculty Senate DRAFT 2/9/09 & 3rd DRAFT Feb 13, 2009 for use by the FS Exec Committee, March 4, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching Council Recommendations to the Faculty Senate DRAFT 2/9/09 & 3rd DRAFT Feb 13, 2009 for use by the FS Exec Committee, March 4, 2009

2 Recommendation 1 Institute a standardized university-wide procedure for administering the Purdue (or other) form to include clear instructions for distribution, collection and review for department personnel [Faculty, Chairs/Department Heads]. ( e.g., student comments confidential information for faculty only, faculty may not be present during distribution, faculty may not retaliate against identified students) Office of the Provost will develop and submit for approval to Faculty Senate by Fall 2009. Procedure & Follow-Up

3 Timing & Follow-Up Recommendation 2 Earlier administration of forms (12 th -13 th week). Return of student evaluations to Faculty before the following semester begins for faster feedback Suggested implementation Fall 2009. Office of the Provost will work with computing services to adjust schedule for printing and distribution

4 Training & Follow-Up Recommendation 3 Mandatory training for Department Chairs/Heads for a variety of evaluations & their interpretation. (e.g., emphasis on alternative evaluations to include both summative and formative evaluations for teaching excellence such as port folios, peer evaluations, exit interviews, department generated assessment of learning objectives) Faculty Senate Ad-hoc Committee to work with Office of Provost to develop, submit to Faculty Senate for approval by Spring 2010.

5 Faculty Develop Guidelines Faculty Develop Guidelines Recommendation 4 Faculty will develop departmental guidelines for whose classes will be evaluated and materials submitted (how often & by whom) Formative evaluation, especially for non-tenured faculty Meet with the Interim Provost and Provost-Designate (a committee appointed by the Faculty Senate Chair) Faculty in departments develop and integrate alternative methods of summative and formative evaluation

6 Re-Check Evals. & Best Practices Recommendation 5 Reconsider college & school formative & summative evaluation FAQs Change the University Core measures to reflect best practices

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