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The Apaches By: Elyssa Background photo must represent the tribe’s region landscape.

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Presentation on theme: "The Apaches By: Elyssa Background photo must represent the tribe’s region landscape."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Apaches By: Elyssa Background photo must represent the tribe’s region landscape

2 Table of Contents Photo Credit: Image Quest Dedication Page
What are the type of clothing did they wear? What materials did they use from the environment? What are some things they made? What type of foods did they eat? What type of houses did they build? How did they build it? What type of work did men, children, and women do? What religion do they follow? About the Author References Left box should be another picture of the tribe’s region landscape Photo Credit: Image Quest

3 This presentation is dedicated to…
My mom and my dad because they help me when I am frustrated with projects and homework and that makes them so supporting. So is my sister Celia she listens to me and gives me good advice, and she cares for me and she also loves me. Back to Table of Contents

4 What type of clothing did they wear?
I learned that the Apache Indians would hunt animals and use their skin and fur for clothing. They would also turn the skin and fur into belts. The Apache Indians also made saddles which are a type of shoes from cotton and fiber. Poor animals they have come a long way, it’s the circle of life. Picture to go along with written response should be in the left box. Back to Table of Contents Photo Credit: Image Quest

5 What materials did they use from the environment?
The Apache Indians would make weapons like spears from the environment. Some They would also find berries and nuts from bushes, trees that they would grow with seeds. Picture to go along with written response should be in the left box. Back to Table of Contents Photo Credit: Image Quest

6 What are some things they made?
Some female Indians would hand make beads for cradles. They were also very skilled basket weavers. Wow would you look at those baskets they are very cool and impressive, the designs were very unique in their own way. Picture to go along with written response should be in the left box. Back to Table of Contents Photo Credit: Image Quest

7 What type of foods did they eat?
Boy Apache Indians would hunt for animals meat or they would find nuts, berries on bushes. Once the men caught the food the women would dry the meat to make jerky and pemmican which is lean meat. Sometimes they could catch fish or other things that live in the water like clams. WOW that’s a lot of food, what a buffet. Picture to go along with written response should be in the left box. Back to Table of Contents Photo Credit: Image Quest

8 What kind of houses did they live in? How did they build it?
Did you know that Apache Indians would dig a hole through the ground leaving a deep pit. Then they would build a little cover for the roof of the house. Also they would use daub- reed and wattle- clay to make the pit houses. The Apaches called it pit houses. Picture to go along with written response should be in the left box. Back to Table of Contents Photo Credit: Image Quest

9 What work did men, women, and children do?
When the men caught the food the women would cook the food over a nice warm hot fire. Sometimes boys and Apache men would make spears. They would also catch and hunt animals down to eat them or use their fur for clothing. The Apache men, women, and children have lots of jobs back then. Picture to go along with written response should be in the left box. Back to Table of Contents Photo Credit: Image Quest

10 What religion do they follow?
I learned that the Apache Indians believed the Spanish culture. They had many ways of their beliefs like spiritual gatherings and other things. Sometimes they would dance for their believed culture. They would either dance or sing at these gatherings. The Apaches had a lot of beliefs back then. Picture to go along with written response should be in the left box. Back to Table of Contents Photo Credit: Image Quest

11 About Elyssa Cheung!! I love social studies and science. My favorite things to do is play with my chubby dog Hoshi, color and draw. One of my special hobbies are collecting stickers. My favorite color is pink. I live with my mom dad and sister Celia. Insert picture in left box Back to Table of Contents Photo Credit: Clip Art

12 My References Book or URL Author The Apaches Alison Behnke
World Book, 2012 Web Each student needs at least 3 different resources: 1 book/2 internet-based. To add another reference, press the “tab” button on the lower left box. Back to Table of Contents

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