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Wave-ice interactions Given wave conditions outside the ice – waves are advected into the ice, and attenuated as well. is the attenuation coefficient –

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Presentation on theme: "Wave-ice interactions Given wave conditions outside the ice – waves are advected into the ice, and attenuated as well. is the attenuation coefficient –"— Presentation transcript:

1 Wave-ice interactions Given wave conditions outside the ice – waves are advected into the ice, and attenuated as well. is the attenuation coefficient – depends on wave frequency, ice thickness and elastic properties (Bennetts & Squire, 2012). – also depends on concentration, and FSD.

2 Wave-ice interactions If waves are big enough, ice breakage occurs and FSD changes – this increases, so waves following cannot penetrate as far into the ice. There will also be some effect on the ice rheology (response to wind and currents) – Shen et al. (1987) rheology accounts for binary collisions, where some energy is lost during each collision. – modelled ice becomes less viscous. – implemented (NERSC-HYCOM) but needs validation (few data). – also numerical issues near boundary with pack ice.

3 Wave-ice interactions Wave simulation 20130918: 0000-0600. – Same time as WIFAR/UNDER-ICE cruise. – Wave data, some high-resolution SAR images are available. WAM wave input from (10km resolution). Concentration from OSI-SAF (25-50km).

4 Wave-ice interactions Wave simulation 20130918: 0600-1200. – Same time as WIFAR/UNDER-ICE cruise – Wave data, some high-resolution SAR images are available. WAM wave input from (10km resolution). Concentration from OSI-SAF (25-50km).

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