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Tuesday 8 th November Capital Punishment LO: To explore what capital punishment is and to examine different view points. Learning outcome:- To watch ‘Dead.

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Presentation on theme: "Tuesday 8 th November Capital Punishment LO: To explore what capital punishment is and to examine different view points. Learning outcome:- To watch ‘Dead."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tuesday 8 th November Capital Punishment LO: To explore what capital punishment is and to examine different view points. Learning outcome:- To watch ‘Dead man walking’ and to complete the Venn diagram and questions

2 What is capital punishment? What is the law in the UK?

3 The ultimate punishment is capital punishment or as it also know the death penalty. Although this form of punishment is no longer used in Britain, it is still carried out in many parts of the world including America

4 The Death penalty was banned in 1969 The last person to be hanged in the UK was Gwen Owen Allan in 1964. There was a miscarriage of justice in 1950 when Timothy Evans was executed for the murder of his wife and child. It was later discovered it was his co-tennant who had carried out the murder. It was too late as Timothy Evans was dead.

5 Copy two quotes and explain the Christian view “Treat others as you would expect to be treated” “God gives life and only God can take life away.” “Never pay back evil for evil.” “A person will reap back what he sows.” “Whichever one of you has committed no sin may throw the first stone”

6 Task Watch ‘Dead Man Walking’ and complete the tasks on the sheet while watching it

7 What one new thing have you learnt about capital punishment through the film.

8 Tuesday 8 th November Capital Punishment LO: To explore what capital punishment is and to examine different view points. Learning outcome:- To watch ‘Dead man walking’ and to complete the Venn diagram and questions

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