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The Death Penalty By Ryan Rueter. Issues of Death The Death Penalty is largely a morality issue –Some believe in “an eye for an eye” –Others believe nothing.

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Presentation on theme: "The Death Penalty By Ryan Rueter. Issues of Death The Death Penalty is largely a morality issue –Some believe in “an eye for an eye” –Others believe nothing."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Death Penalty By Ryan Rueter

2 Issues of Death The Death Penalty is largely a morality issue –Some believe in “an eye for an eye” –Others believe nothing ever gives any one the right to take a life, ever. Problems –Some people on death row have been proven innocent after the trial –Sometimes, after the trial, it is ruled that the Death Penalty was too strict of a sentence. More executions would help alleviate prison overcrowding.

3 The Law The Death Penalty was declared cruel and unusual on a national level. –States however, created their own laws on the Death Penalty. –38 States allow the death penalty and conditions differ from state to state. –In New York, a person qualifies for death if he or she is convicted of first-degree murder with 1 of 12 aggravating factors.

4 Parties Affected People charged of crimes qualifying for the death penalty in a state that has the death penalty Family and friends of the aforementioned people Taxpayers

5 Political Party Positions Both the Democratic and Republican party platforms support the Death penalty. Positions may vary from candidate to candidate Certain groups such as the ACLU are opposed, however.

6 Alternatives? Considering the drastic difference between life and death, there aren’t many alternatives aside from Life Without Parole A possible punishment stricter than that without death could be life in solitary confinement, although that may be considered inhumane as early past attempts at that resulted in large amounts of inmate suicide.

7 Current Policy Costs & Benefits Whether or not sentencing a person to death is more or less financially costly is not clear, as people argue for both sides. When a person is sentenced to death and is able to appeal, appeals cost taxpayers money After being put to death however, the criminal does not consume food or take up space in overcrowded prisons.

8 Alternative – Life Without Parole Life without parole would leave the criminal consuming food and taking up space. However, if the inmate were forced to work and generate and income that would go to the victim’s family, the inmate would not be a drain on society and would benefit the victim’s family. That however, might cause an unemployment problem for those not in prison

9 IMPACTS Inmates would contribute to society and the economy Money earned would cancel out that spent on housing and feeding the inmate May contribute to unemployment Some may not feel justice was served (inmate gets to live)

10 Making it happen Laws would have to be proposed and go back and forth between the senate and the house until they were acceptable to be implemented on a national level. Or states can go ahead and make similar changes on a state-level and other states may follow example if it works out to be a good enough idea.

11 Propaganda Ways to increase chances of the new policy being implemented –Introduce the issue to the public. –Run television ads, supporting the policy and describing it’s benefits. –Get the backing of PAC’s and political groups.

12 Bibliography B.A. Robinson. Alternatives to Capital Punishment. Crimes Punishable by the Death Penalty The History Channel

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