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Planning and Economic Development National Spatial Strategy – Twin Objectives: Maintaining Economic Competitiveness and Balanced Regional Development.

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Presentation on theme: "Planning and Economic Development National Spatial Strategy – Twin Objectives: Maintaining Economic Competitiveness and Balanced Regional Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Planning and Economic Development National Spatial Strategy – Twin Objectives: Maintaining Economic Competitiveness and Balanced Regional Development Achieve a more polycentric spatial structure Policy focus is urban hierarchy : 9 Gateways (national engines of growth) 9 Hubs (Support the gateways) Other towns and villages Too many growth centres Very different areas afforded the same status Administrative fragmentation – linked gateways and hubs coordination? Regional policy continues to be regarded as distributive rather than as a key influence on economic growth

2 Planning and Economic Development – Northern Ireland
Linked gateways? Role of the Dublin-Belfast corridor Proliferation of ‘corridors’ in N.I / Proliferation of ‘gateways’ in Ire – selectivity?

3 Common Information A – General Information
Area 70,273 sq. km Population: RoI. 4.6 million (2011) N. I. c. 1.8 million (2010) Dublin 1.3 million Belfast 641,638 Density: 65 people per sq. km Dublin - 4,588 per sq. km (approx) Belfast - 5, 571 per (approx) Per capita income €31, 273 per person (2010, World Bank)

4 Common Information B – Main Economic Activities
Exports: chemicals, pharmaceuticals; live animals, animal products, machinery and equipment, computers, €83.2 billion (2009 est.) Imports: data processing equipment, other machinery and equipment, chemicals, petroleum and petroleum products, textiles, clothing €1.750 trillion (2009)

5 Common Information C- Housing
Republic of Ireland Family size (2011) 1.4 (2006) Affordability Average weekly rental cost €136 28% rent 34% own outright 35% own with mortgage Northern Ireland 67.5% Owner Occupied 12.6% Northern Ireland Housing Executive dwellings 4.0% Housing Associations 16.0% Private Rental

6 D - Planning System 2010 1964 2000 ROI Planning System introduced
Local Government (Planning and Development) Act Local government basis – local authorities (Counties) designated as planning authorities 2000 Legislation and regulations consolidated and updated Planning and Development Act 2000 A clear HIERARCHICAL PLANNING SYSTEM introduced Regional planning and guidelines statutory footing for the first time European Influence (ESDP ) Strategic Planning NSS 2010 Enhanced Integration and Coordination of Plans Planning and Development (Amendment) Act 2010 A re-focus of forward planning / Stronger plan led approach Inclusion of Core Strategy - to demonstrate that the objectives contained within the development plan are consistent with the NSS and RPG’s / compliance with EU directives (replacing ‘have regard to’)

7 Institutional Roles and Responsibilities
National DoEHLG – Devising National policy framework and issuing of guidance documents in respect of national planning issues An Bord Pleanala - Independent third party appeals system Dept. of Environment, Heritage and Local Government An Bord Pleanala Regional Drawing up and implementing Regional Planning Guidelines Only 2 tiers of elected government - central and local, members of the Regional Authorities are nominated from among the elected members of the local authorities 8 Regional Authorities (1994) 1991 Local Gov Act – to promote coordination of public service provision and to monitor the role delivery of EU Structural Fund assistance in the regions Local Implementation of the planning system is the responsibility of the local authorities Development Plans Development Management Enforcement Development and Local Area Plans 88 Local Planning Authorities 29 county councils 5 city councils 49 town councils

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