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UNCLASSIFIED CLASSIFICATION (U) DOD GHE Common Operating Picture & Strategic Principles March 2014 MG West The Joint Staff Surgeon Overall Classification.

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Presentation on theme: "UNCLASSIFIED CLASSIFICATION (U) DOD GHE Common Operating Picture & Strategic Principles March 2014 MG West The Joint Staff Surgeon Overall Classification."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNCLASSIFIED CLASSIFICATION (U) DOD GHE Common Operating Picture & Strategic Principles March 2014 MG West The Joint Staff Surgeon Overall Classification of this Brief: UNCLASSIFIED

2 CLASSIFICATION (U) DOD GHE Common Operating Picture DOD GHE is a tool of engagement To facilitate DOD in meeting its National Security Objectives and Military End Sates as defined by the Chairman’s of JCS Priorities and Geographic Commanders Campaign Plans – DOD GHE should support Line engagement efforts and operational needs – DOD GHE should be executed primarily through MIL-MIL activities with a focus on building partnership and interoperability – Where possible, DOD GHE should synergize with USG global efforts and avoid duplication or overlap GHE Toolbox Commanders should be able to select from the full spectrum of engagement options in consideration of need, resources, limitations and country circumstances be it: …mil-mil …mil-civ …mil-civ-mil …disaster/all hazards prepare and response

3 UNCLASSIFIED CLASSIFICATION (U) DOD GHE Common Operating Picture DOD GHE is a tool of engagement to facilitate DOD in meeting its National Security Objectives and Military End Sates as defined by the Chairman’s of JCS Priorities and Geographic Commanders Campaign Plans – DOD GHE should support Line engagement efforts and operational needs – DOD GHE should be executed primarily through MIL-MIL activities with a focus on building partnership and interoperability – Where possible, DOD GHE should synergize with USG global efforts and avoid duplication or overlap

4 UNCLASSIFIED CLASSIFICATION (U) Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff Principal Military Advisor to President and Secretary of Defense Assist Unified Strategic Direction of Armed Forces Provides Joint/Combined Defense Capabilities Recommends Defense Resource Allocations Plans & Facilitates Joint/Combined Operations, Exercises and Engagements Develops U.S. Joint/Combined Defense Policy, Strategy, Doctrine, Training & Education 4

5 CLASSIFICATION (U) We must… Achieve our national security objectives in the current conflicts Develop Joint Force 2020 Renew our commitment to the Profession of Arms Keep faith with our Military Family The Chairman GEN Martin E. Dempsey Chairman’s Priorities: 5 Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff ENDS

6 CLASSIFICATION (U) DOD GHE Support to Chairman’s Priorities WAYS GOAL: HN with capable, interoperable military med capacity willing to partner and expeditionary able Primary: Mil Med -BPC for essential Mil Med functions -Interoperable with US and regional partners Support: Civ Med -Facilitating and augmenting strategic needs PARTNERSHIP GOAL: HN participates and integrated into GHS efforts Primary: Mil Med -Active ISO HN GHS efforts -Active ISO civilian crisis and all hazards response Support: Civ Med -Accepting and supportive of mil efforts SECURITY GOAL: HN is stable and resilient to threat Primary: HN Military -Active role in military as pillar of stability within HN Support: Civ Sector -Stable and resilient through HA and HCA engagement STABILITY

7 CLASSIFICATION (U) DOD GHE Support to Chairman’s Priorities Partnership (Building Capable, Interoperable PN Militaries) BPC for essential Mil Med Function Healthy Troops Trauma care Mil Mental Hlth Post deploymnt Interoperable with US, Region Standards Equipment Communication Leadership Devel Security (PN Military Med ISO PN Global Health Security) Mil support to civilian led disaster or crisis response Bio surveillance IHR compliance AI/PI response Emerging disease response Stability (PN Military as Source of Stability within its borders) Leavening effect of Mil on society Obeys rule of law Military discipline Human Rights Stop Gender Violence National ID/unity vs tribal, ethnic division Basics of hygiene and health WAYS

8 CLASSIFICATION (U) 8 MIL-MIL as focus the foundation of all we do MIL-CIV as needed to accomplish nat’l security and military objectives DR as requested through USG, OFDA, UN MEANS DR Mil-Civ Medical Engagement Mil-Mil Medical Engagement

9 Current Status DOD GHE Activities and Metrics Gap 1 Gap 2 Gap 3 Desired End State Gap 1: PN Mil Med Development Capability, capacity Interoperability Gap 2: PN Mil Med ISO Global Health Security IHR, Bio Surveillance Emerging Diseases PN Mil ISO Civ Disaster Response Gap 3: PN Mil as Contributor to Stability Rule of Law Respect Human Rights Prevent Gender Based Violence

10 USG Whole of Government Expenditures in Global Health DOD in GHS and Mil-Civ Activities GEIS DTRA NAMRU WRAIR CBED CBRN ACE Components SPP SOC DOD in Mil-Mil Activities Components SPP SOC


12 CLASSIFICATION (U) Mind the Gap ….. and Overlap Gap – We can not ignore our mil-mil obligations Overlap – It needs to happen on purpose, not by accident – Leverage it through synergy of effort, timing – Avoid duplication Challenges – Personal Interest Projects – New Kid in the Neighborhood Effect – Limited Resources Not this This

13 CLASSIFICATION (U) Whole of Government Approach Civilian Agencies HHS USDA DOC DOE DOL DOI DOJ DOD Civilian Agencies MOH MOE MOJ MOI MOC MOD USHN

14 CLASSIFICATION (U) Our Final Exam. Don’t Get it Wrong ! Rapid Forward Capable Excellent Partner Military Medical Response Interoperable Ready Medical Force Medically Ready Force (Not just US, but Partners as well)

15 CLASSIFICATION (U) Way Ahead Suggestions GCC Surgeon, staff – Assist in GCC maturation of campaign plans – Identify priority countries and lines of effort – Develop medial engagement plans that align with and support Line Objectives Multi year Measurable – MOEs supporting strategic objectives – MOPs supporting medical objectives – Work with appropriate J5 and other directorates – Identify component and SPP assets that can execute Component/SPP surgeon, staff – Obtain and review TCP, CCPs – Work with GCC Surgeon’s Office and J5 – Ensure proper ‘tasking’ by GCC – Develop Campaign Support Plans Focus on priority counties, LOEs – Work with country team with communication to GCC – Execute with MOEs, MOPs – AAR, Lesson Learned – Communicate to team doing follow-on engagement


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