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Published byElijah Byrd Modified over 9 years ago
English Language I Unit 1/ Unit 2
Anglicizmi Jutros sam rano došao u ofis. Taman sam krenuo da nešto isprintam na printeru kad, po difoltu, ulazi koleginica koja kod nas radi PR i ka ž e da je dosta ljudi apliciralo za sve pozicije koje smo oglasili u novinama. Najve ć e interesovanje je za poziciju oficira za nabavke, mada ih je dosta apliciralo i za IT dipartment. Imaju dobre CV-je. Sada im se zakazuju intervjui i kad do đ u treba da popune još i aplikacionu formu. Mogu misliti kakva ć e gu ž va biti u ofisu, a ja još treba da napravim agendu za sastanak na kojem ć emo raspravljati o studiji fizibiliteta sa kompletnim stafom u ofisu. Moramo dobro vidjeti kakvi ć e biti benefiti od ovog dila, ali finalnu odluku donije ć e ipak glavni disi ž n mejkeri.
Unit 1 to manage /’mæn ɪʤ /, v. to take care or charge of; to handle, direct, govern or control in action or use to have control over something (business, department, sports team, etc.) to take care of and make decisions about (someone’s time, money, etc.) to direct the professional career of (someone, such as an entertainer or athlete)
Unit 1 management / ˈ mæn ɪʤ m ə nt/, n. the act or skill of controlling and making decissions about a business, department, sport team, etc. the people who make decisions about a business, department, sport team, etc.
Unit 1 manager / ˈ mæn ɪʤɚ /, n. someone who is in charge of a business, department, etc. someone who directs the professional career of an entertainer or athlete manageress / ˈ mæn ɪʤ ə r ə s/, n.
Unit 1 managerial / ˌ mæn ə ˈʤ irij ə l/, adj. relating to the skill or process of controlling and making decissions about a business or organization of or relating to a manager or group of managers
Unit 1 as... as poređenje jednakosti We use “as... as” to say that two people or things are equal in some way. She’s as tall as her brother. Is it as good as you expected?
Unit 1 to organize / ˈ o ɚ g ə ˌ na ɪ z/, v. to arrange and plan organizer / ˈ o ɚ g ə ˌ na ɪ z ɚ /, n.
Unit 1 businessman / ˈ b ɪ zn ə s ˌ mæn/, n. a man who works in business especially in a high position a man who is dealing with business and financial matters entrepreneur / ˌɑ :ntr ə pr ə ˈ n ɚ /, n. a person who starts a business and is willing to risk loss in order to make money entrepreneurship
Unit 1 What are the differences between a businessman, a manager and an entrepreneur?
Unit 1 to complain /k ə m ˈ ple ɪ n/, v. complaint /k ə m ˈ ple ɪ nt/, n. complainant /k ə m ˈ ple ɪ n ə nt/, n.
Unit 1 whether... or “It doesn’t matter whether... or” Whether we go by bus or train, it’ll take at least six hours. We’ll have to pay the same for the hotel room, whether we leave today or stay till the end of the week.
Unit 1 to bankrupt / ˈ bæŋk ˌ r ʌ pt/, v. bankrupt / ˈ bæŋk ˌ r ʌ pt/, n. bankruptcy / ˈ bæŋk ˌ r ʌ ptsi/, n.
Unit 1 employee / ɪ m ˌ plo ɪˈ i:/, n. - a person who works for another person or for a company for wages or a salary employer / ɪ m ˈ ploj ɚ /, n. - a person or company that has people who do work for wages or a salary
Unit 1 Homework: Mastering English, page 7 – 10
Simple Present Tense I speakwe speak you speak he/she/it speaksthey speak Do you speak ? Does he speak ? You don’t speak... He doesn’t speak...
Simple Present Tense Upotreba: 1. Za izražavanje opštepoznatih činjenica, u poslovicama, i sl. (“general truth”) The earth moves round the sun. 2. Za radnju koja se dešava/ponavlja po nekom ustaljenom redoslijedu, ili navici i običaju I come to the class every day. He always sleeps with his window open. * Priloške odredbe za vrijeme: always, never, sometimes, usually, often, in spring/winter..., on Mondays, on Tuesdays, every day/week/month/year
Simple Present Tense 3. Za izražavanje buduće radnje o kojoj je odluka već donijeta My train leaves at 6.30. He sets sails tomorrow, and comes back next month. 4. Za izražavanje buduće radnje, poslije: when, until, provided, if, as soon as, while Don’t write until I tell you.
Present Continuous Tense I am goingWe are going You are going He/she/it is goingThey are going I am going out. Are you going out? I am not going out.
Present Continuous Tense Upotreba: 1. Koristi se da opiše radnju koja je u toku baš u trenutku kada se o njoj govori What are you doing? I am reading a book. The sun is shining. 2. Za radnju koja će se desiti u tzv. bliskoj budućnosti, a posebno uz glagole kretanja ( leave, come, go ) i uz odgovarajuće odredbe za vrijeme: tomorrow, this evening, next week We are going to Paris on Friday; we are leaving from London airport. John is coming here next week and is staying here until August. What are you doing next Saturday?
Present Continuous Tense 3. Za radnju koja nije u toku u trenutku govora o njoj ali je aktuelna u tom period Is my son working hard this term? Yes, he is trying his best now. Are you negotiating with your partner from London? * Po pravilu, postoje glagoli koji se ne javljaju u sadašnjem trajnom vremenu, kao što su, npr. glagoli percepcije – see, hear, feel, taste, smell, i sl. Tu su takođe i glagoli kao što su: like, love, understand, cost, te modalni glagoli: can, may, must, need, i sl. U izuzetnim slučajevima kada je neki od ovih glagola upotrebljen u Present Continuous Tense, on ima značenje koje je drugačije od njegovog osnovnog značenja. I am seeing Margaret tomorrow. / seeing – meeting, visiting I am not hearing as well as I used to. / hearing – my sense of hearing is not as good as it used to be
Simple Present Tense vs. Present Continuous Tense Trajno vrijeme se koristi da opiše radnju koja traje određeni vremenski period ali koja će se prije ili kasnije završiti, a ako je radnja, po svojoj prirodi trajna (stalna) koristi se Simple Present Tense. Where does Henry work? – in his permanent job Where is Henry working at present? – his temporary job Westminster Bridge crosses the Thames near the House of Parliament. – permanent Our bus is now crossing the Thames at Westminster Bridge. – temporary
Unit 1 Homework: Mastering English, page 11 – 12 Mastering English, page 15 - 17
Indefinite Article: a/an Koristimo ga samo uz brojive imenice u jednini: 1. Sa značenjem jedan, neki, bilo koji: I have a sister and two brothers. Please pass me a fork. A triangle has three sides. 2. U određenim izrazima za mjeru: He drove the car at ninety miles an hour. We have lessons three times a week. He earns £ 1,000 a year. 3. Ispred dozen, hundred, thousand, million There are a dozen eggs here. A hundred sheep were in the field.
Indefinite Article: a/an 4. Ispred imenica koje označavaju zanimanje, religiju, klasu, i sl. George wants to be an engineer. Her father is an officer. 5. Sa značenjem “neki, izvjesni” A Mr. Johnson called to see you when you were out. (“A” has the meaning “I have no idea who he is, but he said his name was Mr. Johnson”) 6. U uskličnim rečenicama koje počinju sa riječi what, gdje je imenica brojiva i u jednini What a foolish thing to do! What a pretty girl! What a day!
Definite Article: the Koristi se: 1. Ispred imenice koja je definisana (objašnjena) u nastavku rečenice This is the book I promised to lend you. 2. Sa značenjem “jedan i jedini” (the only one), kada je nešto samo jedno The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 3. Sa značenjem “the one we have just spoken about” Once upon a time there was a little boy who lived in a cottage. The cottage was in the country and the boy had lived there all his life. 4. Ispred rednih brojeva Queen Elizabeth II (the second), the first
Definite Article: the 5. Ispred imena država koje se unija manjih država ili onih koje imaju oblik množine the United Kingdom, the United States of America, the Sudan, the Netherlands 6. Ispred grupe ostrva the West Indies, the Bahamas 7. Ispred imena rijeka, okeana i planinskih vijenaca the Danube, the Atlantic, the Alps, the Andes 8. Ispred naziva brodova, aviona i vozova the Queen Mary, the Flying Scotsman, the Comet 9. Ispred naziva hotela, pozorišta, bioskopa, muzeja i drugih institucija the Ritz Hotel, the Odeon Cinema, the Midland Bank
Definite Article: the 10. Ispred imenica kojima generalizujemo vrstu The horse is being replaced by the tractor. 11. Ispred naziva muzičkih instrumenata, generalno Mrs. Priestly plays the piano, and Mr. Priestly is learning the violin. 12. Ispred superlative pridjeva This is the oldest building in town. 13. Ispred naziva novena The Sunday Times 14. The Hague
Word Building: re- consider – reconsiderrazmotriti – ponovo razmotriti write – rewritenapisati – ponovo napisati sale – resaleprodaja – ponovna prodaja print – reprintodštampati – preštampati open – reopenotvoriti – ponovo otvoriti make – remake napraviti – ponovo napraviti, prepraviti fit – refitopremiti – ponovo opremiti order – reordernaručiti – ponovo naručiti cycle – recycleponovo upotrebiti
Word Building: re- Will you reconsider our offer? The teacher asked him to rewrite the essay. He buys baseball collectibles and then holds them for resale. She gave permission to reprint her article. The restaurant will reopen in April. They will be remaking the film with American actors. They’re refitting the building with hardwood floors. I had to reorder the shirt because they sent the wrong size. They’re studying various ways to recycle garbage into fuel.
Unit 2 far /fa:/ - dalek, udaljen farther /’fa:ð ә / -dalji, dalje (komparativ of “far”) further /’f ә :ð ә / -dalji, dodatni
Unit 2 farther se odnosi na fizičku udaljenost further se odnosi na metaforičku (figurativnu) udaljenost Your house is farther from the school than ours. I’m too tired to walk any further. London is farther north than Juneau. This plan requires further study.
Unit 2 Farther shows a relation to physical distance. If you can replace the word farther with more miles than you have done it correctly. Our car drove farther than I thought it would on one tank of gas. I wanted to run farther, but I became to exhausted. Our house is farther away from the restaurant than yours. Further relates to metaphorical distance or depth. It is also another way of saying additional. I asked that there be further discussion on the matter. I hope that gas price drop further for our road trip vacation. Look no further.
Unit 2 few vs. a few few = very few or none at all – malo i nedovoljno a few = not a large number – malo ali dovoljno Few people know the answer to this question. Few things annoy me more than exaggeration. There are a few books on the table. I’ve been to a few countries in western Europe.
Unit 2 enough /I’nf/- dosta, dovoljno, prilično uvijek stoji iza priloga ili pridjeva good enough, fast enough, big enough
Nouns There are two grammatical numbers in English: singular – to denote one plural – to denote more than one Only countable nouns can be used in plural!
Nouns Najveći broj imenica gradi množinu dodavanjem nastavla –s, odnosno –es. book / books cat / cats dog / dogs Nastavak –es se dodaje na riječi koje se završavaju slovima –s, –sh, –ch, –x, –z glass / glasses brush / brushes church / churches box / boxes
Nouns Nastavak –es se dodaje i na riječi koje se završavaju na slovo –o potato / potatoes hero / heroes volcano / volcanoes osim kod onih imenica koje još uvijek “zvuče” kao “strane riječi kao i onih kod kojih završnom slovu –o prethodi samoglasnik piano / pianos photo / photos studio / studios radio / radios
Nouns Imenice koje se završavaju na –y a kome prethodi suglasnik u množini –y mijenjaju u – ies lady / ladies story / stories army / armies
Nouns Riječi koje se završavaju na –f ili –fe u većini slučajeva u množini se mijenjaju u – ves leaf / leaves wife / wives thief / thieves ali postoji i čitav niz imenica koje se završavaju na –f ili –fe a kojima se u množini samo dodaje –s roof / roofs gulf / gulfs belief / beliefs
Nouns Nepravilna množina 1. Osam imenica u engleskom jeziku gradi množinu promjenom suglasnika (“mutacija”): man / men tooth / teeth foot / feet mouse / mice woman / women goose / geese louce / lice dormouse / dormice
Nouns 2. Neke riječi imaju isti oblik i u jednini i u množini: sheep / sheep fish / fish deer / deer 3.Tri riječi grade množinu dodavanjem nastavka –en: child / children ox / oxen brother / brotheren (= members of the same society or religious order)
Nouns Postoje i one imenice u engleskom jeziku koje imaju samo oblik množine, npr. news, pants, shorts; ali postoje i one bez oblika za množinu kao što su npr. advice, information, knowledge, progress, i sl.
Nouns Masculine gender: boy, king, uncle, prince Feminine gender: girl, queen, aunt, princess Common gender – imenice koje mogu označavati i muški i ženski rod: friend, doctor, cousin, child, guest, teacher, tourist, baby
Nouns Genitiv Postoje dva oblika: Saksonski genitiv – gradi se dodavanjem ‘s na imenicu the boy’s book / the boys’ books Tom’s house cat’s head Normanski genitiv – of konstrukcija the love of his wife middle of the table window of the shop
Unit 2 Homework: Mastering English, page 19 – 20
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