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Lesson 32 Good Writers Introduction Expectations: 1. Listen carefully 2. Work hard 3. Be responsible.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 32 Good Writers Introduction Expectations: 1. Listen carefully 2. Work hard 3. Be responsible."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 32 Good Writers Introduction Expectations: 1. Listen carefully 2. Work hard 3. Be responsible

2 Review Good readers ask questions, make predictions, determine a purpose, make connections, think about the author's choices, read for a purpose, and draw conclusions. Good readers know what to do when they get stuck on a word!

3 Spelling What sound do we hear when we read the letters /ew/? Stewdrewchew – Screwgrew

4 Spelling The ew spelling pattern makes the long /u/ vowel sound! Read the words out loud. Stewdrewchew – Screwgrew

5 Good Writers I want to write good stories! What do I write? Where do I start?

6 Good Writers Think about some of the good writers that we know. What made their stories good? What kinds of words did they use? What did they write about?

7 Good Writers Mary Pope Osborne- Magic Treehouse Her father was in the army and she moved to a different state or country every two years. She loves to travel and writes books that take you to different places and times! Let's read this segment from Afternoon on the Amazon to get some writing tips.

8 Good Writers: Mary Pope Osborne “Hurry, Jack!” shouted Annie. Annie ran into the Frog Creek woods. Jack followed her. “It's still here!” Annie called. Jack caught up with Annie. She stood beside a tall oak tree. Jack looked up. The magic tree house was shining in the afternoon sunlight. “We're coming, Peanut!” Annie called. She grabbed the rope ladder and started up.

9 Good Writers: Mary Pope Osborne What do you like about Ms. Osborne's writing? Do you think her childhood played a role in her stories? How? How does she write exciting stories?

10 Good Writers Kate DiCamillo- The Magician's Elephant Kate DiCamillo went to college, or university, to become a writer. She has no children of her own. One of her teachers said the following in response to an essay she turned in, "The person who wrote this actually took the time to see the person she was describing. That's what writing is all about. Seeing. It is the sacred duty of the writer to pay attention, to see the world." l

11 “They are all the kind of people that, too often, get lost in the mainstream rush of life. Spending time with them was a revelation for me. What I discovered is that each time you look at the world and the people in it closely, imaginatively, the effort changes you. The world, under the microscope of your attention, opens up like a beautiful, strange flower and gives itself back to you in ways you could never imagine. What stories are hiding behind the faces of the people who you walk past everyday? What love? What hopes? What despair?” -Kate DiCamillo

12 Good Writers: Kate DiCamillo What do you like about Ms. DiCamillo's writing? Where does she look for stories to write? How does she write exciting stories?

13 Good Writers Write about what they know Use the writing process Paint a picture Use their 5 senses

14 Good Writers We can use our journals to practice writing. Watch as I think about and write a journal entry about my day. (document camera)

15 Good Listener Eyes are watching. Ears are listening. Lips are closed. Hands are still. Feet are quiet.

16 Read Aloud: Book: The Magician's Elephant By: Kate DiCamillo Chapter Twelve : Bartok Whynn used to carve gargoyles but fell one day and broke his back. He laughed when he fell and all the while afterwards. He was not supposed to survive and now he stands behind the elephant. Peter finally saw the elephant. When he looked in her sad eye he knew she had to go home.

17 Read Aloud: Remember the strategies good readers use while I read aloud to you! Book: The Magician's Elephant By: Kate DiCamillo Chapter Thirteen

18 Assignment: 1. Choose one of the authors we've studied and read about them on their website: Kate DiCamillo: Mary Pope Osborn: Roald Dahl: Shel Silverstein: 2. In your journal think about a part of your day and then write about it. (5 sentences or more) l / l

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