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Published byTracy Dean Modified over 9 years ago
Wire Scanner Jose Luis Sirvent Blasco on behalf of the Beam Wire Scanner design team 22/11/2013 BWS Design team: B. Dehning, J.Emery, C.Pereira, J.Herranz, R.Veness, N.Chritin, W. Andreazza S.Samuelsson, M.Koujili. BI Review on Radiation Development and Testing 1
Wire Scanner 1. Introduction Jose Luis Sirvent Blasco on behalf of the Beam Wire Scanner design team 22/11/2013 BWS Design team: B. Dehning, J.Emery, C.Pereira, J.Herranz, R.Veness, N.Chritin, W. Andreazza S.Samuelsson, M.Koujili. BI Review on Radiation Development and Testing 2
1. Introduction 1.1 Wire Scanner principle Invasive method for beam transverse profile measurement. Carbon wire interaction (30um) generates shower of secondary particles. Transversal profile: – Wire position (X axis) – Secondary rain (Y axis) System compromises: – Wire blow-up (heat) – Losses produced – Mechanical stresses (Bellows) – Calibration procedures – Vibrations Types: – Rotating Fast – Rotating Short/Long – Linear Total Scanners: 31 Usage in a daily basis at CERN AcceleratorTypeQuantity SPSRotating6 SPSLinear4 3
1. Introduction 1.2 Current system limitations Better reproducibility & accuracy needed for scans: Beam size min LHC 130 um, PSB 2000 um Sensors and actuators outside vacuum chamber Not direct measurement of wire position (External potentiometer) Not direct relationship motor/wire movement (Mechanical transformations) Mechanical play Secondary Particle acquisition system: Need to Set-up working point of PMT (Amplif.) & Filters (Which) Working point has a clear impact in the Beam sigma measurement (PMT Saturation) Limited dynamic range in any configuration (Tails measurements) High Intensity beams rise up the noise level and therefore decreases the dynamic range. Aging of bellows Limits the operational life of the BWS In case of an accident the Vacuum is lost Scintillator Filters PMT Preamplifiers (**)Acquisition system and PMT saturation effect PSB Fast Wire Scanner 4
Resolver X Axis: Optical position sensor Y Axis: Diamond Detector 1. Introduction 1.4 BWS Prototype (Mechanical Aspects) Scan at least as fast as the existing system (20 m/s needed to avoid wire damage) Absolute accuracy of beam width determination of about 5 um (~5%) Reduction of play in mechanical system All elements mounted on same axis High accuracy angular position sensor Optical position sensor (Encoder) Overcome bellow limitations Locate all moveable parts in the vacuum Minimize fork and wire deformations: Acceleration profile optimized for low vibrations Mechanical design for minimum shaft and forks deformation Unified design for integration in the different accelerators (PS, SPS & LHC) Motor Magnetic Stopper Stepped Vacuum Barrel Carbon Wire 5
QD51710 Prototype BWSH51740 LSS5 Max Year 09/10 ~ 180Gy LSS5 Max Year 07/08 ~ 150Gy QD517/8 Max Year 09/11 ~ 1.5kGy QD517/8 Max Year 07/09 ~ 100Gy QD51810 If electronics on radiation, some separation needed to reduce the dose level. 1. Introduction 1.4 BWS Prototype (Location 2014: SPS LSS5) 6
Wire Scanner 2. Sub-systems exposed to radiation Jose Luis Sirvent Blasco on behalf of the Beam Wire Scanner design team 22/11/2013 BWS Design team: B. Dehning, J.Emery, C.Pereira, J.Herranz, R.Veness, N.Chritin, W. Andreazza S.Samuelsson, M.Koujili. BI Review on Radiation Development and Testing 7
Primary Electronics: Control LD power and adapt PD signal to be acquired by ADC. Optical Circulator: Directs the light form the LD to the sensor system and the reflected signal to the PD. Optical Feedthrough: Overcomes the vacuum barrier. Lens system: Focuses the light from ~9um (fibre core) to ~20um (reading spot) and collects reflections. Encoder disc: Made of Soda-lime glass with high reflectivity Cr. Tracks. Characteristics: All optic sensor system (in tunnel) working with SMF 9/125um @ 1310nm Photodiode Signal 2. Sub-systems exposed to radiation 2.1 Optical position sensor Counts: 20.000 Resolution: 314 uRad Accuracy: 25 uRad AIR VACUUM Encoder Disc on detail Long Optical Link (250m) Surface Tunnel 8
Radiation in optical components: – In general when ʎ Increases the Radiation effect decreases – Many studies available for material selection – Fused Silica has proved to be one of the best materials – CERN has already standard RadHard SMF F.O Decisions made for radiation impact minimization: – System: Build with enough optical power margin (~7dB) Working wavelength: 1310nm (many available telecom components) – Lens: Pure Silica Aspheric lenses. – Fibre Optic: SMF 9/125 for 1310nm Use of Standard CERN RH SMF for tunnel. Short of Special Ge-Dopped SMF for Vacuum & High temp RIA Prevision for operational life @ 20KGy (1KGy/y) – Short patch cord (1m): 0.04dB – Long Link (250m): ~5dB 2. Sub-systems exposed to radiation 2.1 Optical position sensor RIA of 6 RH-SMF @ 1310nm up to a total dose 10KGy 9
Proposed detector for secondary particles: pCVD diamond detector This is a Solid State Ionization Chamber: – Energy deposited Generation mobile charges e-h Electrical current when applying Vbias (Proportional to the Energy) Already validated for Single particle detection (*) as well as for Intense beams (**) – Linearity already proven in very large dynamic ranges, from few A for MIP’s to Amps. Many Know-How at CERN, RD42 collaboration, and already used in BE/BI-BL, Atlas BCM, CMS BCM… (*) B.Dehning, E. Effinger, H. Pernegger, D. Dobos, H. Frais-Kolbl, E.Griesmayer. Test of a Diamond Detector using Unbunched Beam Halo Particles. Feb.2010 (**) J.L. Fernandez-Hernando. Development of a Beam Condition Monitor system for the Experimental Areas of the LHC using CVD Diamond. PhD. Thesis (***) C.Kurfuerst et al. “Radiation Tolerance of Cryogenic Beam Loss Monitor Detectors. 4th International Particle Accelerator Conference”, Shanghai, China, 12 - 17 May 2013 Copyright©: CIVIDEC Instrumentation GmbH 2. Sub-systems exposed to radiation 2.2 Secondary particle acquisition system 10
Motor Parker 500150-5Y: – High power density : Lower mass and inertia at equivalent torque – Frameless : Insertion of a vacuum barrel between the stator and rotor – Permanent magnets for high temperature stability Resolver RO3620: – Solid Rotor Resolver: No windings on rotor – Low frequency component: Immunity to high frequency noise – No semiconductors on the transducer: No sensitive electronics – Kapton used as isolator in cables and windings. These systems are commercially available Magnetic stopper: – Safety device to stop the BWS in a safe position – Stopper active when system is not powered – System under study and development System monitoring Sensors: – Wire resistivity & Wire induced currents Samarium-Cobalt Magnets for radiation resistance are envisaged 2. Sub-systems exposed to radiation 2.3 Motor, Resolver & Magnetic stopper Rotor Stator Rotor Stator Air Gap Motor Parker 500150-5Y Resolver RO3620 Magnetic Stopper: Concept under study Air Gap 11
Motor Parker 500150-5Y: – High power density : Lower mass and inertia at equivalent torque – Frameless : Insertion of a vacuum barrel between the stator and rotor – Permanent magnets for high temperature stability Resolver RO3620: – Solid Rotor Resolver: No windings on rotor – Low frequency component: Immunity to high frequency noise – No semiconductors on the transducer: No sensitive electronics – Kapton used as isolator in cables and windings. These systems are commercially available Magnetic stopper: – Safety device to stop the BWS in a safe position – Stopper active when system is not powered – System under study and development System monitoring Sensors: – Wire resistivity & Wire induced currents Samarium-Cobalt Magnets for radiation resistance are envisaged 2. Sub-systems exposed to radiation 2.3 Motor, Resolver & Magnetic stopper Rotor Stator Rotor Stator Air Gap Motor Parker 500150-5Y Resolver RO3620 Magnetic Stopper: Concept under study Air Gap Demagnetization of different magnet types irradiated with high energy electrons 12
Wire Scanner 3. Beam Secondary Shower Acquisition System Design: (Project under development) Jose Luis Sirvent Blasco on behalf of the Beam Wire Scanner design team 22/11/2013 BWS Design team: B. Dehning, J.Emery, C.Pereira, J.Herranz, R.Veness, N.Chritin, W. Andreazza S.Samuelsson, M.Koujili. BI Review on Radiation Development and Testing 13
Perform acquisition with large dynamic range (Dynamics 1e6) – From Pilot beam (NpBunch=0.05*10 11 ) to High Intensity Physic beams LHC (NpBunch=1.2*10 11 ) – Common system for LHC, SPS, PS and PSB beams Flexible system able to provide turn by turn and bunch by bunch measurements. System at 40MHz. Quick adaptation for different accelerators and users. Low noise measurements (accurate tails determination). Separation Detector-Surface up to 250m. If electronics on tunnel should resist up to 100Gy/year (2kGy whole operational life) 3. Beam Secondary Shower Acquisition System Design: 3.1 Challenges for next generation measurement device Example of different beams on PS 14
-20dB 40dB -6dB pCVD Cividec Amplifier Attenuator Cividec Diamond Detector DC-4GHz Splitter -6dB DC-4GHz Splitter -6dB 34dB -12dB -32dB -6dB HV 12V Tunnel Surface For dynamic range coverage 1e6: Signal splitting / amplification / attenuation – Lines well adapted – Normalization of dynamics in every line (2mV – 1V) Dynamics 500 per line Termination 50Ω Fc= 5 Hz Low Pass Filter DC Main principle: Digitalization in parallel of the 3 lines. Line combination by software. Reconstruction of the profile with very good resolution in each range. System optimization and lines adapted. 3. Beam Secondary Shower Acquisition System Design: 3.2 RF-Based Very Front-End layout 15
Very front End Performance assessment under radiation based on BLM experience: – Same components used for BLMED & Secondary particles acquisition system. – Many of these BLMED have an ionization chamber (BLMEI) close to it that can be used as a reference. 3. Beam Secondary Shower Acquisition System Design: 3.2 RF-Based Very Front-End layout (BLM Experience) BLM Diamond Diamond BLM (BLMED.06R7.B2T10_TCHSS.6R7.B2) and Ionization chamber (BLMEI.06R7.B2I10_TCHSS.6R7.B2) Ionization Chamber Worst Case BLMED 6KGy/month Operating 2 years : ~70KGy/y Cumulated dose: ~140KGy No errors detected on amplifier and splitting system up to now 16
3. Beam Secondary Shower Acquisition System Design: 3.3 Facing some decisions for system design (Under Study…) pCVD Diamond Detector Splitting System (PreAmplif) Digitalization (ADC, Integration) Storage and Processing Optical link Interface Optical link Interface pCVD Diamond Detector Splitting System (PreAmplif) Digitalization (ADC, Integration) Storage and Processing SurfaceTunnel Coaxial cables Fibre Optic 1. Digitalization placement On surface: Long signal cables needed (CK50 250m) Very simplified layout and robust system (Maintenance) Pulse distortion and noise. High capacitive input to ADC. On tunnel (RH Electronics): Electronics placed ~2-5m from beam pipe Optical link needed (GBTx and VTRx based at 4.8Gbps) Much more developments needed Very clean digitalized signal 2. Digitalization method: 25ns bunch Integration (QIE10 based): High dynamic range 100e3 (17bits) with only 8 bits. Charge integration and encoder @ 40 MSPS Quantification error ~1% Radiation hard ASIC 40MSPS direct signal acquisition (ADC): Filtering/shaping stage for noise removal (BPF or LPF) Under-Sampling technique Very low quantification error Existing radiation hard possibilities 17
FMC Connector NEW VFC VME FMC Carrier Board FPGA Arria V Back plane VME64 Connector BOBR VME Board Back plane VME64 Connector Clk_bunch Clk_Turn Clk_Events SFP+ Memory TTC Ethernet Selection Logic AD 12Bits AD 12Bits AD 12Bits AD 12Bits AD41240 GBTx&GBT-SCA Or Igloo2 FPGA CLK Versatile Link VTRx Data Control Front-End #1 Filter Shaper Filter Shaper Filter Shaper +34dB -12dB -32dB DC QIE10 A QIE10 B AD 12Bits GBTx&GBT-SCA Or Igloo2 FPGA CLK Versatile Link VTRx Data Front-End #2 -6dB -26dB DC VFC could drive up to 4 Front-Ends Front-End #1: QIE10 Based Quantification Error ~ 1% Integration Some Slow control signals needed for QIE10 (Pedestrials) Front-End #2: ADC Based AD41240 (Cern’s RadTol) available from 2003 Needed shapers In the inputs (noise reduction) Quantification Errors <0.01% No Slow control needed for ADC’s 3. Beam Secondary Shower Acquisition System Design: 3.4 Design Options (Front-End Based) 18
FMC Connector NEW VFC VME FMC Carrier Board FPGA Arria V Back plane VME64 Connector BOBR VME Board Back plane VME64 Connector Clk_bunch Clk_Turn Clk_Events SFP+ Memory TTC Ethernet Selection Logic AD 12Bits AD 12Bits AD 12Bits AD 12Bits AD41240 GBTx&GBT-SCA Or Igloo2 FPGA CLK Versatile Link VTRx Data Control Front-End #1 Filter Shaper Filter Shaper Filter Shaper +34dB -12dB -32dB DC QIE10 A QIE10 B AD 12Bits GBTx&GBT-SCA Or Igloo2 FPGA CLK Versatile Link VTRx Data Front-End #2 -6dB -26dB DC VFC could drive up to 4 Front-Ends Front-End #1: QIE10 Based Quantification Error ~ 1% Integration Some Slow control signals needed for QIE10 (Pedestrials) Front-End #2: ADC Based AD41240 (Cern’s RadTol) available from 2003 Needed shapers In the inputs (noise reduction) Quantification Errors <0.01% No Slow control needed for ADC’s 3. Beam Secondary Shower Acquisition System Design: 3.4 Design Options (Front-End Based) Radiation Specifications of front-end components: QIE10: Technology: 0.35 um AMS SiGe By Specs specked to survive at least up to 1KGy Radiation tests performed on september 2013 ASIC Worked at least up to 400Gy and critical failure at 3.3KGy Still under testing AD41240: Available from 2003 Radiation tolerant, 0.25 µm CMOS technology Performance guaranteed up to 100KGy GBTx: Technology: 130 nm CMOS commercial RadTol By specs specked total dose up to 1MGy ASIC under irradiation test Prototypes available. VTRx: By specs specked total dose up to 500KGy Radiation qualified LD & PD Now completely available. 19
FMC Connector NEW VFC VME FMC Carrier Board FPGA Arria V Back plane VME64 Connector BOBR VME Board Back plane VME64 Connector Clk_bunch Clk_Turn Clk_Events SFP+ Memory TTC Ethernet FMC Connector #1: Commercial Mezanine for VFC ADC Filter +34dB -12dB -32dB DC FMC Connector #2: Custom Mezanine for VFC QIE10 ADC -6dB -26dB DC 1 VFC would drive only 1pCVD Diamond detector Mezanine #1: Commercial Mezanine card with VITA-57 standard Simplest & Quickest development Needed filters/shapers in the input for noise cleaning Mezanine #2: No need of filters (or lowpass fc<500Mhz) Some developments needed Quantification error ~1% No possible RF Amplification (Standard HF Op Amp) 3. Beam Secondary Shower Acquisition System Design: 3.4 Design Options (Back-End Based) 20
FMC Connector NEW VFC VME FMC Carrier Board FPGA Arria V Back plane VME64 Connector BOBR VME Board Back plane VME64 Connector Clk_bunch Clk_Turn Clk_Events SFP+ Memory TTC Ethernet FMC Connector #1: Commercial Mezanine for VFC ADC Filter +34dB -12dB -32dB DC FMC Connector #2: Custom Mezanine for VFC QIE10 ADC -6dB -26dB DC 1 VFC would drive only 1pCVD Diamond detector Mezanine #1: Commercial Mezanine card with VITA-57 standard Simplest & Quickest development Needed filters/shapers in the input for noise cleaning Mezanine #2: No need of filters (or lowpass fc<500Mhz) Some developments needed Quantification error ~1% No possible RF Amplification (Standard HF Op Amp) 3. Beam Secondary Shower Acquisition System Design: 3.4 Design Options (Back-End Based) We need to analyse the different schemes and understand limiting factors for decision making. 21
1) Bandwidth limitation2) Attenuation and Dispersion 3. Beam Secondary Shower Acquisition System Design: 3.5 System Analysis (Understanding the effects of long CK50 cables) Time Frequency 330KHz 1GHz 5 ms 1GHz10KHz Magnitude Phase 3) Pile-up effect (Offset) 4) Noise 22
3. Beam Secondary Shower Acquisition System Design: 3.5 System Analysis (Systems performance testing by simulations) pCVD Diamond Detector Reconstruct bunch profile trough beam parameters Calculate number of interacting particles / bunch Consider BWS parameters for particle shower temporal distribution Calculate charge on detector and transform into Current/Voltages Pulses shaping and train of Voltage pulses Splitting & Pre-Ampliffiers Cable Digitalization Scheme Processing Transfer Function of cable (Dispersion) Noise added on lines (White) Bunch Integration/Acquisition Quantification/Encoding errors Digitalization dynamics Lines combination and signals normalization Beam profile reconstruction per bunch Extraction of Beam Sigma + Error Signal splitting and attenuation Transfer Function of amplifier (Gain + Bandwidth) Simulation of the acquisition systems: general work-flow 23
3. Beam Secondary Shower Acquisition System Design: 3.5 System Analysis (Systems performance testing by simulations) pCVD Diamond Detector Reconstruct bunch profile trough beam parameters Calculate number of interacting particles / bunch Consider BWS parameters for particle shower temporal distribution Calculate charge on detector and transform into Current/Voltages Pulses shaping and train of Voltage pulses Splitting & Pre-Ampliffiers Cable Digitalization Scheme Processing Transfer Function of cable (Dispersion) Noise added on lines (White) Bunch Integration/Acquisition Quantification/Encoding errors Digitalization dynamics Lines combination and signals normalization Beam profile reconstruction per bunch Extraction of Beam Sigma + Error Signal splitting and attenuation Transfer Function of amplifier (Gain + Bandwidth) The different implementations will be judged by the error on the beam width determination. Simulation of the acquisition systems: general work-flow 24
User interface and default settings for testing: Based on: 3. Beam Secondary Shower Acquisition System Design: 3.5 System Analysis (Systems performance testing by simulations) 25
3. Beam Secondary Shower Acquisition System Design: 3.5 System Analysis (Systems performance testing by simulations) Possibility of study measured bunch beam sigma error: Noise in lines (Gaussian white) Cable length (pulse dispersion) # points per sigma (Scan speed) First very-preliminary results available: Needed more analysis for conclusions Follow statistical procedures (more samples) Many effects not considered on simulations… Other factors for decision: Materials availability System maintenance minimization … 26
A general overview of the project and main components have been presented. During the design of the BWS prototype and in material selection the radiation has played a very important role. The Initial prototype will start running with Scintillator + PMT and will be updated later with pCVD + new Electronics. Different options for secondary shower acquisition system have been presented and initial analysis done(soon decisions will be made). More analysis about the different options will be done and more research about possible techniques and components. The GBT link is presented as a good option, many upgrade projects plans to use it. QIE10 & GBTx ASICS still under development but some samples are available for prototyping. 4. Conclusions: 27
References J.P. Saraiva, M. Brugger. “Radiation Levels at CERN’s Injectors and their impact on electronic equipment”. CERN EN/STI, CH1211 Geneva 23. Switzerland.Radiation Levels at CERN’s Injectors and their impact on electronic equipment I. Brunner, F. Jaquenod, J. Trummer, H. Vincke. “High-Level Dosimetry results for the CERN High-Energy Accelerators”. Annual Report for 2007 and 2008.High-Level Dosimetry results for the CERN High-Energy Accelerators I. Brunner, F. Jaquenod, J. Trummer, H. Vincke. “High-Level Dosimetry results for the CERN High-Energy Accelerators”. Annual Report for 2009 and 2010.High-Level Dosimetry results for the CERN High-Energy Accelerators J. Anderson et al. “Progress on the Upgrade of the CMS Hadron Calorimeter Front-End Electronics”. TIPP2011-Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics 2011.Progress on the Upgrade of the CMS Hadron Calorimeter Front-End Electronics J. Anderson et al. “CMS Technical Design Report for the Phase 1 Upgrade of the Hadron Calorimeter”. CMS-TDR-010. 26 September 2012.CMS Technical Design Report for the Phase 1 Upgrade of the Hadron Calorimeter B.Dehning, E. Effinger, H. Pernegger, D. Dobos, H. Frais-Kolbl, E.Griesmayer. “Test of a Diamond Detector using Unbunched Beam Halo Particles”. Feb.2010Test of a Diamond Detector using Unbunched Beam Halo Particles J.L. Fernandez-Hernando. “Development of a Beam Condition Monitor system for the Experimental Areas of the LHC using CVD Diamond.” PhD. ThesisDevelopment of a Beam Condition Monitor system for the Experimental Areas of the LHC using CVD Diamond S.M. Javed Akhtar, Mohammad Ashraf, Shaukat Hameed Khan Optics Laboratories,Islamabad. “A study of neutron and gamma radiation effects on transmission of various types of glasses, optical coatings, cemented optics and fiber”. Pakistan. 22 September 2006A study of neutron and gamma radiation effects on transmission of various types of glasses, optical coatings, cemented optics and fiber T.Wijnands, K.Aikawa, J.Kuhnhenn, D.Ricci, U.Weinand. “Radiation Tolerant Optical Fibers: From Sample Testing to Large Series Production” Journal of Lightwave technology, Vol. 29, No. 22, November 15, 2011Radiation Tolerant Optical Fibers: From Sample Testing to Large Series Production M.Kuhn, G.Arduini, J.Emery, A.Guerrero, W.Hofle, V.Kain, F.Roncarolo, M.Sapinski, M.Schaumann, R.Steinhagen. “LHC Emittance Preservation During the 2012 Run”. CERN, Geneva SwitzerlandLHC Emittance Preservation During the 2012 Run B.Dehning, J.Emery, J.Herranz, M.Koujili. J.L.Sirvent. “Vacuum actuator and Controller design for a fast wire scanner”. Proceedings of BIW2012, Newport News, VA USA.Vacuum actuator and Controller design for a fast wire scanner R.Veness. N.Chritin, B. Dehning, J.Emery, J. Herranz, M.Koujili. S.Samuelsson, J.L. Sirvent. ”Design of a high-precission fast wire scanner for the SPS at CERN”. Proceedings of IBIC2012, Tsukuba, Japan.Design of a high-precission fast wire scanner for the SPS at CERN C.Kurfuerst et al. “Radiation Tolerance of Cryogenic Beam Loss Monitor Detectors. 4th International Particle Accelerator Conference”, Shanghai, China, 12 - 17 May 2013Radiation Tolerance of Cryogenic Beam Loss Monitor Detectors. 4th International Particle Accelerator Conference Teruhiko BIZEN. “Demagnetization of undulator magnets irradiated high energy electrons” M.Sapinksi. “Estimations of Wire Scanner impact on downstream magnets” 28
Thanks for your attention … Any question/suggestion/comments? Jose Luis Sirvent Blasco on behalf of the Beam Wire Scanner design team 22/11/2013 BWS Design team: B. Dehning, J.Emery, C.Pereira, J.Herranz, R.Veness, N.Chritin, W. Andreazza S.Samuelsson, M.Koujili. BI Review on Radiation Development and Testing 29
3. Beam Secondary Shower Acquisition System Design: 3.5 System Analysis (Systems performance testing by simulations) Profile and interaction Accelerator: Beam parameters BWS: Scan parameters pCVD: Detector properties Gain Line A Cable A Cable B Gain Line B Gain Line C Systems Under Test: 1) BP_Filters + ADCs 2) LP_Filter + QIE10s 3) RF Downconv. + ADCs Implicit in the program HV = 500V Area = 10mm 2 Thickness = 0.5mm Distance from IP = 2m MIP Q = 1.6 fC 30
1. Digitalization method: Bunch Integration (QIE10 based): High dynamic range 100e3 (17bits) with only 8 bits. Charge integration and encoder @ 40 MSPS Quantification error ~1% Radiation hard ASIC Direct signal acquisition (ADC): High speed for bunch profiling Filtering/shaping stage for noise removal (BPF or LPF) Under-Sampling technique (Need beam synchronous signal) Very low quantification error Existing radiation hard possibilities 2. Digitalization placement On surface: Long signal cables needed (CK50 250m) Very simplified layout and robust system (Maintenance) Pulse distortion and noise. High capacitive input to ADC. On tunnel: Electronics placed ~2-5m from beam pipe Optical link needed (GBTx and VTRx based at 4.8Gbps) Much more developments needed Very clean digitalized signal 3. Beam Secondary Shower Acquisition System Design: 3.3 Facing some decisions for system design (Not yet decided…) Specifications Research Analysis We need to quantify the impact of cable, noise and digitalization scheme for the beam sigma determination. 31
2. Sub-systems exposed to radiation 2.4 Electronic systems and long cabling connections Tunnel Surface 32
Scheme 3: RF Techniques (Use of down-conversion to slow-down the pCVD and reach Nyquist) See: 250m Cable pCVD 240Mhz30Mhz 220Mhz Scheme 1: Under-sampling as the simplest approach (Use of BPF for base-line recovery & noise filtering) See: Scheme 2: QIE10 Based (Charge Integration and Encoder) See: 250m Cable pCVD 250m Cable pCVD Band-Pass Filter (220Mhz) ADC 14Bits 40MSPS Preamplifier 40dB Preamplifier 40dB Low-Pass Filter (150Mhz) QIE10 8bits 40MSPS 3. Beam Secondary Shower Acquisition System Design: 3.5 System Analysis (Analytical view for different systems) 33
Back-Up Slides: CMS Upgrade of the Hadron Calorimeter: 3 Sensors: HB (Barrel),HE(Endcap) & HF (Forward) Common scheme, Electronics and architecture (Quicker development) QIE10-Based Acquisition. 3 Main hardware systems: – 1. Detector module – 2. Front-End Electronics (Tunnel) – 3. Back-End Electronics (Surface) Long Link transmission: Optic SMF 1310 FE-Cards – QIE10: Charge Integration and Encoder V10 – FE-FPGA: RH Data Alignment & Formatting – GBT: RH Serializer & Optic link 4.8Gb/s – VTTX: Versatile Link technology (RH PD/PD…) Jake Anderson et al. “Progress on the Upgrade of the CMS Hadron Calorimeter Front-End Electronics”. TIPP2011- Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics 2011. J. Anderson et al. “CMS Technical Design Report for the Phase 1 Upgrade of the Hadron Calorimeter”. CMS-TDR-010. 26 September 2012. 34
QIE10 Characteristics and functionality(*): Rad-Hard Charge-Integrating ASIC (25ns) Fast, Wide dynamic range, Dead-Timeless ADC (Latency: only 4x25ns) Very High dynamic range: 3.2fC 340pC (Fits well our initial estimations!!) – LSB 3.2fC (Almost MIP for pCVD) – Non linear charge digitalization scheme: 6 bit FACD mantissa + 2 Exp (4 Ranges) – TDC capability: Produces TDC info based on the Rising/falling edge of pulse (2 configurable 8bits thresshold levels) Inputs: – Reset (CLK Alignment) – Charge signal (from pCVD) – CLK – Programmable stuff ( Thressholds, Pedestrials…) Outputs: – Q : Charge Integral – T1: Arrival time (500ps resolution) – T2: Falling time (500ps resolution) QIE10p4 Already available! QIE10p5 soon (maybe also available) * “CMS Specifications Document for the QIE10 ASIC. 2010” Back-Up Slides: 35
QIE10 Digitization Scheme Back-Up Slides: 36
QIE10 Specifications Back-Up Slides: 37
43 Optic FiberVacuum chamber Motor Stator Wire Fork RF screen Optic Disc in vacuum Resolver Bearings Shaft Rotor in vacuum Magnetic lock Back-Up Slides:
Position of the BWS Prototype (BWSH) BWSH 51740 Back-Up Slides: 44
PSB 2009/2011 Back-Up Slides: 45
PS 2009/2011 Back-Up Slides: 46
!!! Back-Up Slides: 47
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