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Mexican Poster/Street Art Stencil Final Art Piece: Mexico Unit.

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Presentation on theme: "Mexican Poster/Street Art Stencil Final Art Piece: Mexico Unit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mexican Poster/Street Art Stencil Final Art Piece: Mexico Unit

2 Your Task: As a culminating experience, you will create your own art images based upon the political and social issues raised in this unit. This is not a solo task, but a group assignment in which you will investigate a single issue, look at art images dealing with this issue, and then create your own poster or stencil image based upon what you’ve learned.


4 Your artwork should employ some of the strategies used by Mexican street artists: Flat, bold colors Text only if it’s absolutely necessary. Try to use images to convey your message Graphic and clear imagery

5 You have the choice of creating either a poster that you paint by hand or a stencil that you will then print onto paper. Neither is easier than the other, they’re just two different options. The poster will be approximately 18”x20” while a stenciled image may be much larger, because you can combine multiple stencils to create a single piece. You must decide this as a group


7 Grading Originality of the design – your piece should be unique and not a copy of an existing image Craftsmanship – your piece should be neat, well organized, and appear finished. It should not be bend, folded, creased, torn, rolled, or stained. Ability to communicate a message - your topic/theme must be clearly articulated using visual imagery Link to Mexican culture/experience - you can use Mexican symbols, motifs, etc. Peer assessment and self assessment – you will assess the contribution of your fellow group members and your own contribution to the task

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