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Freedom Summer The Summer Of 1964. In prevented many African Americans from voting. The NAACP & College students from the north help the African Americans.

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Presentation on theme: "Freedom Summer The Summer Of 1964. In prevented many African Americans from voting. The NAACP & College students from the north help the African Americans."— Presentation transcript:

1 Freedom Summer The Summer Of 1964

2 In prevented many African Americans from voting. The NAACP & College students from the north help the African Americans gain the rights to vote. What Happened

3 African-Americans in South had to take literacy tests. Voting committee founund a way to make them fail. Registration

4 People in the south also forced to pay a Poll tax White people paid less than African- Americans Poll Taxes

5 While Congress was working on the Civil Rights Act- African American and white volunteers went south to help Police in south didn’t protect them Volunteers

6 Three CORE workers, Andrew Goodman, Mickey Schwerner,and James Chaney were killed in June 1964. Danger in Mississippi

7 Killed by members of the Ku Klux Klan Deaths of the 3 workers brought national attention to the problems Civil Rights workers faced in the South Danger in Mississippi cont.

8 Congress passed the Voting Rights Act, 1965 Passing the Voting Rights Act

9 e/films/1964/player/ s/freedomsummer.html s/freedomsummer.html Sources

10 Chen,Yong American History Globe Fearon Pearson Education,Inc.,2003. Print. Sources cont.

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