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P.448-452.  A way of drawing an electric circuit using standard symbols  Some symbols require you to identify the positive and negative terminals e.g.

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Presentation on theme: "P.448-452.  A way of drawing an electric circuit using standard symbols  Some symbols require you to identify the positive and negative terminals e.g."— Presentation transcript:

1 p.448-452

2  A way of drawing an electric circuit using standard symbols  Some symbols require you to identify the positive and negative terminals e.g. Dry cell, motor, and DC power supply


4 Fuse  A device used to protect against excessive current Lamp*  A device that changes electrical energy into another form (light, heat, sound) Resistor  A device that resists the flow of current Ammeter  An instrument that measures the electric current (Flow of charge per unit time)  Placed within the circuit Voltmeter  An instrument that measures the potential difference between 2 points  Placed around a load/battery

5  Flow of electrons follows only one path  E.g. Plugging in a toaster and an electric kettle in the same outlet are loads on the same circuit


7  Electrons can flow more than one way  Loads are on at least two different branches of wires that connect to an energy source  After reaching a branch, the electron flow splits and then merge again before returning to the energy source  E.g. Most homes, buildings are connected in parallel




11 CIRCUITVoltage (V)Current (I)Resistance (R) Series If one load off ALL loads off Each load uses a portion of V supplied by the battery (brightness decreases as more loads added) Current is the same throughout circuit Current decreases when more resistors are added Parallel If one load off remaining loads stay on Each load uses all the V from battery (brightness stays the same even as more loads added Current divided between the pathways for loads Adding resistors in parallel decreases total current of circuit

12  Read and supplement notes section 11.2  Complete:  p. 450 #1,3,4  P. 453 #1-4  P. 457 #3,4

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