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EUREKA UMBRELLA PROJECT: Technologies for a Sustainable and Competitive Construction Sector E! 3790 EUREKABUILD Closing EurekaBuild Achievements so far.

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Presentation on theme: "EUREKA UMBRELLA PROJECT: Technologies for a Sustainable and Competitive Construction Sector E! 3790 EUREKABUILD Closing EurekaBuild Achievements so far."— Presentation transcript:

1 EUREKA UMBRELLA PROJECT: Technologies for a Sustainable and Competitive Construction Sector E! 3790 EUREKABUILD Closing EurekaBuild Achievements so far Initiating EurekaBuild2 Svein Willy Danielsen SINTEF, Norway

2  ! 3790 EurekaBuild - 2 - European Construction Technology Platform Formalities E! 3790  Announced June 2006  Duration 01-June-2006 to 01-Jan-2010  Chair: SP (acting from 2008 FR) In coordination with ECTP  Secretariat: FR (with ECTP)  SC: All participating countries (NUP, NUS) Chair and Secretariat Rep. from ESE  TC: WP 1 Dissemination: PO, CR WP 2 Project portfolio prep.: NL, NO

3  ! 3790 EurekaBuild - 3 - European Construction Technology Platform Austria Belgium Croatia Czech Rep. Denmark Finland France Greece Iceland Lithuania Netherlands Norway Eurekabuild Partners 2006 - 2009 Poland Portugal Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland UK

4  ! 3790 EurekaBuild - 4 - European Construction Technology Platform Background To be a supplementary instrument for ECTP for the implementation of its  Vision 2030  Strategic Research Agenda  IAP Priorities

5  ! 3790 EurekaBuild - 5 - European Construction Technology Platform Core Activity Brokerage events - workshops  To connect people for ideas, proposals and projects  Involve NTPs  Involve FA leaders  Be an accessible tool for SMEs’ bottom-up initiatives

6  ! 3790 EurekaBuild - 6 - European Construction Technology Platform Crucial elements in a brokerage event  Market for match making, including a poster exhibition  Opportunity for brief dedicated workshops, round table discussions  Presentations with visions. Starting point societal needs leading to technological solutions, providing the audience a perspective to the future but also enthusiasm.  General information on the processes and platforms.

7  ! 3790 EurekaBuild - 7 - European Construction Technology Platform Workshops 2007JanNetworksNLRotterdam MayICT and processesNordicOslo MayCultural heritageGRAthens JuneAdvanced building materials CZTelc NovNano materialsSPValencia 2008JanICTPOPoznan AprEnergy efficient construction LTVilnius MayNetworksCRDubrovnic OctICT and automationUKBirmingham

8  ! 3790 EurekaBuild - 8 - European Construction Technology Platform Workshops  Presentations and project ideas available on EurekaBuild website  > 600 people attending  > 150 project ideas presented  Networks established also for non-Eureka project generation  13 EurekaBuild projects announced

9  ! 3790 EurekaBuild - 9 - European Construction Technology Platform Projects  Complete list of EurekaBuild projects available on EUREKA website  13 projects announced  17 countries involved  SE and SP most active with 5 projects each  Total budget > 200 M€

10  ! 3790 EurekaBuild - 10 - European Construction Technology Platform Lessons learned Follow up from idea to proposal and finally to an awarded project - This is where we need to improve

11  ! 3790 EurekaBuild - 11 - European Construction Technology Platform Newsletter 1: the process

12  ! 3790 EurekaBuild - 12 - European Construction Technology Platform Supporting the process Idea / initiative Project definition and partnering From proposal to project Initiator Intended project leader Appointed project leader National NTP National and foreign NTP Funding bodies FA leaders NTP’s NUP’s and NPC Broker or match maker Key advisorsResponsible Stage

13 EUREKA UMBRELLA PROJECT: Technologies for a Sustainable and Competitive Construction Sector Continuing into EurekaBuild 2 To be discussed Decisions to be made Actions to be taken

14  ! 3790 EurekaBuild - 14 - European Construction Technology Platform To be discussed  New Umbrella Guidelines 2009  Extension of the EurekaBuild Umbrella  New structure Organising the EurekaBuild2 – chairman, secretariat etc  Consortium Participants, NUP, NUS  New Work Plan Meeting of participants in EurekaBuild2 Preparation of work plan and application formalities  Next action  A o B

15  ! 3790 EurekaBuild - 15 - European Construction Technology Platform Starting point  Achievements from EurekaBuild 1 in terms of Network Project ideas Projects running  ECTP SRA and IAP EurekaBuild should still be a supplementary instrument to fulfil the objectives of ECTP, and thus a part of the ECTP organisation  The EurekaBuild Action Plan from May 2006 Will still be valid for most items, and can be used as a basis  The new Eureka Umbrella guidelines Need to be implemented in the new action plan  The NTPs network Should still be a backbone for the initiative

16  ! 3790 EurekaBuild - 16 - European Construction Technology Platform Decisions to be made  Chair The Spanish NTP has offered to chair the new EurekaBuild 2 initiative, and provide funding for the chair and support office  Commitment of member states EUREKA member states must decide on their continued commitment to EurekaBuild2 – at least 5 member states will be needed in order to re- launch the Umbrella According to the new Umbrella guidelines a stronger NPC commitment will be needed also regarding financial issues  Secretariat Hosting and running the secretariat and support office – with ECTP, with the Chair or other alternatives  Management and WP structure Overall structure for decision-making and running of the Umbrella Work packages and responsibilities

17  ! 3790 EurekaBuild - 17 - European Construction Technology Platform Actions to be taken  Establish the new structure Define responsibilities Secure the commitment from partners and their NPCs Secure the funding  Prepare the new Work Plan Meeting of new SC, at/with ESE in early 2010 Write and adopt the work plan File the application form  Set up the new secretariat and support office  Define roles and have the new TC and WP leaders up and running

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