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Data and Applications Security Developments and Directions Dr. Bhavani Thuraisingham The University of Texas at Dallas Lecture #16 Knowledge Management.

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Presentation on theme: "Data and Applications Security Developments and Directions Dr. Bhavani Thuraisingham The University of Texas at Dallas Lecture #16 Knowledge Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data and Applications Security Developments and Directions Dr. Bhavani Thuraisingham The University of Texas at Dallas Lecture #16 Knowledge Management Guest Lecture March 3, 2005

2 Outline of the Unit l What is Knowledge Management? l Basic concepts: Components and Models l Organizational Learning Process l Knowledge Management Architecture l Secure Knowledge Management and Trust Negotiation l Knowledge Models l Directions

3 What is Knowledge Management l Knowledge management, or KM, is the process through which organizations generate value from their intellectual property and knowledge-based assets l KM involves the creation, dissemination, and utilization of knowledge l Reference: management.htm?source=google

4 Knowledge Management Components Components: Strategies Processes Metrics Cycle: Knowledge, Creation Sharing, Measurement And Improvement Technologies: Expert systems Collaboration Training Web Components of Knowledge Management: Components, Cycle and Technologies

5 Knowledge Models l Level 1: Highest Level - Mental models utilized by psychologists - Social models (e.g. social network models) used by sociologists l Level 2: Mid-level - Models utilized by expert systems - Process modeling l Level: Bottom level - Models understood by machines - E.g., rule-based, frame-based, etc.

6 IdentificationCreation Diffusion - Tacit, Explicit IntegrationModification Action Organizational Learning Process Metrics Source: Reinhardt and Pawlowsky Incentives also see: Tools in Organizational Learning

7 Six Principals of Effective Learning Effective Learning Requires:  Understanding 1) Mental models, paradigms, context, observation, assumptions, opinion, fact, truth 2) Systems Thinking - Variation  Skills 3) Ability to challenge assumptions 4) Listen to Understand  Process 5) Complete observe, assess (reflection, gain understanding), design (develop theory, prediction, vision), implement (test), cycle 6) Teach others

8 Knowledge Management Metrics - The Goal of Metrics  Measuring Success (How am I doing?)  Benchmarking (How am I comparatively doing?)  Tracking Improvement (Am I getting better?)  Direct  future investment (technology, employees)  strategy  alignment (culture, incentives) “One way to ensure your doing worse is to not measure” - Adapted from Pressman

9 Learning By-Product Measures  Papers in Competitive Journals and Magazines  Percentage New Technology compared to all Technology  Process Cycle Time  Employee Surveys  Involvement with decisions  Recognition for work achieved  Access to information  Rewarding risk taking  Overall Satisfaction  Employee Retention  ‘Employee Suggestion Process

10 Knowledge Management: Incentive-based Approaches Receiver Positive Incentives Knowledge Gained Can teach others what is learned Teacher Positive Incentives “Knowledge Transfer Champion” prestige Can improve knowledge Negative Incentives Time Unqualified teacher Negative Incentives Time Students not willing to learn

11 Effective Information Access Vision  Available - If information exists, it is available for retrieval  Internal and External sources  Processed from available data  Relevant - Information retrieved applies to information need  If available, information is retrieved  Useful - Information has a positive impact  Influences behavior to improve productivity - best practices and techniques  Raises understanding of a domain  Not misinformation  Accessible - Information obtained during the time of need; In common language and ontology.

12 Knowledge Management: Strategies, Processes, Metrics and Tools Knowledge Management: Within and Across Corporations and Agencies Strategies e.g., Management Plans; Policies; Data sharing vs. Privacy Processes e.g., best practices Metrics e.g., web usage Tools e.g., Semantic Web

13 Knowledge Management Architecture Knowledge Creation and Acquisition Manager Knowledge Representation Manager Knowledge Manipulation Manager Knowledge Dissemination and Sharing Manager

14 Open System Concept for Knowledge Management Architecture  When in need of a component:  Use a COTS one if available  Build one with a standard API and share it, reusing design from other components  Build a domain-specific one and share it  Allow component integrators and users to tailor or configure applications from components:  Compose systems from components  Tailor a component in unanticipated ways  Tailor a component in anticipated ways  Build software that can interoperate with other software

15 Knowledge Exchange & Annotation Engine (KEAN)  Resides on any web-accessible knowledge base (any intranet, www)  Increases incentive to share information  Author gets positive and negative feedback about information that is submitted  Feedback system - no more publishing documents that disappear into the ether  Prestige - top rated document views  Quality filters steer user towards best information  Domain specific instances of KEAN are created  Works with Java enabled browser

16 Software Components “The KeanBeans Component Framework”  Provides the infrastructure for the creation of an open system for KMA  A pallet of JavaBeans components that facilitate the creation of web tracklets by power users, component integrators and developers  Uses industry standards to prompt reuse. Examples: JavaBeans, enterprise JavaBeans(EJB), infobus and Java Foundation Classes(JFC)

17 The Three Versions of KEAN Architecture  Version 1 “beta version”  No reuse  Two-tiered  Stored procedures  Version 2 “newest version”  GUI reuse via JavaBeans  Two-tiered  JDBC access to database  Version 3 “final version”  Logic reuse via Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB)  Three-tiered  CORBA access to objects

18 Structure of Version 1 - Beta Version of KEAN “Thin http” client Html JavaScript Applets Stored Procedures (PL/SQL) Database tier ORACLE ORACLE WEB SERVER

19 Structure of Version 2 “Thick” client Database tier KeanBeans ORACLE JDBC Code reuse with a two tier architecture ORACLE WEB SERVER

20 Structure of Version 3 “thin” clientmiddle tierserver tier KeanBeans CORBA ORB RDBMSs and OODBMS web Server EJB

21 Goal of Version 3  Interoperability with other systems - “want to build an open system”  Developers do not have to code in Java to reuse our code. Will be able to get to our objects through the CORBA ORB  A more scaleable system “thin client”  Persistent storage of objects

22 Secure Knowledge Management l Protecting the intellectual property of an organization l Access control including role-based access control l Security for process/activity management and workflow - Users must have certain credentials to carry out an activity l Composing multiple security policies across organizations l Security for knowledge management strategies and processes l Risk management and economic tradeoffs l Digital rights management and trust negotiation

23 Knowledge Management for Coalitions Export Knowledge Component Knowledge for Agency A Knowledge for Coalition Export Knowledge Component Knowledge for Agency C Component Knowledge for Agency B Export Knowledge

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