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Designing a Better Walsall: An introduction Jon Lord Principal Regeneration Officer.

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Presentation on theme: "Designing a Better Walsall: An introduction Jon Lord Principal Regeneration Officer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Designing a Better Walsall: An introduction Jon Lord Principal Regeneration Officer

2 A document that will: Improve the quality of Walsall’s urban environment and encourage a high standard of design for new developments Provide advice for developers and planners on design of all types of new developments in Walsall Provides framework for making decisions on planning applications

3 A document that: Applies national and regional design policy at the local level Recognises the Walsall Community Plan’s and WRC’s aspiration to improve Walsall’s image, including raising design standards Develops existing commitments to achieving good design in the adopted Walsall Unitary Development Plan (UDP) Will be adopted as a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

4 The Statutory Planning Context Walsall UDP adopted in March 2005. The Walsall Local Development Framework (LDF) will replace the Unitary Development Plan. The LDF will be prepared in a phased programme over a number of years. The LDF is a folder of local development documents that outlines the spatial planning strategy for the local area.


6 Walsall LDF: 2006-07 Programme Core Strategy – Produced jointly with Wolverhampton, Dudley & Sandwell. SPDs - Waterfront Development at consultation stage - Design guide – informal consultation stage; formal consultation during January 2007, anticipated adoption early 2007 - Health & Education Provision – work started; anticipated adoption early 2007 Annual Monitoring Report

7 Why is Design Important? Image – design influences quality of environment and whether or not people choose to live, work and invest in the area Sense of Place – well-designed developments respect and celebrate local identity and are a source of pride for local communities Quality of Life – good design can have a positive effect on well-being of local people, can help deter crime/ anti-social behaviour and can help secure/ improve access to key facilities

8 Why is Design Important? 85% of people agreed with the statement ‘better quality buildings and public spaces improve the quality of people’s lives’ (CABE/MORI, 2004) Volume house builders who invested in higher quality design could expect to yield a residential value per hectare of 15% more than conventional design (FDP Savills, 2002) Higher quality design offices result in higher rental levels, lower maintenance costs and increases public support (ODPM, 2001)

9 What is Good/Poor Design? Here are some examples…

10 Is this a well designed pedestrian walkway?

11 More recent developments don’t always get it right either…

12 A good example of a mixed use development?

13 A good example of town centre scheme?

14 Recent proposals: Raising our game


16 What we require from you Identify good and poor design-What issues matter to you and your clients Consider the principles of ‘Good Design’; which will form the basis of the Design Guide. Suggestions for raising the profile of the Design Guide and how it can be implemented and monitored

17 How we can help We can offer advice and pre-application discussions through the Council’s Development Team We can ensure that policies and guidance is easily accessible, concise and produced in partnership with stakeholders, in line with the adopted Statement of Community Involvement (SCI)

18 Next Steps Informal consultation (August to October 2006) Draft ‘Designing a better Walsall’ document produced for formal consultation (January 2007) Revised document adopted by Council (March-April 2007) Implementation and monitoring

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