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Guerrilla Marketing. Principles Presence – find ways to make yourself known at all times – chat rooms, forums, discussion boards, e-mail, radio, magazines,

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Presentation on theme: "Guerrilla Marketing. Principles Presence – find ways to make yourself known at all times – chat rooms, forums, discussion boards, e-mail, radio, magazines,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Guerrilla Marketing


3 Principles

4 Presence – find ways to make yourself known at all times – chat rooms, forums, discussion boards, e-mail, radio, magazines, blogs, Yellow Pages Activity – be aware of opportunities to make your product known at all times and act on them Energy – continually marketing – ‘360 degree marketing’ Networks – always looking to make contacts and develop networks – importance of relationships Smart – don’t offend customers or turn them off

5 Advantages:

6 Advantages Flexible – because of small scale nature can be adapted quickly, relatively easy to respond to change Low Cost – one of the founding principles – ideal for firms who do not have massive marketing budgets Targeted – designed to reach the target market – reduces waste and ineffectiveness Simple – many of the methods simple and easy to use and implement – ideal for the smaller business

7 Non-traditional advertising methods

8 Non-traditional methods The Internet: – Web sites – easy and cheap to set up – Pop up ads (assuming they are ‘smart’!) – 24 hour availability and contact – Using Internet technology – getting your name high up in search engines – Using access/registration or subscription logs to full capacity – Use of banner advertising – Web logs – ‘Blogs’ – personal Web ‘diaries’

9 Non-traditional methods Stickers – can be put anywhere – especially in the target area Pavement chalking Bio-degradable tree postings Product give-aways Stenciling Spray paint logos

10 Non-traditional methods Offering free demonstrations and talks – gets you and your product known Offering free consultations Finding a way of generating mystery and intrigue to involve consumers Peer marketing – putting people of similar interests/ages/segments together to generate interest in the product, e.g. one claim for downloading music is that it opens up the chance for ‘new’ music to be discovered and later purchased Using SMS text messaging

11 Word of Mouth Roach Baiting – getting the company message/brand across by the use of an ‘actor’ behaving as a normal consumer in the hope of getting the message passed on. Undercover Marketing – also known as ‘buzz marketing’ – similar to above. Use of paid actors to actively promote the product/brand in a variety of situations or leaving products in high profile places to get them seen/used/noticed. Live commercials – paying for ‘live commercials’ in an appropriate setting, e.g. getting a group of young people to promote the use of ‘alco-pops’ in a club or theme bar.

12 'Illegal' methods Bill stickers Spray paint logos Graffiti ads (Some of these may not be strictly illegal but may border on being so – not embraced by all ‘guerrilla’ marketers)

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