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Hossein Sameti Department of Computer Engineering Sharif University of Technology.

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1 Hossein Sameti Department of Computer Engineering Sharif University of Technology

2 2 Our focus in the next few lectures Hossein Sameti, CE, SUT, Fall 1992

3 3 A discrete-time signal is a function of independent integer variables. x(n) is not defined at instants between two successive samples. Sequence representation: Functional representation: Hossein Sameti, CE, SUT, Fall 1992

4 4 Unit Sample Unit Step Unit Ramp Hossein Sameti, CE, SUT, Fall 1992

5 5 Exponential Signals: Hossein Sameti, CE, SUT, Fall 1992

6  Energy of Signals 6 vs. Power of Signals Hossein Sameti, CE, SUT, Fall 1992

7 7  Periodic vs. aperiodic signals  A signal is periodic with period N (N>0) iff x(n+N)=x(n) for all n  The smallest value of N where this holds is called the fundamental period. N Hossein Sameti, CE, SUT, Fall 1992

8  Symmetric (even) and anti-symmetric (odd) signals: ◦ Even: x(-n) = x(n) ◦ Odd: x(-n) = -x(n)  Any arbitrary signal can be expressed as a sum of two signal components, one even and the other odd: 8 = + Hossein Sameti, CE, SUT, Fall 1992

9  A discrete-time system is a device that performs some operation on a discrete-time signal.  A system transforms an input signal x(n) into an output signal y(n) where:.  Some basic discrete-time systems: ◦ Adders ◦ Constant multipliers ◦ Signal multipliers ◦ Unit delay elements ◦ Unit advance elements 9 Hossein Sameti, CE, SUT, Fall 1992

10 10 Hossein Sameti, CE, SUT, Fall 1992

11 11 Hossein Sameti, CE, SUT, Fall 1992

12 12 Source: Stanford Hossein Sameti, CE, SUT, Fall 1992

13 13 ◦ Addition: y(n) = x 1 (n) + x 2 (n) ◦ Multiplication: y(n) = x 1 (n) x 2 (n) ◦ Scaling: y(n) = a x(n) Hossein Sameti, CE, SUT, Fall 1992

14 14 Moving average filter Solution: Hossein Sameti, CE, SUT, Fall 1992

15 15 Accumulator Solution: Hossein Sameti, CE, SUT, Fall 1992

16  Memoryless systems: If the output of the system at an instant n only depends on the input sample at that time (and not on past or future samples) then the system is called memoryless or static, e.g. y(n)=ax(n)+bx 2 (n)  Otherwise, the system is said to be dynamic or to have memory,  e.g. y(n)=x(n)−4x(n−2) 16 Hossein Sameti, CE, SUT, Fall 1992

17  In a causal system, the output at any time n only depends on the present and past inputs.  An example of a causal system: y(n)=F[x(n),x(n−1),x(n− 2),...]  All other systems are non-causal.  A subset of non-causal system where the system output, at any time n only depends on future inputs is called anti-causal. y(n)=F[x(n+1),x(n+2),...] 17 Hossein Sameti, CE, SUT, Fall 1992

18  Unstable systems exhibit erratic and extreme behavior. BIBO stable systems are those producing a bounded output for every bounded input:  Example:  Solution: 18 Stable or unstable? Bounded signal unstable Hossein Sameti, CE, SUT, Fall 1992

19  Superposition principle:T[ax 1 (n)+bx 2 (n)]=aT[x 1 (n)]+bT[x 2 (n)]  A relaxed linear system with zero input produces a zero output. 19 Scaling property Additivity property Hossein Sameti, CE, SUT, Fall 1992

20  Example:  Solution:  Example: 20 Linear or non-linear? Linear! Non-linear! Useful Hint: In a linear system, zero input results in a zero output! Hossein Sameti, CE, SUT, Fall 1992

21  If input-output characteristics of a system do not change with time then it is called time-invariant or shift-invariant. This means that for every input x(n) and every shift k 21 Hossein Sameti, CE, SUT, Fall 1992

22  Time-invariant example: differentiator  Time-variant example: modulator 22 Hossein Sameti, CE, SUT, Fall 1992

23  LTI systems have two important characteristics: ◦ Time invariance: A system T is called time-invariant or shift- invariant if input-output characteristics of the system do not change with time ◦ Linearity: A system T is called linear iff  Why do we care about LTI systems? ◦ Availability of a large collection of mathematical techniques ◦ Many practical systems are either LTI or can be approximated by LTI systems. 23 T[ax 1 (n)+bx 2 (n)]=aT[x 1 (n)]+bT[x 2 (n)] Hossein Sameti, CE, SUT, Fall 1992

24  h(n): the response of the LTI system to the input unit sample  (n), i.e. h(n)=T(  (n)) An LTI system is completely characterized by a single impulse response h(n). Response of the system to the input unit sample sequence at n=k Convolution sum 24 Hossein Sameti, CE, SUT, Fall 1992

25 25 Folding Shifting and Multiplying Repeat for all n 0 Summation Hossein Sameti, CE, SUT, Fall 1992

26 26 Commutative law:  Distributive law: Hossein Sameti, CE, SUT, Fall 1992

27 27  Associative law: Hossein Sameti, CE, SUT, Fall 1992

28 28 Solution: Non-zero for Hossein Sameti, CE, SUT, Fall 1992


30  Remember that for a causal system, the output at any point of time, depends only on the present and past values of the input.  In the case of an LTI system, causality is translated to a condition on the impulse response. An LTI system is causal iff its impulse response is zero for negative values of n, i.e. h(n)=0 for n<0  This means that the convolution sum is modified to:  Example: exponential input; h(n)=a n u(n) with |a|<1 30 Hossein Sameti, CE, SUT, Fall 1992

31 31 Causality Condition : But x(n-k) for k>=0 shows the past values of x(n). So y(n) depends only on the past values of x(n) and the system is causal. Neither necessary nor sufficient condition for all systems, but necessary and sufficient for LTI systems Causality in LTI Systems Hossein Sameti, CE, SUT, Fall 1992

32  Stability: BIBO (bounded-input-bounded-output) stable |x(n)| |y(n)|<   In the case of an LTI system, stability is translated to a condition on the impulse response too. An LTI system is stable iff its impulse response is absolutely summable.  This implies that the impulse response h(n) goes to zero as n approaches infinity: 32 Hossein Sameti, CE, SUT, Fall 1992

33 33 Stability Condition : A linear time-invariant system is stable iff Stability of LTI Systems Hossein Sameti, CE, SUT, Fall 1992

34 34 a,b=? System Stable Solution: Hossein Sameti, CE, SUT, Fall 1992

35  LTI systems can be divided into 2 types based on their impulse response:  An FIR system has finite-duration h(n), i.e. h(n) = 0 for n < 0 and n ≥ M.  This means that the output at any time n is simply a weighted linear combination of the most recent M input samples (FIR has a finite memory of length M).  An IIR system has infinite-duration h(n), so its output based on the convolution formula becomes (causality assumed)  In this case, the weighted sum involves present and all past input samples thus the IIR system has infinite memory. 35 Hossein Sameti, CE, SUT, Fall 1992

36  FIR systems can be readily implemented by their convolution summation (involves additions, multiplications, and a finite number of memory locations).  IIR systems, however, cannot be practically implemented by convolution as this requires infinite memory locations, multiplications, and additions.  However, there is a practical and computationally efficient means for implementing a family of IIR systems through the use of difference equations. 36 Hossein Sameti, CE, SUT, Fall 1992

37  Cumulative Average System: 37 + Initial Condition Hossein Sameti, CE, SUT, Fall 1992


39 39 Shifted version of the transmitted waveform + noise Transmitted waveform

40  Cross-correlation is an efficient way to measure the degree to which two signals (one template and the other the test signal) are similar to each other.  Cross-Correlation is a mathematical operation that resembles convolution. It measures the degree of similarity between two signals. Template Shifted version of the template+ noise 40 Hossein Sameti, CE, SUT, Fall 1992

41 41 Test signal Cross-Correlation Machine Output Hossein Sameti, CE, SUT, Fall 1992

42 42 Applications include radar, sonar, biomedical signal processing and digital communications. The amplitude of each sample in the cross- correlation signal is a measure of how much the received signal resembles the target signal, at that location. The value of the cross-correlation is maximized when the target signal is aligned with the same features in the received signal. Using cross-correlation to detect a known waveform is frequently called matched filtering. Hossein Sameti, CE, SUT, Fall 1992

43 43 Transmitted/Desired Signal Received/Test Signal Delayed version of the input Additive noise Attenuation factor r yx (l) is thus the folded version of r xy (l) around l = 0 : Hossein Sameti, CE, SUT, Fall 1992

44 44 Cross-correlation involves the same sequence of steps as in convolution except the folding part, so basically the cross-correlation of two signals involves: 1.Shifting one of the sequences 2.Multiplication of the two sequences 3.Summing over all values of the product Hossein Sameti, CE, SUT, Fall 1992

45  The cross-correlation machine and convolution machine are identical, except that in the correlation machine this flip doesn't take place, and the samples run in the normal direction.  Convolution is the relationship between a system's input signal, output signal, and the impulse response. Correlation is a way to detect a known waveform in a noisy background.  The similar mathematics is only a convenient coincidence. 45 Cross-correlation is non-commutative. Hossein Sameti, CE, SUT, Fall 1992

46 46 Hossein Sameti, CE, SUT, Fall 1992

47  It can be shown that:  For autocorrelation, we thus have:  This means that autocorrelation of a signal attains its maximum value at zero lag (makes sense as we expect the signal to match itself perfectly at zero lag). 47 Hossein Sameti, CE, SUT, Fall 1992

48  If signals are scaled, the shape of the cross-correlation sequence does not change. Only the amplitudes are scaled.  It is often desirable to normalize the auto-correlation and cross-correlation sequences to a range from -1 to 1.  Normalized autocorrelation:  Normalized cross-correlation: 48 Hossein Sameti, CE, SUT, Fall 1992

49 In this lecture, we learned about:  Representations of discrete time signals and common basic DT signals  Manipulation and representations/diagrams of DT systems  Various classification of DT signals:  Periodic vs. non-periodic, symmetric vs. anti-symmetric  Classifications of DT systems: ◦ Static vs. dynamic, time-invariant vs. time-variant, linear vs. non-linear, causal vs. ◦ non-causal, stable vs. non-stable, FIR vs. IIR  LTI systems and their representation  Convolution for determining response to arbitrary inputs  Cross-correlation 49 Hossein Sameti, CE, SUT, Fall 1992

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