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Holdings Search Janifer Gatenby Geac Computers. Holdings Attribute Set n Ability to search holdings n Allied to Holdings Schema –new architecture access.

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Presentation on theme: "Holdings Search Janifer Gatenby Geac Computers. Holdings Attribute Set n Ability to search holdings n Allied to Holdings Schema –new architecture access."— Presentation transcript:

1 Holdings Search Janifer Gatenby Geac Computers

2 Holdings Attribute Set n Ability to search holdings n Allied to Holdings Schema –new architecture access point semantic qualifier

3 Holdings Attribute Set and Bib1 n Used with Bib1 attributes, notably: –Use attribute - bibliographic record Ids e.g. 7 (ISBN), 8 (ISSN), 12 (local #) –Use attribute - date and time e.g. 1011 (D/T added), 1012 (D/T modified) –Relation, Position, Structure, Truncation, Completeness

4 Holdings Attribute Set and Utility Set n Used with Utility attributes, notably: –Access Point - Record date and time qualifier Creation qualifier Modification –Access Point - Local Control Number –Expansion / Interpretation –Comparison attribute

5 Holdings Access Points Main Groups –Identification –Location –Enumeration and chronology –Status –Policy –Other - pagination & physical form

6 Multi - Part Searching n Need to discover the enumeration elements –inconsistent among publications e.g. Volume, Tome, Band, Rs, Series, inconsistent levels –inconsistent citation e.g. Captions omitted or truncated

7 Multi - Part Searching n Publisher’s version European journal of medicine Volume 3, Number 5 July 1998 n Database version European journal of medicine Vol. 3, No. 5 July 1998 n User’s citation Europ. J. Med. 3 (5) 1998, 34-75

8 Multi - Part Searching n Pattern may be available in: –MARC 21(USMARC) - 853-855 n If unknown origin can: –send unparsed citation to server - lack confidence in results –send only chronology search –send enumeration captions - unreliable

9 Requesting the pattern n Present request for GRS1 and pattern schema n Origin may present pattern to end user for completion or: n convert the keyed citation to pattern schema elements

10 How is it used? n Direct search on a holdings database –count indicates number of holdings matching –may include bibliographic record depending on the ESN

11 n As part of a search on a bibliographic database –search a mixture of bibliographic & holdings attributes –count indicates number of bibliographic records –one holdings record per bibliographic record –may include holdings not matching search criteria How is it used? - continued

12 n As a search element within eSpec-q –search on bibliographic database (may contain holdings attributes) –count indicates number of bibliographic records –present with eSpec-q - with holdings search attributes –ensures that only relevant holdings are returned How is it used? - continued

13 n Search = Dinosaurs Available in Darwin –(Bib attribute - Subject, Holdings attributes Availability and Location) n Response = 50 (number of bib records) n Present - first 10 - using eSpec-q: –Bib record + holdings record returned in pairs as indicated by the ESN –Holdings that are not in Darwin and not Available are eliminated & not sent Example

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