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RELA ON LEVEL JAN. 8-11, 2013 MONTUEWEDTHURFRI Inservice Day DO NOW: Check Schedules 1. Update fall ISN 2. Discuss spring ISN 3. Discuss reward system/tickets.

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Presentation on theme: "RELA ON LEVEL JAN. 8-11, 2013 MONTUEWEDTHURFRI Inservice Day DO NOW: Check Schedules 1. Update fall ISN 2. Discuss spring ISN 3. Discuss reward system/tickets."— Presentation transcript:

1 RELA ON LEVEL JAN. 8-11, 2013 MONTUEWEDTHURFRI Inservice Day DO NOW: Check Schedules 1. Update fall ISN 2. Discuss spring ISN 3. Discuss reward system/tickets 4. Hand out KNOWSYS cards for set #13. Closure/Exit Ticket: letter to yourself DO NOW: KNOWSYS practice CBA #2 Reteach/Test Strategies for Success HW: Study vocabulary- Quiz Monday DO NOW: KNOWSYS practice CBA #2 Reteach/Test Strategies for Success HW: Study vocabulary- Quiz Monday DO NOW: KNOWSYS practice ISN Spring Semester Set Up HW: Study vocabulary- Quiz Monday

2 RELA PRE-AP JAN. 8-11, 2013 MONTUEWEDTHURFRI Inservice Day DO NOW: Check Schedules C Notes- Argument & Persuasion Get Organized- Update Fall ISN. Get New ISN for spring semester. Closure/Exit Ticket: letter to yourself DO NOW: KNOWSYS practice C Notes- Shakespeare- Jigsaw article & take notes. HW: Study vocabulary- Quiz Monday DO NOW: KNOWSYS practice “Midsummer Night’s Dream” Act 1- read, discuss, study questions with partners. HW: Study vocabulary- Quiz Monday DO NOW: KNOWSYS practice “Midsummer Night’s Dream” Act 1- read, discuss, study questions with partners. HW: Study vocabulary- Quiz Monday

3 OL AGENDA: TUESDAY, JAN. 8, 2013 Objective: I can begin the new semester for success using organization strategies. Do Now: Check blue schedule/Threshhold Get Organized: 1. Update fall ISN- graded papers 2. Discuss spring ISN- bring in spiral on Friday to set up 3. Tickets- Jan 25 = RECESS! Goal = 25 tickets or name drawn 4. KNOWSYS cards for set #13. Question: What changes can I make to improve my performance in RELA this semester? Letter to You

4 OL AGENDA: WED., JAN. 9, 2013 Objective: I can use test strategies to improve my test scores. Do Now: KNOWSYS practice Test Corrections: CBA Reteach 1.Pick up your CBA & a marker. 2.As we go through the test, mark the correct answers with the marker. 3.At the end- we will write your original score on your CBA. 4.If you participate actively- we will record 70 as your first test grade this 9 weeks (or 80 if you scored between 70- 79) Question: What strategies/techniques do I use when I take a test that have helped me?

5 OL AGENDA: THUR., JAN. 10, 2013 Objective: I can use test strategies to improve my test scores. Do Now: KNOWSYS practice Test Corrections: CBA Reteach 1.Pick up your CBA & a marker. 2.As we go through the test, mark the correct answers with the marker. 3.At the end- we will write your original score on your CBA. 4.If you participate actively- we will record 70 as your first test grade this 9 weeks (or 80 if you scored between 70- 79) Question: What strategies/techniques do I use when I take a test that have helped me?

6 OL AGENDA: FRI., JAN. 11, 2013 Objective: I can use context clues to use vocabulary in a narrative passage. Do Now: KNOWSYS practice; did you bring your spring ISN to class? Whom can you believe? 1.You need a handout & lit book- page 982 2.Read along in the text. 3.Take notes and answer questions Question: How do I know who to believe in an argument or controversial issue?

7 AP AGENDA: TUESDAY, JAN. 8, 2013 Objective: I can explain and analyze the elements of argument text. Do Now: Check blue schedule/Pick up KNOWSYS cards set #13. Cornell Notes: 1.Pick up a C Notes handout. 2.Take notes from the PowerPoint. 3.Highlight & chunk notes. 4.Write 3 level 2 or 3 questions. 5.Write a summary of your C Notes. Question: What changes can I make to improve my performance in RELA this semester? Letter to You

8 AP AGENDA: WED., JAN. 9, 2013 Objective: I can explain background information about William Shakespeare & Elizabethan plays. Do Now: KNOWSYS practice/Fall Semester ISN Cornell Notes: 1.Pick up a C Notes handout. 2.Count off 1-7- get reading assignment based on number. 3.Read & take C Notes on your section. 4.Get with others with the same #. Compare notes. 5.Doc Cam- Take notes section by section. Question: How can knowing about the playwright and history help me understand his plays?

9 AP AGENDA: FRIDAY, JAN. 11, 2013 Objective: I can reflect on a theme before I read, and analyze character relationships in a play. Do Now: Spring Semester ISN/KNOWSYS Practice Midsummer Night’s Dream: Pre-reading Reflection Introduce characters Question: What can you infer/predict from Mrs. Mustain’s giggling yesterday while she was reading Midsummer Night’s Dream during DEAR Thursday?

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