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Writing Obits. What’s an obit? It’s a news story about a death. It’s also about the LIFE of a person. Usually, the person is of some importance – community,

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Presentation on theme: "Writing Obits. What’s an obit? It’s a news story about a death. It’s also about the LIFE of a person. Usually, the person is of some importance – community,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing Obits

2 What’s an obit? It’s a news story about a death. It’s also about the LIFE of a person. Usually, the person is of some importance – community, state, nation or world.

3 Importance of obits Name printed in paper twice – when born and when die Stories saved for decades

4 Importance of accuracy Must get names right Talk to grieving relatives, friends and co-workers Double check info from funeral home and elsewhere

5 Timeliness of obit Must write quickly Must get story in day after someone dies

6 No Saints About people, not gods Humans are flawed OK to point out those flaws Examples

7 Types of obits News obit Feature obit, i.e. Johnny Carson Commoner

8 Focus of obit On person and person’s “claim to fame” “Claim to fame” – how most people know the person “Claim to fame” – reason you write the obit

9 Obit structure Tell readers early in story – lede - who died How the person died Include achievements in body of story Include high and low points End story with list of survivors, burial and funeral arrangements

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