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New for 2012 5 th District Umpire Association. Bats and Hats  You can throw those bat lists away  You will NOT have to go into dugouts to check bats.

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Presentation on theme: "New for 2012 5 th District Umpire Association. Bats and Hats  You can throw those bat lists away  You will NOT have to go into dugouts to check bats."— Presentation transcript:

1 New for 2012 5 th District Umpire Association

2 Bats and Hats  You can throw those bat lists away  You will NOT have to go into dugouts to check bats and hats  This is new for this year  You will be responsible to make a ruling on a bat/helmet/equipment that is questioned by a coach

3 Bats and Hats  Know what is required on a bat  Must have BBCOR on the bat  Requirements are stringent. Just make sure that is doesn’t take up the whole bat, that is something to watch for

4 Bats and Hats  Penalty for using illegal bat 7-4-1a  Increased coach responsibility  Use of illegal bat-Batter called out and coach restricted to dug out.  If another illegal bat is used the coach is ejected

5 Dug Outs  Make sure coaches verify that their equipement meets all OHSAA requirements  You must ask this at the pregame!!  If you are asked to check bats-you should-watch for gamesmanship  The coach is still at responsibility

6 Illegal Bats  Rule 7-4-1a, nothing changed  1 st offense, discovered before next pitch- Batter out, all runners return, HC restricted to Dug out  2 nd offense, same as 1 st offense but HC is ejected-now designated HC is restricted  3 rd offense-all the same but now designated HC is ejected  The defense can have the choice of the penalty or the play  What if it is the same player?

7 Think about this one  Bases loaded, the 4 hitter smashes a HR, the next batter picks up the bat he used and steps into the box with it. The catcher asks you to check the bat and you find it to have a BESR mark but no BBCOR. What now?  When is it that you can get an out during a baseball game when the ball is dead?

8 Blood  Any blood must be dealt with immediately  Give them a reasonable amount of time

9 Concussion Management  /default.asp /default.asp  On OHSAA website for baseball you can find the reporting form and the return to play form

10 Concussion Management  Just like last year-You can remove a player if you determine them to have “concussion like symptoms”  You will alert the coach of that team that the player is being removed for the reason of suspicion of concussion

11 Concussion Management  Only can return if a return to play notice is filled out by a proper medical personnel  Must be a M.D., D.O., or a licensed athletic trainer  You will get reassured that the coach has the note  You should note this return to play on your report to OHSAA  Copy of the return to play should be given to the home plate umpire

12 Concussion Management  If knocked out-they will be removed  If you see symptoms-they will be removed  If you are given a return to play note, it is not your job to question it  Give a copy of it to the OHSAA and they can deal with it

13 BBCOR  All bats must have a BBCOR marking  If they have both BESR and BBCOR that is fine  Should be one inch square and placed on the barrell

14 Suspended Games  Will be picked up at the point of suspension  Can’t have forfeit before the game starts  If you suspend a game and you know you won’t be back to work it..leave the card with good/legible notes with HT coach  Do you know when to suspend a game and when to call it?

15 Ejections  Player vs. Coach  Players must remain supervised  Coach-can’t talk or sit with team  Player/Coach-must sit two games at that level plus the remainder of the day

16 Ejections  Ejection forms are online now  They can be filled out online and submitted  No need to submit a copy to the school, it automatically goes there now  Still do call the offending school

17 Reports and Jurisdiction  When does your jurisdiction end?  You are protected by the OHSAA  If something happens after the game..observe it and the report it  If something happens at the car, report it to the OHSAA  If it is a member of a team (coach/player) they can be penalized by the OHSAA  If you report to the OHSAA a fan/if you know their name…let them know

18 Fights  Don’t get involved  Stand back and take numbers down  One of you call out numbers and the other write them down  Different for this year-if they leave their area during and “altercation situation” for any reason-they can be ejected

19 Speed up Rules  One foot in the BB  Charged conferences-what is your policy  Between innings  Are you diligent in counting warm ups

20 Few Items  To be eligible for tourney  8 games last year-8 games this year- at least 4 plates  Charcoal gray pants at Regional and state level  New logo on all clothing in 2013

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