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Digital Cameras Workshop Manual Overview Digital cameras - discussion Taking photos around SEC.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Cameras Workshop Manual Overview Digital cameras - discussion Taking photos around SEC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Cameras Workshop Manual Overview Digital cameras - discussion Taking photos around SEC Downloading photos to Picasa 3 Working with photos in Photostory 3 Websites and you tube clips about digital cameras

2 Incorporating the digital Camera into teaching and learning Curriculum Links Advantages Possible pitfalls Practicalities Use in the classroom Publishing photos You Tube clips Useful web links

3 Curriculum links Subject StrandStrand Unit Visual ArtsPaint and colourPainting Looking and Responding Language: English and Gaeilge Emotional and imaginative development through language Oral language developing emotional and imaginative life through language SPHEMyself and the wide world Media education

4 Advantages Valuable educational resource Can consolidate learning Record of learning process: art samples Record of end result e.g. experiments Engages pupils on a real level Technology is the way of the future Teaches pupils to respect technology

5 Possible Pitfalls Camera not used enough Over use / too many photos Saving / deleting photos Camera damaged Teacher anxious about correct use Safety and permission Card reader and charger going missing

6 Practicalities Have a list close to you desk with ideas as to when you could use the camera More than one camera per school, is preferable Own memory card for each teacher Each camera bag should be labeled with a number which corresponds a teacher A list of names linking teachers to camera number can be kept in the office.

7 Practicalities Pupils should be drilled in correct usage Pupils should show respect for camera Pupils can upload photos to computer Pupils must return camera charged Pupils are responsible for photos taken Teachers should regularly delete photos External hard drive for storage AUP, permission and enrollment form

8 Use in the classroom Portfolio of pupils work: art, handwriting, drama pieces, display boards. School Catalogue – ideas for planning / new teachers Traveling Teddy-Cam Project work – one camera per group of 4 SEN: PECS: motivated by seeing self Science: record growth, results, sequencing Pupils give presentations using photos

9 Publishing Photos Photostory 3 Picasa 3 Websites: I am an artist, Scoil Net, Image Bank. Blogs: edublogs E-mailing Posters Invitations

10 You tube clips: Making the most out of digital cameras in education part 1. Making the most out of digital cameras in education part 2. Introducing Picasa 3. Photostory 3 Advanced Effects. Micrsoft Photostory 3. Power Point Baby Steps 1.

11 Useful Web links pdf pdf

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