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DEVIKULUM Community Hall Project Progress to Date 2-May-2011.

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Presentation on theme: "DEVIKULUM Community Hall Project Progress to Date 2-May-2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 DEVIKULUM Community Hall Project Progress to Date 2-May-2011

2 INTRODUCTION Our project is to build a Community Hall with rain water capture. We chose this undertaking because:  We can create an integrated design that provides a solution to more than one problem.  There is future scope to include more if the initial design is well received.  The needs of the Devikulum villagers.

3 Needs of the Devikulum Community  Poor rural based community.  Low levels of education with low literacy rates (98%).  Cultural differences between the classes or “castes”, and their segregation requires change.  Substandard existing facilities, requiring maintenance.  Access to water for daily chores is a burden, it takes time away from education and wealth creation.  Poor sanitation practices and understanding.  Routinely intermittent electricity supply requiring backup.

4 What will our project achieve? CULTURAL IMPROVEMENT Provide a common meeting place irrespective of religion or class differences. Local decisions can be made through the airing of ideas, concerns and perspectives. Strengthening of the local social cohesion and morale and improve their quality of life. Allow the villagers to take ownership of their future. Liaison with external groups, other cultures. CULTURAL IMPROVEMENT Provide a common meeting place irrespective of religion or class differences. Local decisions can be made through the airing of ideas, concerns and perspectives. Strengthening of the local social cohesion and morale and improve their quality of life. Allow the villagers to take ownership of their future. Liaison with external groups, other cultures.

5 What will our project achieve? ENGINEERING IMPROVEMENT Provide a suitable facility for meeting purposes. Provide an alternate source of water supply. Provide a working model of water with scope for refinement with education. Provide possible additions for other design solutions to issues on a viable scale. ENGINEERING IMPROVEMENT Provide a suitable facility for meeting purposes. Provide an alternate source of water supply. Provide a working model of water with scope for refinement with education. Provide possible additions for other design solutions to issues on a viable scale.

6 Proposed Construction Site

7 PRELIMINARY DESIGN IDEAS AND CRITERIA:  Barn type structure, simple design, two gutters.  Rammed earth wall construction.  Wall not to roof height, low eaves.  Elevated slab or foundation filled as all existing structures.  Wood-truss or ‘Hi-span’ laminated beams for roof A-frame.  Concrete stabilised RHS upright posts independent from rammed earth walls.  Western style ‘colour-bond’ steel roof as per communication facility in nearby village (pictured).  Above-ground rainwater tank of earth brick concrete lined or reinforced concrete dependent on size.  Leaf trap with removable filter-basket for debris removal. IDEAS AND CRITERIA:  Barn type structure, simple design, two gutters.  Rammed earth wall construction.  Wall not to roof height, low eaves.  Elevated slab or foundation filled as all existing structures.  Wood-truss or ‘Hi-span’ laminated beams for roof A-frame.  Concrete stabilised RHS upright posts independent from rammed earth walls.  Western style ‘colour-bond’ steel roof as per communication facility in nearby village (pictured).  Above-ground rainwater tank of earth brick concrete lined or reinforced concrete dependent on size.  Leaf trap with removable filter-basket for debris removal.

8 Rammed Earth Wall Construction

9 Leaf Trap

10 FINAL DESISN WHAT WE NEED TO DO: Size of tank and final material selection. Lighting and other ancillaries Research ‘Blackout’ 4-cyl diesel generator types, dB rating and future maintenance & costs. Calculations to determine final dimensions from concept including stresses for span requirements (15 metres!). We do not want a centre column!! Final selection of materials for structural members and water tank.

11 Community Hall

12 Water Tank

13 Gutter

14 Generator

15 Our Tasks Ahead  Sign up to EWB to post forum questions regarding finer detail and ask if our ideas sound feasible.  Speak with Uniting Church contact about their experience building houses in India.  Examine possible sources of revenue, sponsorship for our project.  Developing our Gant Chart to assign tasks ahead and assist in group management.


17 Conclusion Devikulum people have a diverse culture and a positive outlook and are motivated to creating a brighter future for their community. Our design stems from the needs and wishes of this poor and remote rural community. With the help of the EWB organisation we hope to deliver plans for a Community Hall to assist the Devikulum people:  Provide a place where they can further control their planning and development.  Meet and discuss issues as a coherent body regardless of social status or religion.

18 References EWB organisation website 2011 Challenge Introduction Presentation

19 Thank You

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