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Warm Up. Open Books to page 584- 589 and label the map 1-15 on the Warm Up Sheet 1 234234 567 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up. Open Books to page 584- 589 and label the map 1-15 on the Warm Up Sheet 1 234234 567 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up. Open Books to page 584- 589 and label the map 1-15 on the Warm Up Sheet 1 234234 567 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

2 Warm Up Look through the Lord of the Flies plot overview and then compare and contrast life for the boys at the beginning of the book and at the end.

3 Warm Up Using the Lord of the Flies plot overview tell me any three things about the following characters. Ralph Piggy Jack

4 Practice Quiz. Number paper 1-15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 8 12 13 14 15

5 Warm Up. Open Books to page 584-589 and label the map 1- 15 1 2 3 4 567 9 10 11 8 12 13 14 15

6 Warm Up. Open Books to page 584-589 and label the map 1- 15 Open books to page 16 to answer question 16-20 1 2 3 4 567 9 10 11 8 12 13 14 15 16. Tell me 2 things about location 17. Tell me 2 things about place 18. Tell me 2 things about human environmental interaction 19. Tell me 2 things about movement 20. Tell me 2 things about regions

7 Warm Up. Open Books to page 584-589 and label the map 1- 15 Open books to page 16 to answer question 16-20 1 2 3 4 567 9 10 11 8 12 13 14 15 16. Tell me 2 things about location 17. Tell me 2 things about place 18. Tell me 2 things about human environmental interaction 19. Tell me 2 things about movement 20. Tell me 2 things about regions

8 Warm up Give 3 examples for each of the 5 themes of geography. 1.Location 2.Place 3.Human environmental interaction 4.Regions 5.Movement

9 Warm Up: From your notes answer the following Questions. 1.Which theme of Geography deals with the human and physical characteristics of a location? 2.Which theme of geography deals with 1 characteristic that an area has. (how we divide the world.) 3.Which theme of geography deals with where something is? 4.Which theme of geography deals with how humans change the outside world, and how the outside world changes us? 5.Which theme of geography deals with how the people goods and ideas move from place to place.

10 Folders In the tab of the folder write your name, period and student number. Write down the number side you are on. Mr. Lindberg will provide you with the side you are on.

11 Assignments In Order: Place the following assignments into order with the Warm Up as the top page! 1.Warm Up 2.Textbook Scavenger Hunt. 3. 5 Themes of Geography Worksheet.

12 5 Themes of Geography AKA How to look at the world in 5 easy steps.

13 Location Where are things located? – Absolute Location – Exact spot something is located using longitude and latitude – Address Relative Location – Explains where a place is by describing places near it. My car is next to the blue house

14 Write down 5 things from the Video Clip

15 Location

16 What/ Why Come up with an example of LOCATION. Then tell me why your example is location. Turn to your shoulder partner and tell them your example and why your example is location.

17 Place The physical and human features of an area. Describes a certain area. – Physical Features- Mountains, rivers, oceans, native plants and animals, and climate. – Human Features-population, where people work,

18 Write down 5 things from the Video Clip

19 Place

20 What/ Why Come up with an example of Place. Then tell me why your example is Place. Turn to your shoulder partner and tell them your example and why your example is Place.

21 Human Environmental Interaction The relationship between humans and their environment. What are the relationships among people and places? How have people changed the environment to better suit their needs? How has the environment changed the people

22 Write down 5 things from the Video Clip

23 Human Environmental Interaction

24 What/ Why Come up with an example of Human Environmental Interaction. Then tell me why your example is Human Environmental Interaction. Turn to your shoulder partner and tell them your example and why your example is Human Environmental Interaction.

25 Movement Explains how people, goods and ideas get from one place to another. – People can move from one place to another. (Transportation) – Goods (stuff we buy) can move from one place to another. Products Food – Ideas- how people think can spread via communication devices.

26 Write down 5 things from the Video Clip

27 Movement

28 What/ Why Come up with an example of MOVEMENT Then tell me why your example is MOVEMENT. Turn to your shoulder partner and tell them your example and why your example is MOVEMENT.

29 Regions Regions -- How can Earth be divided into regions for study. Including. Usually has one thing in common – Formal regions are those defined by governmental or administrative boundaries – (Functional regions are those defined by a function (i. e., TVA, United Airlines Service area or a newspaper service area). If the function ceases to exists, the region no longer exists. – Vernacular regions are those loosely defined by people's perception (i. e., The South, The Middle East).

30 Write down 5 things from the Video Clip

31 Regions

32 What/ Why Come up with an example of Regions Then tell me why your example is Regions Turn to your shoulder partner and tell them your example and why your example is Regions.


34 Name and description of each of the 5 themes. (In your own words.) Write and draw an example for each in your life Name_____________________________________________________________________Date_____________Per_______________ 5 Themes of Geography Location Place Human Environmental interaction Movement Regions


36 Assignments In Order: Place the following assignments into order with the Warm Up as the top page! 1.Warm Up 2.Textbook Scavenger Hunt. 3. 5 Themes of Geography Worksheet.

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