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Estimation of Foreign Labor Demand in Russia and Kazakhstan February 16, 2012.

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1 Estimation of Foreign Labor Demand in Russia and Kazakhstan February 16, 2012

2 Quotas in Russia and Kazakhstan Russia and Kazakhstan are main destination countries for labor migrants in CIS region Both countries use quotas to manage labor migration Quotas are defined annually on the basis of applications from employers Quota mechanism seems to be ineffective and requires reconsideration and improvement

3 Research in Russia (OPORA) I.“Migration Policy and Modernization of Russia”; 2009-2010 (desk research; analytical report and Migration Policy Concept till 2025): demographic situation makes Russian economy dependent of immigration; cultural distance between migrant and local community grows. II. “Foreign Labor in the Russian Economy”; 2011 (employers survey, VCIOM; April – May 2010). Employers were asked about efficiency of current mechanism of recruiting migrants and about tendencies of local labor force supply

4 Research in Kazakhstan (IOM) “Overview of International Practice of Estimating Foreign Labor Demand” (2010) shows that no ideal mechanism exists; stimulating return and circular migration could be a way out “Methodological recommendations for estimating foreign labor demand” suggest to use three- dimensional approach to estimation of foreign labor demand: (i) mid-term projections for labor market, (ii) catalogue of occupations difficult to cover, (iii) regular surveys of employers.

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