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2.7 Absolute Value Tranformations

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1 2.7 Absolute Value Tranformations
College Prep 2.7 Absolute Value Tranformations

2 Warm Up Using the graphing calculator, graph a scatter plot for the following table which shows oil production y (in thousands of barrels) x years after Write down the equation for the best fitting line and predict the daily oil production in X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Y 6660 6560 6470 6450 6250 5880 5820 5800 5750

3 Transformation: an adjustment made to the parent function that results in a change in size, shape, position or orientation of the parent function. shifting (“translating”) the graph up or down, “translating” the graph left or right vertical stretching or shrinking (making the graph more steep or less steep) Reflecting across x-axis or y-axis

4 Absolute Value Parent Function is: f(x) = |x|
Parent Function: The simplest function in a family of functions (lines, parabolas, cubic functions, etc.) Absolute Value Parent Function is: f(x) = |x| Why does it have this shape? The highest or lowest point on the graph is called the vertex.

5 Graph the parent function y = |x|
Graph f(x) = |x| + 3 What happened to the graph? Graph f(x) = |x| - 2 |x| + k is a vertical shift Shifted up 3 Shifted down 2

6 Graph the parent function y = |x|
Graph f(x) = |x + 3| What happened to the graph? Graph f(x) = |x - 2| |x - h| is a horizontal shift Shifted left 3 Shifted right 3

7 Without graphing describe the transformation.
f(x) = |x| - 5 f(x) = |x + 7| f(x) = |x – 4| + 2 f(x) = |x + 5| - 1 Down 5 Left 7 Right 4, up 2 Left 5, down 1

8 Graph the parent function y = |x|
Graph f(x) = -|x| What happened to the graph? Graph f(x) = 2|x| Reflected across x-axis Stretched vertically by a factor of 2

9 Graph the parent function y = |x|
Graph f(x) = 0.5|x| What happened to the graph? Graph f(x) = -3|x| Vertical Shrink by a factor of 0.5 a|x| is a vertical stretch or shrink by a factor of a Stretched vertically by a factor of 3, Reflect across x-axis

10 Without graphing describe the transformation
f(x) = -|x+2| - 7 f(x) = 3|x – 1| + 2 Reflect across x-axis Left 2 Down 7 Vertical Stretch by a factor of 3 Right 1 Up 2

11 Absolute Value Transformation
Vertical stretch factor Translates left/right translating up or down Reflection across x-axis a is a stretch if a > 1 a is a shrink if 0 < a < 1

12 Write an Equation for each graph
f(x) = |x – 3| f(x) = -3|x + 2| + 4

13 Apply the following transformations to the figure above: y = -f(x + 2) + 1 and y = 2f(x)

14 Pg. 127: 3-14 (Describe only – do not draw graph), 15-24, 29-31
Homework Pg. 127: 3-14 (Describe only – do not draw graph), 15-24, 29-31

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