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AKE and other regional work, capacity building and knowledge sharing GeSCI Team Meeting 9 February 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "AKE and other regional work, capacity building and knowledge sharing GeSCI Team Meeting 9 February 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 AKE and other regional work, capacity building and knowledge sharing GeSCI Team Meeting 9 February 2010

2 Regional Programmes Use 2010: conceptual and methodological clarity – plan and develop programmes/models, put in place partnerships, obtain funding, identify critical issues for research Close linkage with research: pivotal for knowledge creation and sharing, strategic advice Research linking regional programmes Horizontal linkages between programmes and teams Pillars: knowledge creation; knowledge sharing; capacity building; partnerships

3 Knowledge Creation Research - policy-practice triad Evidence-based research to inform programming, strategic advice (capacities for policy formulation, decision making, implementation, evaluation) Models, tools

4 Knowledge Exchange/Sharing Knowledge exchange is collaborative problem- solving between researchers and decision makers that happens through linkage and exchange. Effective knowledge exchange involves interaction between decision makers and researchers and results in mutual learning through the process of planning, producing, disseminating, and applying existing or new research in decision-making.

5 Capacity Building An organization with capacity is like a tree with a good root system, but how do you grow healthy roots? (Daniel Rickett) The development of an organization’s core skills and capabilities, such as leadership, management, finance and fund-raising, programs and evaluation, in order to build the organization’s effectiveness and sustainability. The process of assisting an individual or group to identify and address issues and gain the insights, knowledge, and experience needed to solve problems and implement change. Capacity building is facilitated through the provision of support activities, including coaching, training, specific technical assistance, and resource networking.

6 Partnerships Encompasses broad number of types of relationships. “An undertaking to do something together…, a relationship that consists of shared and/or compatible objectives and an acknowledged distribution of specific roles and responsibilities among the participants which can be formal, contractual, or voluntary, between two or more parties" (Partnership Resource Kit 1995).

7 AKE 2010 Overall Goal: To strengthen visioning, strategic planning, policy making and build related strategic capacities of leaders and policy makers on ICTs’ role in the development of Knowledge Societies in Africa.

8 AKE 2010 Programme Goal / Purpose: 1) Systematically build knowledge in and capacity of leaders, policymakers, implementers and practitioners for ICT and Knowledge Societies in East and Southern Africa 2) Sharing such knowledge on continent wide, regional and national bases 3) Develop new models, tools and solutions to address critical challenges in ICT4E and KS development

9 Core AKE team Patti (Programme Manager) (90%) Senthil (70%) Mary (70%?) Niamh (50%?) Roxana (?) Lina Palmer (Swedish BBE) (80%) Programme Officer (100%)

10 Boundary Partners 1)Ministries of Education, Higher Education and other Ministries responsible for human resources development and innovation like Ministries for Science and Technology, ICTs and Research and their associated agencies as the primary beneficiaries. Within these Ministries, the focus will be on policy makers, current and future leaders and change agents at the managerial (education managers, directors) and practitioner level. 2)AUC, other regional partners (e.g. UNECA, ADEA), donors, researchers

11 Outcome Challenge The AKE Programme would like to see: A vibrant and dynamic African knowledge building and sharing community which will produce and share high quality evidence based research and experiences on ICT4E and KS. This community will work with GeSCI in a pro-active and committed way to identify critical issues, develop appropriate solutions and support one another on a peer basis. They will make optimal use of the GeSCI resources, tools and expertise. They will commit themselves to participate in leadership capacity building for ICT4E and KS and acquire and apply critical identified skills in their respective fields for system transformation and innovation.

12 Outputs 1)Strategic knowledge sharing communities in Africa 2)Strategic partnerships with AUC, UNECA and regional communities and agencies 3)Tools, methodologies and instruments for - systematic and comprehensive auditing of critical capacities and skills required by African leaders for ICT4E and KS development and - measuring progress in capacity development 4) Model and programme for leadership capacity building for ICT and Knowledge Societies in Africa 5) Resource Centre developed into a one-stop centre collecting, analyzing, organizing and disseminating information about projects, activities and knowledge resources on ICT4E and the Knowledge Society in Africa

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