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Optimising results of protected area management efforts – a capacity building workshop Sportsman’s Arms Hotel, Kenya 27 th Nov – 1st Dec.

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Presentation on theme: "Optimising results of protected area management efforts – a capacity building workshop Sportsman’s Arms Hotel, Kenya 27 th Nov – 1st Dec."— Presentation transcript:

1 Optimising results of protected area management efforts – a capacity building workshop Sportsman’s Arms Hotel, Kenya 27 th Nov – 1st Dec

2 Management effectiveness evaluation: Introduction

3 What is management effectiveness evaluation ? Why is it an issue? What can we gain by evaluating management? Why a Framework for evaluation?

4 What is management effectiveness evaluation? ‘..the assessment of how well a protected area is being managed – primarily the extent to which it is protecting values and achieving goals and objectives’ WCPA Guidelines (2006) It includes consideration of design issues the adequacy and appropriateness of management systems and processes and the delivery of protected area objectives including conservation of values

5 Why is management effectiveness an issue? Protected areas are critical for in-situ conservation Most protected areas are subject to multiple serious threats and many are degraded 1992 review of protected areas found that three of the five most common threats were management deficiencies rather than direct impacts on resources 1992 World Parks Congress identified effective management as one of four major protected area issues of global concern Management Effectiveness Evaluation was most popular workshop at 2003 World Parks Congress; 2003 WPC Delegate survey identified inadequate monitoring and evaluation as most serious barriers to effective management after inadequate funding

6 Management Effectiveness Capacity Building Workshop for Sub-Saharan Africa Management is not easy Implement management strategies and processes Management objectives Systems of governance Adequate and appropriate resources

7  by recording, observing and talking about the changes we see in the environment and looking for their causes  by encouraging a culture where we look and reflect on our management  by helping us to learn from our mistakes and our successes Why would we bother? 1. Evaluation can help us manage better

8 Management Effectiveness Capacity Building Workshop for Sub-Saharan Africa Adaptive management

9 Management Effectiveness Capacity Building Workshop for Sub-Saharan Africa  by signalling global and local changes and threats  showcasing management techniques for broader landscape management

10  It identifies priorities for actions  Helps to show real resource needs 3. Evaluation promotes accountability and transparency  The community see how their parks and forests are managed  Baselines can be established for partnerships, agreements, trusteeships and contracts 2. Evaluation assists in effective resource allocation

11  Involving traditional owners, community members and scientists gives us more credibility and helps build good relationships  Increasing public action to support parks: Showing the community the need for better resourcing of the parks system and alerting them to threats 4. Evaluation can help involve the community, build constituency and promote protected area values

12 Management Effectiveness Capacity Building Workshop for Sub-Saharan Africa Who wants to know about protected area effectiveness? Managers of individual protected areas Funding agencies: GEF, The World Bank NGO’s: WWF, TNC, CI PA Agencies: Finland, Canada, India, New South Wales, Australia Conventions: UNESCO World Heritage, CBD

13 Management Effectiveness Capacity Building Workshop for Sub-Saharan Africa Why WCPA framework – why not one methodology?

14 Management Effectiveness Capacity Building Workshop for Sub-Saharan Africa Diversity of needs and circumstances  Different purposes for evaluation  Different circumstances  Different spatial and temporal scales  Different issues  Different audiences  Different capacities

15 Management Effectiveness Capacity Building Workshop for Sub-Saharan Africa Diversity and Consistency  Need for appropriate evaluation standards  Avoid re-invention of “wheels”  Harmonisation of data to enable: Learning across sites/regions Identification of common needs/challenges Development of global and regional responses

16 Management Effectiveness Capacity Building Workshop for Sub-Saharan Africa What do you think we need to consider?

17 Management Effectiveness Capacity Building Workshop for Sub-Saharan Africa

18 Management Effectiveness Capacity Building Workshop for Sub-Saharan Africa WCPA assessment framework Effectiveness Appropriate- ness Effective- ness EfficiencyEconomyAppropriate- ness Status Focus of evaluation Impacts: effects of management in relation to objectives Results of management actions Services and products Suitability of management processes Resourcing of agency Resourcing of site PA legislation and policy PA system design Reserve design Management planning Significance Threats Vulnerability National policy Engagement of Partners Criteria Outcomes What did we achieve? Outputs What were the results? Process How do we go about it? Inputs What do we need? Planning Where do we want to be? Context Where are we now? Elements of evaluation

19 Management Effectiveness Capacity Building Workshop for Sub-Saharan Africa Thank you

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