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The Work of the Public Health Observatories Dr Bobbie Jacobson Director, London Health Observatory

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1 The Work of the Public Health Observatories Dr Bobbie Jacobson Director, London Health Observatory

2 The role of the Public Health Observatories (PHOs) To work in partnership with researchers, regional and local health policymakers and practitioners to: Monitor trends in health and its determinants; Highlight future health problems; Assess the health impact of potential and past policies Draw together information from different sources and to identify groups in formation Adapted from “Saving Lives-Our Healthier Nation”

3 The Association of Public Health Observatories (APHO) - At A Glance

4 The Public Health Observatories: Spectrum of Activity

5 The Public Health Observatories: Pivotal Role In Public Health Intelligence?

6 Association of Public Health Observatories: Examples Of Current Joint Work Primary Care: Developing a common dataset of PCT health indicators (ERPHO) Health inequalities: Developing a basket of local indicators and a tool kit on health equity audit, review of ethnicity & vital statistics (LHO) CHD: Equity profiling (SEPHO) Access to datasets: eg. Hospital, HES, ONS mortality dat from DoH, ONS and CDSC (Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre) (N&Y PHO) National Website: Developing a central point of access for all PHO users (NWPHO) Common Electronic Search Language: Devising a common thesaurus of search items across all PHOs and HAD (ERPHO)

7 LHO Current Work Programme 2002/3 1. Network Development and Communications 2. Website Development 3. Widening Data/Information Access 4. Health Impact Assessment 5. Tackling Health Inequalities 6. “Diversity Counts” - Ethnic Health Intelligence Programme 7. PCT information programme 8.National/International work 9. Mental Health

8 One Stop Access to Data / Information - some examples London data on illicit drugs EU Alcohol policy / harm in young people London Injury and Accidents Local Datasets Census: specially commissioned data (GLA/PCTs) HES data Crime and A&E data

9 National targets for tackling Health Inequalities Infant Mortality (Deaths in the first year of life) “Starting with children under one year, by 2010 to reduce by at least 10% the gap in mortality between routine and manual groups and the population as a whole” Expectation of Life “Starting with local authorities, by 2010 reduce by at least 10% the gap between the fifth of areas with the lowest life expectancy at birth and the population as a whole.”

10 Additional Targets with an Inequalities Dimension To reduce smoking rates among manual groups from 32% in 1998 to 26% by 2010. To reduce conception rates in under 18s by 15% by 2004 and 50% by 2010, while reducing the gap between the worst fifth of wards and the average by at least a quarter. To reduce child poverty by half in ten years and eradicating it in a generation.

11 Life Expectancy at Birth in London 2001 Male Female

12 Life Expectancy in London by Deprivation Quintile (1997-9) Source: “Mapping Inequalities in Health Across London”, LHO

13 Geographic Inequalities in Infant Mortality in London by Borough 1999-2001 Source: “Health In London Report”, forthcoming

14 Infant Mortality by Index of Deprivation Source: “Health In London report”, forthcoming

15 Infant mortality rates by social class and registration type 1993-99 Target groups

16 Specific infant mortality rates by registration type, London 1993-99

17 Infant mortality rates by mothers birthweight and registration type, London 1993-99

18 Next Steps Detailed analysis of risk factors from North West Thames Maternity Dataset (SMMIS) Development of statistically valid proxy indicator (set) at PCT / local authority level

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