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Russian Academy of Sciences Talk presented at SAMOC-3 Meeting, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 11, 2010 Physical Oceanography at SIO RAS, and Selected Results.

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Presentation on theme: "Russian Academy of Sciences Talk presented at SAMOC-3 Meeting, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 11, 2010 Physical Oceanography at SIO RAS, and Selected Results."— Presentation transcript:

1 Russian Academy of Sciences Talk presented at SAMOC-3 Meeting, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 11, 2010 Physical Oceanography at SIO RAS, and Selected Results on the South Atlantic Peter O. Zavialov Deputy Director, Shirshov Institute of Oceanology Head, Physical Oceanography Division

2 Founded: 1946 Employees: ~1200 Scientists: ~600 PhD’s: ~160 DSc’s: ~90 Graduate students: ~60 Fleet: 6 Biological Oceanography Division Geological Oceanography Division Physical Oceanography Division Ocean Engineering Division 6 Labs 13 Labs 7 Labs P.P.SHIRSHOV INSTITUTE OF OCEANOLOGY (SIO RAS) + 5 regional filial branches

3 Faculty and staff : 108 scientists, 53 engineers, total 161 Graduate students: 17 Publications in 2009: 109 journal aricles, 6 books SIO RAS PO Division in 2009

4 LaboratoryHead Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions and Climate VariabilityS. Gulev Experimental Physical OceanographyA. Zatsepin Geophysical Fluid DynamicsG. Reznik Ocean Optics and Remote SensingO. Kopelevich Ocean AcousticsYu. Chepurin Noises and Sound Fluctuations in the OceanA. Vedenev Internal Waves and TidesE. Morozov General Ocean CirculationV. Zhmur Large-Scale Variability of Thermohaline FieldsV. Byshev Continental Discharges and Anthropogenic ImpactsP. Zavialov Turbulence, Mixing, and Microscale ProcessesV. Zhurbas Numerical Modeling Surface Waves and Nonlinear Wave Processes E. Semenov V. Zakharov SIO RAS PO Division in 2009

5 Ongoing projects of SIO RAS in the seas surrounding Russia


7 1. Antarctic Bottom Water transport through SA abyssal channels [E.G. Morozov et al.] – multiple publications, 2000-2010

8 Vema Channel is a deep passage (4700 m) for AABW in the Rio Grande Rise (4200 m deep plateau) The transport of AABW in the Vema Channel is estimated at 3 Sv. Mean velocities are 30 cm/s; Maximum velocities reach 60 cm/s

9 Stations occupied in the Vema Channel

10 Potential temperature across the Vema Channel The flow is strongly mixed. The coldest water is displaced to the eastern wall of the channel due to the Ekman friction

11 Meridional velocity in Vema Channel Note the southward countercurrent above 4100 m

12 Velocity profile in Chain F.Z. Total transport through the Chain F.Z. is estimated as 0.1 Sv “Bifurcation” of the flow while sinking from 4000 m to 4500 m. Agreement with laboratory model experiment.

13 2. CURRENTS AND WATER MASSES IN THE SOUTH ATLANTIC Golivetz S.V., and M.N. Koshlyakov, Cyclonic Eddies of the Subantarctic Front and Formation of the Antarctic Intermediate Water. Oceanology 43, 305–317. 2003. Golivetz S.V., and M.N. Koshlyakov, Eddy Formation at the Subantarcic Front from Sattellite Observations and Formation of the Antarctic Intermediate Water. Oceanology 44, 451–460. 2004. Golivetz S.V., and M.N. Koshlyakov, Synoptic Eddies of the Subantarctic and Agulhas Fronts and Generation of the Antarctic Intermediate Water. Oceanology 49, 151–165. Gladyshev S.V., M.N. Koshlyakov, and R.Yu. Tarakanov, Currents in the Drake Passage Based on Observations in 2007. Oceanology 48, 821–833, 2008. Koshlyakov M.N., S.V. Gladyshev, R.Yu. Tarakanov, and N.I. Ryzhikov, Deep Currents in the Central Part of Drake Passage based on the Data of 2008 Hydrographic Survey. Oceanology, 2010 (in press). Tarakanov R. Yu., Circumpolar Bottom Water in the Scotia Sea and the Drake Passage, Oceanology 50 (1), 1–1, 2010. M.V. Koshlyakov

14 Abyssal and deep water masses at section Drk03 1) 11-15/12/2003 – R/V Akademik Vavilov 2) 8-14/11/2005 – R/V Akademik Ioffe 3) 16-20/11/2005 – R/V Akademik Ioffe 4) 11-19/11/2007 – R/V Akademik Ioffe 5) 23/10-3/11/2008 – R/V Akademik Vavilov 6) 1-20/1/2010 – R/V Akademik Ioffe

15 Circulation and upper boundary depth of Weddel Sea Deep Water in the Scotia Sea and Drake Passage

16 Water exchange in the Circumpolar Bottom Water layer across Drk03 and Drk07 sections based on LADCP measurements Nearly zero total transport of CBW, as well as WSDW seen in three sections (2003, 2007, 2010) may indicate that the Shackleton Ridge has significantly greater influence on the deep and bottom water circulation than previously thought

17 Hydrographic survey of 2008 in Drake Passage

18 Geostrophic currents in the bottom layer, and virtual pathway of ABW propagation

19 Hypothetic new mechanism of Antarctic Intermediate Water formation due to the SAF cyclonic eddies

20 Example of synoptic SSH anomaly in the western South Atlantic10.10.2000) showing several cyclonic eddies Example of synoptic SSH anomaly in the western South Atlantic (10.10.2000) showing several cyclonic eddies

21 Balance component Water transport, 10 6 m 3 /с Transport of salt content anomaly with reference to the mean salinity of the box, 10 5 kg/s Subantarctic Front cyclones10.0–17.6 Subantarctic Front anticyclones–1.42.2 Agulhas Front anticyclones13.30.5 South Atlantic Current–17.55.3 Currents on the northern boundary of the box –4.9–3.1 Mixing on the upper boundary of the box–8.0 Mixing on the lower boundary of the box–3.3 Isopycnal mixing on the northern boundary of the box –2.8 Isopycnal mixing on the open part of the box boundary along 20°E ––0.2 Vertical advection on the upper boundary of the box –1.6–3.6 Vertical advection on the lower boundary of the box2.12.4 Components of the water and salt balances in the layer of Antarctic Intermediate Water in the South Atlantic Notice: Positive values of the transports of water and salt content anomalies mean flow of water into the box and salinification of water in it. Negative values mean water outflow and freshening. 8

22 Zavialov, P.O., A.G. Kostianoy, and O.O. Moller Jr. Tracing Freshwater Discharge Effects on South Brazilian Shelf, Geophys. Res. Letters, doi:10.1029/2003GL018265, 2003. Zavialov, P.O., O.O. Moller Jr., and E.D. Campos, SAFARI Cruise: Direct Measurements of Currents on South Brazilian Shelf. Continental Shelf Res., 2002. 3. SHELF CIRCULATION IN SW ATLANTIC, AND ROLE OF LA PLATA DISCHARGE

23 Analysis of velocity data collected on SWA shelf




27 Northward countercurrent on the SWA shelf

28 SAFARI Cruise (May 2002)

29 “Zoo” of temperature inversions in La Plata ROFI

30 “Zoo” of temperature inversions in ROFI No inversion (away from ROFI) Typical inversions

31 SAFARI Cruise: Depth of T max, m 40 50 30 15 50

32 SAFARI Cruise: (T max -T surf ), o C 2 3 4 1 2

33 SAFARI Cruise: Synthetic TS diagram Cold season temperature anomalies in La Plata ROFI are 70- 80% due to air- sea interactions in the presence of buoyancy controlled stratification - and only 20-30% due to mixing with river waters


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