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Reporting on Programme of Measures (Art. 13)
WG DIKE Dr. Jan Cools (29-30/9/2014, Brussels)
- Introduction Principles & Lessons learned
Re-use of data and information Reduce duplication of reporting More clarity on expected products Aim for more consistency and comparability Link reporting and assessment methodology Based on following documents MSFD reporting on monitoring MSFD PoM Recommendation WFD 2016 Reporting Guidance, incl. pre-defined ‘key types of measures’ (KTM’s)
Categories of measures
Category of measures Reporting needs 1. Existing measures under other policies (mostly WFD) 1a. Fully implemented 1b. Not yet (fully) implemented LIMITED Concise overview of current and future contributions to marine GES and targets Gap analysis Reference to source doc 2. Additional measures 2a. Extension of existing measures MORE EXTENSIVE Reference to original measure Additional aspects needed to achieve GES and targets 2b. Completely new measures DETAILED REPORTING Not elsewhere reported
Key Type of Measures (WFD)
25 KTM’s Measures for MSFD categories 1a, 1b : existing measures 2a : extend existing measures Examples of the relevance of WFD KTM’s to MSFD KTM (WFD) Relevance for MSFD 1 Construction or upgrades of wastewater treatment plants Reduction of nutrient loads & solid particles (D5, D10) 2 Reduce nutrient pollution from agriculture Reduction of nutrient loads (D5) 3 Reduce pesticides pollution from agriculture. Reduction of contaminants loads (D8, D9)
Key Type of Measures (MSFD)
12 additional KTM’s Measures under MSFD category 2b (new) KTM’s selected to cover Main pressures to the marine environment (not covered under WFD KTM’s) Cross-cutting measures (e.g. research, economic incentives)
Proposed new KTMs for MSFD reporting
26. Address physical loss of seabed habitats in the marine environment 27. Address physical damage to the marine environment 28. Address inputs of energy to the marine environment, incl. underwater noise 29. Address marine littler 30. Address interferences with hydrological processes in the marine environment 31. Address contamination by hazardous substances (synthetic substances, non-synthetic substances, radio-nuclides) and the systematic and/or intentional release of substances in the marine environment from sea-based or air-based sources 32. Address nutrient and organic matter inputs to the marine environment from sea-based or air-based sources 33. Address the introduction and spread of non-indigenous species 34. Address biological disturbances in the marine environment from the selective extraction of species including incidental non-target catches 35. Address other types of biological disturbance, including death, injury, disturbance and translocation of marine species, introduction of genetically-modified individuals and introduction of microbial pathogens 36. Spatial Protection Measures for the marine environment 37. Economic incentives (Annex VI MSFD) 38. Research, improvement of knowledge base reducing uncertainty in the marine environment
Expected products From PoM reporting
Reporting sheets (data-based, quantitative) National fact sheets (descriptive) Assessment report (Art.16) Extended WFD reporting (to cover MSFD needs) MS COM
Reporting sheets: KTM level
List of specific measures Type of measures (1a, 1b, 2a, 2b) Targets (Art.10) & Pressures Pre-defined quantitative indicators Indicator values Gap analysis i.e. monitor progress towards achieving targets reducing pressures Implementing measures Value of 0 = target achieved = measure implemented Exceptions (art. 14)
Reporting fields on individual measures
based on fields in WFD reporting sheets Under WFD, info on individual measures available at national level; Not reported to COM Fields to be covered: Measure Code / Measure Name Type of measure (1a, 1b, 2a, 2b) Geographic coverage of the measure Measure description (if needed) Expected contribution to MSFD GES, Targets and Pressures Any potential obstacles to its successful implementation Lead organisation for implementation of the measure Partners assisting in the implementation of the measure Cost and financing of measure (has financing been secured) Sources of Funding
Outline for national fact sheets
For each descriptor and associated targets General questions Specific questions Identification of new measures Other questions
+ Extended reporting under WFD for MSFD
Fit MSFD needs into WFD 2016 Reporting Guidance 6 questions already in WFD guidance 3 additional questions proposed – link measure to descriptor, Annex III categories (pressures, impact, features) and MSFD targets How?: By proposing « reporting boxes » to WFD guidance Schema element: MSFDRelevance Field type / facets: Yes, No, Unclear Guidance: Required: Is this measure relevant for the purpose of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive?
Outcome of WG DIKE - OVERALL: Approach welcomed, with a need to clarify following: Who is filling the boxes: WFD or MSFD unit? Discrepancies with PoM recommendation KTM approach for MSFD – List of KTM's – Illustrate with examples – Add coordination measures, awareness raising, … Clarify how to assign a measure to a specific KTM Format of national / regional fact sheets How to phase in measures from other policies than WFD? (fisheries, off-shore pollution, natura2000) - Look for solution on management measures, licenses etc… Financing of measures KTM Art. 16 assessment – sufficient to achieve targets (more flexible than WFD KTM "indicators") – Illustration by case studies Regional cooperation better in paper Timeline after Nov 2014 up to 2016 (road map)
PoM concept paper: timing
- 17 Oct 2014 Written comments on concept paper Oct / Nov 2014 Present outcomes of WG DIKE at WG ESA, WG GES and WG POM (WFD). Check with WG DIS and SCG?? End Oct 2014 Small drafting team meeting (BRU), revising the PoM concept paper during meeting End Oct Send revised PoM concept paper to MSCG 10-11 Nov 2014 MSCG (Agree on principles) 24-26 Nov 2014 WD-MD (agree on outstanding issues)
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