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A Face in space The moon & its phases.

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Presentation on theme: "A Face in space The moon & its phases."— Presentation transcript:

1 a Face in space The moon & its phases

2 Why can we only see parts of the moons above???
What are the following??? Why can we only see parts of the moons above???

3 A Little About the Moon The moon, is by far, the brightest object in the sky. Its presence and changing appearance when viewed from Earth have raised questions, inspired myths and legends, shaped our calendar and even determine some religious holidays.

4 The Moon and Islam: The moon is used to determine the Islamic holidays of Eid and Ramadan. There is even a separate Islamic calendar that is determined by the moon in the sky. The crescent moon indicates the beginning of the month, a half moon indicates the middle of the month and a full moon indicates the end of the month...

5 A little more about the moon...
The moon takes the same time to complete one full turn on its own axis as it takes to orbit the earth. The face of the moon seen from Earth is far less mountainous and rugged than the other side. Unlike the Earth, the moon has no atmosphere. There is no air, no water on the surface, no wind or rain.

6 The Moon Landing In the mid to late 20th Century, the Soviet Union (now known as Russia) and the United States of America were locked in a battle called the ‘Space Race’. Conflict between the two countries meant both wanted to gain a military advantage over the other by controlling technologies in space. The former Soviet Union were the first country to land a man-made object on the moon, with the spacecraft Luna 2 arriving on the moon’s surface in September 1959. Despite this, the USA was the first country to put a man on the moon, achieved on the 20th July 1969, with Neil Armstrong delivering the famous words “one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”.

7 Phases of the Moon: The moon is visible from Earth only because it reflects light from the sun. As the moon orbits the Earth, it turns so that the same side of the moon always faces the Earth. At night, during darkness, this side of the moon is sometimes completely bathed in sunlight. This is a full moon. When the moon is between the sun and the Earth, its near side is facing away from the sun and is in complete darkness. You are unable to see the moon. When the near side of the moon is partially bathed in sunlight and partially in shadow, you see only the part in the sunlight.

8 Phases of the Moon: The different shapes of the moon that you see from Earth are called PHASES. Science Fact: The word ‘month’ come from the Old English word ‘mona’, meaning moon. In early calendars, a month was the length of time between full moons. This period is called a lunar month. The Islamic calendar is still based on the lunar month. Waxing =getting bigger Wanning=getting smaller This cycle takes 29 and a half days.

9 Phases of the Moon: New moon: Full moon:
when the moon is between the sun and the Earth. Side of the moon we see is the near side, or dark side of the moon. Full moon: When the Earth lies between the sun and the moon. It takes 29.5 days from one new moon to the next.

10 Lunar Phases of the Moon:

11 Quick Check: True(T) or False (F)
The US was the first country to land a man-made object on the Moon. Neil Armstrong was the first man to land on the moon. The moon always faces the same side of the Earth. A new moon occurs when the moon is between the sun and the Earth. A full moon occurs when the Earth lies between the Sun and the moon.

12 Eclipses: Solar Eclipse: when the moon passes between the sun and Earth If all of sun hidden=total eclipse If only part of sun hidden=partial eclipse Figure 1.1-Moon passes between the sun and the Earth

13 Eclipses: Lunar Eclipse: when the Earth is between the sun and the moon Earth shadow’s causes the moon to become less visible Figure 1.1-Moon passes into Earth’s shadow

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