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Katlynn Weathers Soil 4213 April 10, 2013.  What is precision agriculture?  What makes it so special?  How can grid soil sampling help?

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Presentation on theme: "Katlynn Weathers Soil 4213 April 10, 2013.  What is precision agriculture?  What makes it so special?  How can grid soil sampling help?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Katlynn Weathers Soil 4213 April 10, 2013

2  What is precision agriculture?  What makes it so special?  How can grid soil sampling help?

3  Purpose of Soil Sampling (Why) Determine fertilizer and lime needs Influence management decisions * Too much fertilizer reduced nutrient use efficiency * Not enough fertilizer will hurt yields

4  Previous management Significantly altered soil nutrient levels Confined livestock areas Unknown management practices from previous years Desire for more information  Smaller fields merged into one

5 ........................................................................................... Composite / Random Zone Grid

6 123456 789101112 131415161718 192021222324 252627282930 313233343536 373839404142 434445464748 Field Border Grid Cell Sample ID #

7 ................ Center of Grid Samplepoints W/ in Grid Cell........................ Center of Grid


9 Soil Test P Potassium pH

10  How will you use this information??? Layering  Prices in Oklahoma Flat rate per acre (Central OK) $4.50 -$5.50 VRT per acre (Northern OK) $6.00 - $8.00

11 Advantages  More accurate  Layering of data  Nutrients  Has the potential to save money and increase yields* Disadvantages  Cost  Time  Not ideal for all locations  Specialized equipment


13 1. University of Missouri Extension 2. University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension olderId=506359&name=DLFE-12661.pdf 3. West Virgina University Extension Service wide_Project.pdf 4. University of Nebraska-Lincoln 5. Clemson Extension /AGRO/IL63.pdf /AGRO/IL63.pdf

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