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Service User Involvement… A Partnership Approach Substance Misuse Partnership Commissioning Team Caroline Abbott Diane Lee Caroline Marshall Catherine.

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Presentation on theme: "Service User Involvement… A Partnership Approach Substance Misuse Partnership Commissioning Team Caroline Abbott Diane Lee Caroline Marshall Catherine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Service User Involvement… A Partnership Approach Substance Misuse Partnership Commissioning Team Caroline Abbott Diane Lee Caroline Marshall Catherine Piper Jez Mitchell Pamela Kennett

2 Strategic Overview of the Commissioning Team What do we do as a team ? Who do we commission ? What services are provided ?

3 Caroline Abbott Head of Public Health Substance Misuse (NTA commissioning and treatment lead) Diane Lee Substance Misuse Programme Manager (PCT commissioning and criminal justice lead) Pam Kennett Business Coordinator Caroline Marshall Project Development Manager Catherine Piper Services Coordinator Jez Mitchell Development Worker (secondment) Commissioning Team

4 Substance Misuse – our current position 2008/09 Annual Needs Assessment 2764 Problematic Drug Users (PDUs) 1905 (69%) engaged in treatment over past 2 years 859 PDUs not accessing services Increasingly ageing population

5 Needs Assessment 2008 Key treatment planning priorities -IDTS & HMP & YOI New Hall -Safeguarding agenda -Improving social re-integration -Improving treatment journey -Improve TOP compliance -Improve commissioning of Tier 4 treatment -Maintain service user involvement


7 Why do we need SU involvement? Service users tell us they do better in substance misuse treatment when they are directly involved in defining their needs and in the development, delivery and evaluation of the treatment they have offered to them. They are a vital member of the partnership approach we take to offering the best substance misuse treatment and care we can in the Wakefield District.

8 Service User Involvement Involvement increases people’s choices and control in their lives and most people want a say in the delivery of services that affect their lives. Involvement leads to services that people want to use and results in needs-led services. Involvement reduces discrimination and makes services more accessible

9 Local Picture In May 2006 informal research was undertaken by the Project Development Manager with services users within substance misuse treatment services to determine their views and suggestions for service improvement around service user involvement and harm reduction provision in Wakefield. This was the start of a partnership journey which has enabled commissioners, providers and service users to evolve and develop processes which are integral to the service user involvement framework.

10 This led to Commissioners developing a partnership: Service User and Carer Strategy Service User Action Plan Service User Involvement Model

11 Local Picture From the Action Plan we developed a Service User Forum consisting of service user representatives from the treatment system who are the voice and link for all service users. The reps are instrumental in supporting the different levels of service user involvement we see today:

12 This is the Forum’s official logo created by the service user representatives and used on all documentation

13 Local Picture – Service User Forum The Service User Forum has it’s own: Constitution Terms of Reference Model Budget Personal Development Plans Success within field: 6 Reps have progressed and are employed as Substance Misuse Workers 2 Reps have progressed and are Support Workers specifically around service user involvement Used as an example of good practice in the PCT PPI Toolkit

14 Service User Forum Operational Level Coordinate service user groups and activities Lead on peer led research Produce service user magazine Support client participation surveys Facilitate peer led training i.e. overdose and safer injecting Participate public health training courses including participatory appraisal training

15 Service User Forum Strategic Level Consult and participate in the delivery of service user improvement and delivery within commissioning and provider functions Members of commissioning and provider work groups

16 Service User Involvement Model Service user involvement – at all levels Progression: Service User Representative Progression: Volunteer Progression: Skills and knowledge to apply for paid employment

17 Service User Model The Model has developed over the last 2 years with a partnership approach. Service users have the opportunity and support to gain confidence, skills, knowledge by participating at different levels of the Model Alternative pathway leading to Job Centre plus employment/training programmes

18 Future plans Balance Scorecard – Measurement outcome tool for service users Development Personal/Professional Files Peer Led training and facilitation Peer Led research Increase number Service User Representatives Increase Volunteer roles Service users participating interview panels

19 Caroline Marshall Project Development Manager Substance Misuse Public Health Email –

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