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Poultry species & breeds White Leghorns White Leghorns White Lay white eggs Most popular layers.

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2 Poultry species & breeds

3 White Leghorns White Leghorns White Lay white eggs Most popular layers

4 White Plymouth Rock White meat Popular broilers for meat (breeding stock) Brown Eggs

5 Rhode Island Reds Red-brown feathers brown Lay brown eggs (red earlobes)

6 Cornish Foundation for the broiler industry Ultimate meat bird

7 Broad-breasted Bronze Turkey

8 Broad-breasted Large White Turkey

9 Duck

10 Geese

11 Quail

12 Livestock species & breeds

13 Landrace Originated in Denmark Drooped ears Known for their maternal instincts White Long Flatter-topped than other breeds

14 Berkshire Originated in England Black with white legs, snout and switch Once kept at Buckingham Palace Known for producing high quality meats Erect ears

15 Chester White Originated in Chester County, Pennsylvania White with drooped ears Mothering breed Known to produce large litters

16 Duroc Originated in the United States Solid red Drooped ears Slight dish to the face Excellent meat type hog

17 Hampshire Originated in the United States Probably the oldest American breed Black with a white belt Small, erect ears Well-known meat breed

18 Yorkshire Originated in England White Large, erect ears Known as “The Mother Breed” Produces large litters Bacon-type hog

19 Pot Bellied Pig

20 Types of Cattle Are all types of cattle alike? What about these two? Will they be used for the same purpose?

21 1. Angus

22 Originated from Scotland Solid Black and Polled Red Angus-same characteristics recessive gene for red color Known for marbling quality and mothering/milking ability Most registered breed

23 2. Hereford

24 Hereford

25 2. Hereford Red body & White face, switch, underline, feet Originated in England Good temperament=docile, good foraging ability, hardy, fertile Poor milkers


27 3. Charolais

28 Originated in France White to cream-straw colored Very large framed and polled Fast growing Thick muscled


30 4. Brahman

31 Originated in India Colors range from red, gray, white, and black Heat tolerant, insect/disease resistant

32 Have large pendulous sheath, big floppy ears and a humpHave large pendulous sheath, big floppy ears and a hump Docile bullsDocile bulls


34 Simmental

35 Shorthorn

36 Breeds of Dairy Cattle

37 1. Holstein Most popular dairy breed and largest framed Originated in Holland Colors are mix of black and white or ( red & white – not as common)

38 Holstein

39 2. Jersey Originated on the Isle of Jersey (coast of France) Colors are light gray to fawn. Smallest of dairy breeds


41 3. Ayrshire Originated in Scotland Color - red and white spotted

42 4. Brown Swiss Hardy breed Originated in Switzerland Light brown or gray in color

43 5. Guernsey Fawn & white in color Originated on the Isle of Guernsey (coast of France) Milk has a rich taste & golden color Higher % of butterfat & beta carotene


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