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Exploring Office 2003 - Grauer and Barber 1 Committed to Shaping the Next Generation of IT Experts. Chapter 2 - Gaining Proficiency BCIS 1405 Session #

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Presentation on theme: "Exploring Office 2003 - Grauer and Barber 1 Committed to Shaping the Next Generation of IT Experts. Chapter 2 - Gaining Proficiency BCIS 1405 Session #"— Presentation transcript:

1 Exploring Office 2003 - Grauer and Barber 1 Committed to Shaping the Next Generation of IT Experts. Chapter 2 - Gaining Proficiency BCIS 1405 Session # 12 Exploring Microsoft PowerPoint 2003

2 Exploring Office 2003 - Grauer and Barber 2 Objectives (1 of 2) Insert a table onto a PowerPoint slide Add headers and footers to slides and/or the audience handouts Use Rehearse Timings feature Create a hidden slide Send a presentation for review; accept and reject reviewer edits

3 Exploring Office 2003 - Grauer and Barber 3 Objective (2 of 2) Import a Word outline as the basis for a presentation Download a photograph from the Web for inclusion in a presentation Insert a hyperlink into a presentation Insert a photo album in a presentation Use the AutoContent Wizard as the basis for a presentation

4 Exploring Office 2003 - Grauer and Barber 4 Slide Show Tools Hidden Slide Set Up Show command Rehearsed timings Table Insert Table command

5 Exploring Office 2003 - Grauer and Barber 5 Insert Table Command Choose Amount of Columns and Rows Insert Table command

6 Exploring Office 2003 - Grauer and Barber 6 Header and Footer Header and Footer command Slide number Date/Time Add Footer

7 Exploring Office 2003 - Grauer and Barber 7 Go To Slide Command Right Click Screen Go to Slide

8 Exploring Office 2003 - Grauer and Barber 8 Annotate a Slide Slide Show view  Right Click Pointer Options Click Pen  Or, Ctrl + P

9 Exploring Office 2003 - Grauer and Barber 9 Send for Review Send To command Attached slide Recipient’s email Add note

10 Exploring Office 2003 - Grauer and Barber 10 Reviewing a Presentation Click to see details Suggested changes Revisions Pane Reviewing toolbar

11 Exploring Office 2003 - Grauer and Barber 11 Hands-on Exercise 1 (Pages 772-780) Title of Exercise: Slide Show Tools Objective: to use the Rehearse Timings feature to practice your delivery; to use the Slide Navigator, pen, and Meeting Minder during a presentation.  Input file: Blank document  Output file: My First Document

12 Exploring Office 2003 - Grauer and Barber 12 PowerPoint and the Internet Internet World Wide Web (WWW) Hyperlink HTML Save As Web Page command

13 Exploring Office 2003 - Grauer and Barber 13 Search the Web for a Picture Save the picture Right Click Picture + Choose Save Picture As

14 Exploring Office 2003 - Grauer and Barber 14 Insert Picture Insert the picture Insert Picture command Locate the saved picture

15 Exploring Office 2003 - Grauer and Barber 15 Insert Sound on a Slide Insert Object Create

16 Exploring Office 2003 - Grauer and Barber 16 Move and Size an Object Click mouse on sizing handle (corner) to size and drag to size Click and hold mouse to drag and move

17 Exploring Office 2003 - Grauer and Barber 17 Photo as Background Insert the picture Locate Picture Format Menu and Background command Click drown down arrow and choose fill effects

18 Exploring Office 2003 - Grauer and Barber 18 Photo as Background

19 Exploring Office 2003 - Grauer and Barber 19 Copyright Protection Copyright Copyright Infringement Public domain Fair use Footnote Endnote Insert Footnote command Software piracy

20 Exploring Office 2003 - Grauer and Barber 20 Hands-on Exercise 2 (Pages 783-790) Title of Exercise: The Internet as a Resource Objective: to import slides from an outline; to download a picture from the Internet and use it in a PowerPoint presentation  Input file: New Presentation  Output file: Extinction of the Dinosaurs

21 Exploring Office 2003 - Grauer and Barber 21 Fun With Photographs The Photo Album  Import multiple photographs into your PowerPoint Presentation  Specify if you want one, two, or three photos per slide  Photos can be imported from your hard disk, a scanner, or a digital camera  Photos can become a backgrounds for your slides using the Format Background command  Photos can be used as Fill for WordArt using the Format WordArt command

22 Exploring Office 2003 - Grauer and Barber 22 Sample Fun with Photos… Sample Photo Album

23 Exploring Office 2003 - Grauer and Barber 23 Sample Fun with Photos… Cropped Photos

24 Exploring Office 2003 - Grauer and Barber 24 Sample Fun with Photos… Photo as Background

25 Exploring Office 2003 - Grauer and Barber 25 Sample Fun with Photos… Black and White Transition

26 Exploring Office 2003 - Grauer and Barber 26 Sample Fun with Photos… Photo as WordArt

27 Exploring Office 2003 - Grauer and Barber 27 Sample Fun with Photos… Credits and Sound

28 Exploring Office 2003 - Grauer and Barber 28 Photographs: Files Formats and File Folders Files Formats  My Pictures folder is a good area to store and manage photographs Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) JPEG format (.jpg) is most popular for photographs and file sizes are manageable Graphics Interchange Format (GIF)  GIF format (.gif) is used mostly for clip art and file sizes are usually large than JPEG

29 Exploring Office 2003 - Grauer and Barber 29 Create a Photo Album Insert + New Photo Album Insert Picture Locate picture Select Picture

30 Exploring Office 2003 - Grauer and Barber 30 Transitions and Animations Entrance effect Apply Animation

31 Exploring Office 2003 - Grauer and Barber 31 Hands-on Exercise 3 (Pages 794-803) Title of Exercise: Fun with Photographs Objective: create a photo album; use cropping and other techniques to enhance photographs, apply custom animation to various slides  Input file: New Presentation with New Photo Album  Output file: My Photo Album

32 Exploring Office 2003 - Grauer and Barber 32 AutoContent Wizard Task Pane  Asks a series of questions  Builds an automatic Color Scheme  Builds a general Outline  Helps you get started

33 Exploring Office 2003 - Grauer and Barber 33 Hands-on Exercise 4 (Pages 807-811) Title of Exercise: The AutoContent Wizard Objective: use the AutoContent wizard to create a generic presentation for subsequent modification; insert a hyperlink on a presentation slide  Input file: New Presentation using AutoContent Wizard  Output file: Our First Exam

34 Exploring Office 2003 - Grauer and Barber 34 Chapter 2 Summary Develop content first Use slide show tools Format presentation Use the Internet Work with Photographs Use the AutoContent Wizard

35 Exploring Office 2003 - Grauer and Barber 35 End-of-Chapter Exercises Multiple Choice Practice Exercises (Instructor to choose one)  Exercise 1 – Composite Photographs  Exercise 2 – Impressionist  Exercise 3 – My Favorite Presidents  Exercise 4 – My State or Country  Exercise 5 – Hidden Slides  Exercise 6 – Creating a Timeline  Exercise 7 – Look Ahead  Exercise 8 – A Business Plan

36 Exploring Office 2003 - Grauer and Barber 36 Questions?

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