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Scalar field quintessence by cosmic shear constraints from VIRMOS-Descart and CFHTLS and future prospects July 2006, Barcelona IRGAC 2006 In collaboration.

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Presentation on theme: "Scalar field quintessence by cosmic shear constraints from VIRMOS-Descart and CFHTLS and future prospects July 2006, Barcelona IRGAC 2006 In collaboration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scalar field quintessence by cosmic shear constraints from VIRMOS-Descart and CFHTLS and future prospects July 2006, Barcelona IRGAC 2006 In collaboration with: I.Tereno, J.-P.Uzan, Y.Mellier, (IAP), L.vanWaerbeke (British Columbia U.),... Carlo Schimd DAPNIA / CEA Saclay @ DUNE Team & Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris Based on: astro-ph/0603158

2 Dark energy: parametrization.vs. “physics” inspired {baryons, , } + DM + GR {baryons, , } + DM + GR alone cannot account for the cosmological dynamics seen by CMB + LSS + SNe +...    GR : not valid anymore?  scalar-tensor theories, braneworld, etc. Other “matter” fields?  cosmological constant, quintessence, K-essence, etc. Dark energy Dark energy  H(z)-H r+m+GR (z)  1/0 approach: 1/0 approach: parameterization of w(z)  departures from  CDM limitation in redshift ? pivot redshift z p : observable/dataset dependent Not adapted for combining low-z and high-z observables and/or several datasets parameters  physics # p.: limitation to likelihood computation     perturbations: how ? Fitted T(k) Physics-inspired approach: Physics-inspired approach: classes  experimental/observational tests  high-energy physics ?!  w : full redshift range  small # p.  perturbations: consistently accounted for Uzan, Aghanim, Mellier (2004); Uzan, astro-ph/0605313  Validity of Copernican principle?  effect of inhomogeneities?

3      geodesic deviation equation Quintessence by cosmic shear. I convergence  shear      N-pts  2-pts correlation functions in real space: Remark: just geometry, valid also for ST gravity C.S., J.-P.Uzan, A.Riazuelo (2004) obs gal LSS:  M ap 2   v i

4 angular distance  angular distance  q(z); 3D  2D projection growth factor  growth factor  amplitude of 3D L/NL power spectrum   amplitude + shape of 2D spectra with respect to , quintessence modifies Quintessence by cosmic shear. II NON-LINEAR regime:  N-body:  N-body:...  mappings:  mappings: stable clustering, halo model, etc.: NL P m (k,z) = f [ L P m (k,z)] e.g. Peacock & Dodds (1996) Smith et al. (2003) calibrated with  CDM N-body sim, 5-10% agreement Huterer & Takada (2005) QCDM  GR  Poisson eq. normalization to high-z (CMB): ...normalization to high-z (CMB): the modes k enter in non-linear regime (  (k)  1 ) at different time  3D non-linear power spectrum is modified  2D shear power spectrum is modified by k = / S K (z)     Ansatz:  Ansatz:  c, bias, c, etc. not so much dependent on cosmology  at every z we can use them, provided we use the correct linear growth factor (defining the onset of the NL regime)...

5 ** Riazuelo & Uzan (2002) C.S., Uzan & Riazuelo (2004) * * CMB can be taken into account at no cost  Q models:  Q models: self-interacting scalar field minimally/non-minimally couled to g  ** *pipeline  no fit for power spectra  (restricted) parameter space:  (restricted) parameter space:  Q, , n s, z source  ; marginalization over z source

6 wide survey : Q - geometrical effects (IPL) inverse power law Peacock & Dodds (1996) real data CFHTLS wide/22deg2 (real data) synth CFHTLS wide/170deg2 (synth)   top-hat top-hat variance aperture mass variance > 20 arcmin only scales > 20 arcmin synth CFHTLS wide/170deg2 (synth) top-hat top-hat variance

7 wide survey : Q - geometrical effects (SUGRA) SUGRA Peacock & Dodds (1996) real data CFHTLS wide/22deg2 (real data) synth CFHTLS wide/170deg2 (synth)   top-hat top-hat variance aperture mass variance > 20 arcmin only scales > 20 arcmin synth CFHTLS wide/170deg2 (synth) top-hat top-hat variance

8 cosmic shear + SNe + CMB : Q equation of state inverse power law SUGRA (n s,z s ): marginalized ; all other parameters: fixed SNe: confirmed literature TT-CMB: rejection from first peak (analytical (Doran et al. 2000) & numerical)  Mass scale M: indicative Cosmic shear Cosmic shear (real data only): IPL: IPL: strong degeneracy with SNe SUGRA: SUGRA: 1) beware of systematics! (wl: calibration when combining datasets) 2) limit case: prefectly known/excluded Q model (weakly  -dependence) Van Waerbeke et al. (2006) VIRMOS-Descart + CFHTLS deep + CFHTLS wide/22deg2 + “goldset”@SNe

9 Q by cosmic shear : Fisher matrix analysis CFHTLSwide/170  DUNE = real data analysis +: = real data analysis +  reion : all but ( ,  q,n s ) fixed, (  reion,z s ) marginalized  inverse-power law SNe “goldset” CFHTLSwide/170 TT @ CMB WMAP 1yr A = 170 deg 2 n gal = 20/arcmin 2 SUGRA DUNE (pi: A.Réfrégier): wide, shallow survey optimized for WL + SNe A= 20000 deg 2 n gal = 35/arcmin 2 All but ( ,  q ) fixed  inverse-power law present setup:

10 conclusions & prospects quintessence at low-z quintessence at low-z by SNe + cosmic shear, using high-z informations (TT-CMB/Cl normalization)   CDM dynamical models of DE (not parameterization):  CDM  wide, shallow cosmic shear surveys  wide, shallow cosmic shear surveys are suitable  data for the first time cosmic shear data to this task  NL regime:caveat NL regime: (two) L-NL mappings (caveat) Q parameters (seem to) feel only geometry   consistent joint analysis of high-z (CMB) and low-z (cosmic shear, Sne,...) observables  no stress between datasets; no pivot redshift analysisseveralparameters analysis of realistic (=dynamical) models of DE using several parameters other techniques other techniques: cross-correlations (ISW), 3pts functions, tomography Work in progress: pipeline: pipeline: Boltzmann code + lensing code + data analysis by grid method: in collaboration with: I.Tereno, Y.Mellier, J.-P. Uzan, R. Lehoucq, A. Réfrégier & DUNE team     1.2.  1. + CMB data; 2. MCMC analysis (Tereno et al. 2005)  astro-ph/0603158

11 Thank you

12  CMB:  CMB: TT anisotropy spectrum @ WMAP-1yr  initial conditions/  SNe:  SNe: “goldset”  cosmic shear:  cosmic shear: VIRMOS-Descart VanWaerbeke, Mellier, Hoekstra (2004) Semboloni et al. (2005) CFHTLS wide/22deg2 & 170deg2 (synth) wl observables: wl observables: top-hat variance; aperture mass variance  Riess et al. (2004) cosmic shear: cosmic shear: by wide-field imager/DUNE-like satellite mission  Hoekstra et al. (2005) normalization CFHTLS deep Q models, datasets & likelihood analysis (restricted) parameter space: (restricted) parameter space:  Q, , n s, z source  ; marginalization over z source Q models: U ;

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